Browsing Institutt for elkraftteknikk by Title
Now showing items 1140-1159 of 2571
Impact of cyber failures on operation and adequacy of Multi-Microgrid distribution systems
(Journal article, 2023)The primary objective of this paper is to create a suitable reliability assessment framework for Cyber–Physical Multi-MicroGrid (CPMMG) distribution systems, considering the device-level failures of control and protection ... -
The impact of degradation on the investment and operation of a community battery for multiple services
(Chapter, 2022)The emergence of local energy communities (LECs) introduces new concepts and dynamics to the operations of distribution grids. An important part of LECs is the shared ownership or control of assets such as photovoltaic ... -
Impact of distributed capacitors on voltage profile and power losses in real low voltage distribution networks
(Chapter, 2018)Voltage control in low voltage distribution networks continues to remain an issue of significant importance. The large portion of long overhead lines with high R/X ratio has been the main reason that these circuits were ... -
Impact of energy communities on the European electricity and heating system decarbonization pathway: Comparing local and global flexibility responses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper investigates how the European electricity and heating system is impacted when medium-scale energy communities (ECs) are developed widely across Europe. We study the response on the capacity expansion of the ... -
Impact of energy pricing regimes on production schedules under solar-hydro hybridization
(Chapter, 2023)Hybridization of complementary energy production increases system flexibility and allows optimization of energy and resource availability. Hydropower and floating solar photovoltaics (FPV) have a high potential for ... -
Impact of Enhanced Spatial Resolution in Energy System Modeling: Investigating the Impact of Bidding Zone Disaggregation and Cost-Effective Grid Expansion in the North Sea
(Master thesis, 2024)Rask handling er nødvendig for a bekjempe effektene av klimaendingene. ˚ A˚ omstille det fossilbaserte energisystemet til et fornybart energibasert system, er avgjørende for a senke utslipp. Den europeiske unionen har satt ... -
Impact of Enhanced Spatial Resolution in Energy System Modeling: Investigating the Impact of Bidding Zone Disaggregation and Cost-Effective Grid Expansion in the North Sea
(Master thesis, 2024)Rask handling er nødvendig for a bekjempe effektene av klimaendingene. ˚ A˚ omstille det fossilbaserte energisystemet til et fornybart energibasert system, er avgjørende for a senke utslipp. Den europeiske unionen har satt ... -
Impact of EV Integration and Fast Chargers in a Norwegian LV Grid - An analysis based on data from a residential grid in Steinkjer
(Master thesis, 2018)Given a renewable power supply, the replacement of conventional vehicles with electric alternatives has the potential to significantly reduce climate gas emissions from the transport sector. Norway has implemented economic ... -
Impact of Fast Charging Stations on the Reliability of Electricity Supply in Distribution Networks
(Master thesis, 2019)Innen 2050 har Norge en ambisjon om å bli et lavutslippssamfunn med nullutslipp fra transportsektoren. Dette fører til en stor økning i elektrifisert transport, og følgende et behov for lading. Dermed installeres det i dag ... -
The impact of Flow-Based Market Coupling on the Nordic region
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The primary objective of capacity calculation is to reflect physical transmission limits in the power grid into limits on commercial trades at the electricity markets. The Nordic capacity calculation methodology is currently ... -
Impact of Grid Tariffs Design on the Zero Emission Neighborhoods Energy System Investments
(Chapter, 2019)This paper investigates the relationship between grid tariffs and investment in Zero Emission Neighborhoods (ZEN) energy system, and how the grid exchanges are affected. Different grid tariffs (energy based, time of use ... -
Impact of home- and destination charging on the geographical and temporal distribution of electric vehicle charging load
(Chapter, 2022)In this paper, we analyse how a shift from home charging to destination charging impacts the charging demand, based on data from a regional transport model and results from an EV survey. The impact and flexibility potential ... -
Impact of hydro-turbine and governor parameters on stability of grid connected power system
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Hydro-turbine and governor parameters affect power system stability. It is essential to identify the parameters of the hydraulic system, turbine, and governor to improve the powersystem stability. In this study, we carry ... -
Impact of Industrial Size Battery Storage Systems on Electricity Price Distribution
(Master thesis, 2023)Batterilagringssystemer (BLS) har vokst frem som en lovende teknologi for å håndtere energisikkerhetsutfordringene forårsaket av de uregelmessige egenskapene til Variabel Fornybar Energi (VFE). For å undersøke effekten av ... -
Impact of inertial response requirements on a multi area renewable network
(Chapter, 2017)Developments in renewable integration are continuously changing power system portfolios globally. Higher volatility of the networks might pose a threat to grid stability and thus increase the need for ancillary services. ... -
Impact of large-scale EV integration and fast chargers in a Norwegian LV grid
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Norway has implemented economic incentives over several years to encourage a transition from conventional vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs), and now has the largest share of EVs per capita in the world. In this study, ... -
Impact of Local Electricity Markets and Peer-to-Peer Trading on Grid Operations in a Norwegian Low-Voltage Distribution Grid
(Master thesis, 2020)Desentraliserte fornybare energiressurser er raskt på vei inn kraftsystemet, og introduserer både nye muligheter og utfordringer for systemets aktører. Tidligere passive forbrukere inntar prosumer-rollen og den tradisjonelle ... -
Impact of local electricity markets and peer-to-peer trading on low-voltage grid operations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Local electricity markets based on peer-to-peer (P2P) trading schemes have emerged as an innovative mechanism to sell electricity from prosumer to consumer, to utilise efficiently and value local flexibility, and to support ... -
Impact of Location of Frequency Reserves
(Master thesis, 2019)Andelen av fornybar produksjon og kapasitet på HVDC kabler i kraftsystemet er økende. Det forårsaker store og hyppige variasjoner i kraftflyt, redusert kinetisk energi i systemet og begrensede reserver tilgjengelig fra ... -
Impact of Modelling Details on the Generation Function for a Norwegian Hydropower Producer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In the following work the generation function relating water discharge to power output for a hydropower station is considered. The conventional approach to modelling the generation function has been to simplify it as a ...