Browsing Institutt for matematiske fag by Title
Now showing items 1428-1447 of 2526
n-cluster tilting subcategories for radical square zero algebras
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Naive motivic homotopy classes of endomorphisms of the projective line
(Master thesis, 2020)Vi studerer naive motiviske homotopiklasser av endomorfier av den projektive linja over en kropp. Først redegjør vi for Cazanaves resultat om at den kanoniske funksjonen fra naive til motiviske homotopiklasser er en ... -
Naive-commutative structure on rational equivariant K-theory for abelian groups
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we calculate the image of the connective and periodic rational equivariant complex K-theory spectrum in the algebraic model for naive-commutative ring G-spectra given by Barnes, Greenlees and Kędziorek for ... -
Native range estimates for red-listed vascular plants
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Besides being central for understanding both global biodiversity patterns and associated anthropogenic impacts, species range maps are currently only available for a small subset of global biodiversity. Here, we provide a ... -
Near wake region of an industrial scale wind turbine: comparing LES-ALM with LES-SMI simulations using data mining (POD)
(Journal article, 2017)Accurate prediction of power generation capability needs proper assessment of blade loading and wake behavior. In this regard, the Sliding Mesh Interface (SMI) approach and the Actuator Line Model (ALM) are two diverse ... -
Nearly Tight Diffie-Hellman-Based Key Exchange – A theoretical analysis of practical protocols
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å beskrive og analysere flere Diffie-Hellman- baserte nøkkelutvekslingsprotokoller, med vekt på skarpe sikkerhetsbevis. Sentralt i analysen er et enkelt og praktisk Diffie-Hellman-basert protokoll ... -
Nedre Otta kraftverk. Utredning av konsekvenser for harr, ørret og bunndyr i influensområdet
(NINA rapport;621, Research report, 2011)Bakgrunn: I januar 2009 sendte AS Eidefoss og Opplandskraft DA melding om Nedre Otta kraftverk ut på høring. Det er beskrevet to utbyggingsalternativer i meldinga. Alternativet ”Pillarguri” vil utnytte fallet mellom inntaket ... -
The Nehari problem for the Paley--Wiener space of a disc
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)There is a bounded Hankel operator on the Paley–Wiener space of a disc in R2 which does not arise from a bounded symbol. -
Nehari’s theorem for convex domain Hankel and Toeplitz operators in several variables
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We prove Nehari’s theorem for integral Hankel and Toeplitz operators on simple convex polytopes in several variables. A special case of the theorem, generalizing the boundedness criterion of the Hankel and Toeplitz operators ... -
Nerveteoremet i det endelege, kompakte og konvekse tilfellet i ℝⁿ
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Topologisk dataanalyse er eit fagfelt der ein brukar abstrakte topologiske verktøy til å rekna seg fram til «forma» til data, og i denne teksten så viser eg eit sentralt teorem i topologisk dataanalyse, kalla for ... -
Nested computational fluid dynamic modeling of mean turbulent quantities estimation in complex topography using AROME-SIMRA
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper presents a validation of the AROME-SIMRA model, which is a nested computational fluid dynamics model that simulates both mesoscale and microscale phenomena. To validate the model, we analyzed 47 h of mean flow ... -
A nested multi-scale model for assessing urban wind conditions : Comparison of Large Eddy Simulation versus RANS turbulence models when operating at the finest scale of the nesting
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Good understanding of micro-scale urban-wind phenomena is needed for optimizing power generation capabilities of building-integrated wind turbines and for safety of futuristic urban transport involving drones. The current ... -
Neural networks for genomic prediction
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker bruken av nevrale nettverk for genomisk prediksjon på enkeltnukleotidpolymorfismer (SNP-er) fra en vill populasjon av gråspurv. Til tross for suksessen til nevrale nettverk, har de ennå ikke ... -
Neural networks in Fréchet spaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We propose a neural network architecture in infinite dimensional spaces for which we can show the universal approximation property. Indeed, we derive approximation results for continuous functions from a Fréchet space X ... -
Neural Networks on Low-Rank and Stiefel Manifolds
(Master thesis, 2022)I denne oppgaven ser vi på effekten av dyp læring som optimal kontroll på mangfoldigheter. Vi utvikler og trener flere nettverk som bevarer lav-rang og ortogonalitet i treningsprosessen. Bibetingelsen til optimal kontroll ... -
New development of sprayed concrete with improved waterproofing, durability and sustainability performance
(Chapter, 2023)Sprayed concrete in combination with rock bolts is successfully being used for permanent rock support in tunnels. The main shortcoming is that sprayed concrete alone is unable to function as the permanent waterproofing ... -
New tests for trend in time censored recurrent event data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We consider testing for trend in recurrent event data. More precisely, for such data we consider testing of the null hypothesis of data coming from a renewal process. The new tests are essentially obtained by considering ... -
Newtons metode for komplekse polynomer: Hvordan finne røttene på en effektiv måte?
(Master thesis, 2010)Oppgaven omhandler bruk av Newtons metode på komplekse polynomer. Det gis et resultat som sier hvor mange startpunkter man trenger for å finne alle røttene til et polynom av grad d. Det gis også en øvre grense for hvor ... -
Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Next Generation Multiscale Methods for Reservoir Simulation
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:374, Doctoral thesis, 2016)In this thesis, we discuss multiscale simulation techniques for flow and transport in porous media, discretized on unstructured grids. The model equations considered are taken from the field of reservoir simulation, where ...