Browsing Institutt for materialteknologi by Title
Now showing items 2504-2523 of 2559
Vacuum and Gas Refining of Silicon for Solar Cell Applications
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:244, Doctoral thesis, 2021)In this research, the vacuum and gas refining for P and B removal from Si to reach solar grade silicon (SoG – Si) are studied. The vacuum refining process is modeled by applying the Hertz – Knudsen – Langmuir evaporation ... -
Vacuum evaporation of pure metals
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Theories on the evaporation of pure substances are reviewed and applied to study vacuum evaporation of pure metals. It is shown that there is good agreement between different theories for weak evaporation, whereas there ... -
Vacuum refining of silicon at ultra-high temperatures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the production of solar grade silicon (SoG-Si), Phosphorus (P) removal from Si is a challenge as it cannot be eliminated effectively by the final key directional solidification step in the value chain of the silicon ... -
Validation and comparison of irradiation models for bifacial solar systems in the Nordics
(Master thesis, 2022)Abstract will be available on 2024-06-08 -
Validation of an Agilent GC-MS System With a Polyarc-FID
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Validering av en Agilent 8890 gasskromatograf (GC) med massespektrometer (MS), en polyarc-reaktor og flammeionisasjonsdetektor (FID) ble utført for oppdragsgiver, for å forsøke å oppnå en akkreditert metode for ... -
Valorization of aluminum dross with copper via high temperature melting to produce al-cu alloys
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The valorization of aluminum dross for Al recovery was performed via its mixing with metallic copper to produce Al-Cu alloys. This approach was with the intention of establishing a new smelting process to treat the dross ... -
Valorization of SiMn Sludge for Production of Low-Phosphorus Ferroalloys
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The sludge generated by wet scrubbing the off-gas from a silicomanganese plant in Norway represents a significant loss in silicon and manganese values. This work seeks to extract these values in the production of ferroalloys ... -
Van der Waals density functional study of the energetics of alkali metal intercalation in graphite
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)We report on the energetics of intercalation of lithium, sodium and potassium in graphite by density functional theory using recently developed van der Waals (vdW) density functionals. First stage intercalation compounds ... -
Vanadium Speciation in Petroleum Cokes for Anodes used in Aluminium Electrolysis
(Journal article, 2017)The expanding aluminium industry is facing challenges with availability in raw materials. A wider range of petroleum cokes are being taken into use, blurring the border between anode grade and fuel grade coke in anode ... -
Vannkvalitet i svømmebasseng: Vurdering av innvirkningen tilført råvann har på vannkvaliteten i bassenget
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Badende tilfører partikler, organisk materiale og andre kjemikalier til vannet. I dag brukes mekanisk rensing som sandfilter, kullfilter og UV-bestråling, i kombinasjon med kjemisk rensing som klor og koagulanter for å ... -
Vapor–liquid equilibria data for 2-piperidineethanol and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidine in aqueous solutions and a UNIQUAC model representation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This work reports equilibrium data for two amines, 2-piperidineethanol (2-PPE) and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)pyrrolidine (1-(2HE)PRLD), and their aqueous solutions. The pressure, temperature, and composition data are used to ... -
Vapour Pressure of Bi above Bi-Ti Alloys by Transpiration Method
(Master thesis, 2017)Titanium is an attractive metal with wide-ranging applications due to its properties. Titanium is one of the most corrosion resistant metals with the highest strength-to-weight ratio. The only industrial production route ... -
Varmtorsjonstesting av 3xxx-legeringer
(Master thesis, 2014)Styrkeeffekten av dispergerte partikler har blitt utforsket for en 3xxx-legering ved varmtorsjons-testing. Legeringens komposisjon var: 0,97wt.% Mn, 0,5wt.% Fe, 0,15wt.% Si og 0,05wt.% annet. Det er gjort fire forskjellige ... -
Verification of Experimentally Determined Permeability and Form Coefficients of Al2O3 Ceramic Foam Filters (CFF) at High and Low Flow Velocity Using a CFD Model
(Journal article, 2018)Filtration using Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) is a method widely used to separate inclusions from molten aluminium. In the present work, the specific permeability and form drag coefficients of nominal 50 mm thick commercial ... -
Very sharp diffraction peak in nonglass-forming liquid with the formation of distorted tetraclusters
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Understanding the liquid structure provides information that is crucial to uncovering the nature of the glass-liquid transition. We apply an aerodynamic levitation technique and high-energy X-rays to liquid (l)-Er2O3 to ... -
Vibrational spectroscopic study of pH dependent solvation at an Ge(100)-water interface during an electrode potential triggered surface termination transition.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The charge-dependent structure of interfacial water at the n-Ge(100)-aqueous perchlorate interface was studied by controlling the electrode potential. Specifically, a joint attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy ... -
Vinterdrift av 3G-kunstgressbaner: En undersøkelse av tungmetaller og salter i jord rundt en bane i Trøndelag
(Bachelor thesis, 2020)Varierende klimaforhold og stor etterspørsel for økt spilletid har ført til en drastisk økning i antall kunstgressbaner i Norge de siste tjue årene. Mesteparten av disse banene er 3G-baner som inneholder ifyll av gummigranulat. ... -
Vurdering av borevæske alternativer for Frigg feltutvikling
(Bachelor thesis, 2019)Valg av borevæsker er en vesentlig del av det teknologiske valget under planlegging av boreoperasjonen i feltutviklingsplanen. Den mest kostnadseffektive metoden er ønsket, men det miljømessige avtrykket er også et viktig ... -
Vurdering av nedbrytning basert på endringer i fysiske egenskaper for plasttekstil i lukkede oppdrettsanlegg
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Dette er en oppgave som er skrevet i samarbeid med Maintech. Målet er å undersøke degraderingsegenskapene hos en plasttekstil som Fiizk benytter ved produksjon av dukposer for semi-lukkede oppdrettsmerder. Plasttekstilen ... -
Water as a monomer: synthesis of an aliphatic polyethersulfone from divinyl sulfone and water
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Using water as a monomer in polymerization reactions presents a unique and exquisite strategy towards more sustainable chemistry. Herein, the feasibility thereof is demonstrated by the introduction of the oxa-Michael ...