Browsing Institutt for materialteknologi by Title
Now showing items 603-622 of 2562
EBSD based in-situ observationsof polycrystalline materials in the SEM
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:81, Doctoral thesis, 2009)The present PhD thesis is concerned with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) based in-situ observations of fine-scaled polycrystalline microstructures during thermomechanical processing in the scanning electron microscope ... -
EBSD Characterization of the Microstructure Evolution in (σ, χ)-containing SDSS Subjected to Long Term Heating
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Super duplex stainless steels (SDSS) are used in oil wells with high temperature and high pressure in the oil and gas industry due to the good combination of high corrosion resistance and excellent mechanical properties. ... -
EBSD karakterisering av et austenittisk rustfritt AISI 304 stål under in situ deformasjon ved ulike temperaturer
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne masteroppgaven kartlegger martensittdannelsen i et austenittisk rustfritt stål som følge av ytre påkjenninger i form av temperatur og spenning. Dette er gjort ved hjelp av in situ deformasjon i skanning elektronmikroskop ... -
EBSD Microstructure Characterization of 9% Nickel Steel during In Situ Heat Treatment
(Master thesis, 2015)The austenite content in 9% Ni steel was investigated with EBSD during and after in situ heating to different temperatures in the two phase region of the phase diagram, after first obtaining a coarse grained HAZ using weld ... -
EBSD Quantification of Retained Austenite in 9% Ni Steel Related to Thermal Treatments
(Chapter, 2015)The present work has been to study the effect of different finalizing preparation techniques on the amount of retained austenite measured with Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and X-Ray-Diffraction (XRD) analysis. ... -
EBSD undersøkelser og in situ strekktesting av stål i SEM
(Master thesis, 2012)Denne masteroppgaven har tatt for seg undersøkelser av stål designet for lavtemperaurappliksjoner ved bruk av elektronmikroskop i kombinasjon med diffraksjon av tilbakespredte elektroner (Electron Backscatter Diffraction ... -
EBSD-karakterisering av et HSLA-stål under in situ varmebehandling
(Master thesis, 2011)Ved sveising av HSLA-stål (High Strength Low Alloy) designet for lavtemperatur applikasjoner kan det dannes lokale sprø soner som martensitt/austenitt-faser (MA-faser). Det er derfor ønskelig å karakterisere austenitten ... -
EBSP Indexer - An open-source alternative to commercial EBSD software
(Master thesis, 2023)Elektron tilbakesprednings diffraksjon (EBSD) er blitt en godt etablert metode for å undersøke krystallstrukturer og -orienteringer i krystallografiske materialer, og som resultat har interessen for å presse begrensingene ... -
EBSP Indexer - Using and open-source dictionary indexing software for phase differentiation
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven presenterer utviklingen av en gratis programvare for analyse av tilbakespredte elektron diffraksjonsmønster (EBSD) kalt EBSP Indexer. Prosjektet er resultatet av et felles utviklingsarbeid av et team på tre ... -
Edge/basal/defect ratios in graphite and their influence on the thermal stability of lithium ion batteries
(Journal article, 2016)Raw graphite can be processed industrially in large quanta but for the graphite to be useful in lithium ion batteries (LIB's) certain parameters needs to be optimized. Some key parameters are graphite morphology, active ... -
Effect of (111)-oriented strain on the structure and magnetic properties of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Using strain, i.e. subtle changes in lattice constant in a thin film induced by the underlying substrate, opens up intriguing new ways to control material properties. We present a study of the effects of strain on structural ... -
Effect of (5%) CO2 on the Oxidation Rate During Cooling of Industrial Aluminum White Dross
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aluminum (Al) white dross is classified as hazardous waste and originates from the primary production of Al as a result of molten metal oxidation at an industrial scale. As the produced dross reduces the annual metallic ... -
Effect of a Boron Based Anion Receptor on Graphite and LiFePO4 Electrodes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The effect of a boron based anion receptor, tris (hexafluoroisopropyle) borate (THFIPB), on the electrochemistry of graphite was investigated in 1 M LiPF6 in ethylene carbonate/dimethyl carbonate (EC/DMC, 1:1 by weight) ... -
Effect of A-Site Cation Ordering on Chemical Stability, Oxygen Stoichiometry and Electrical Conductivity in Layered LaBaCo2O5+d Double Perovskite
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Abstract:The effect of the A-site cation ordering on the chemical stability, oxygen stoichiometryand electrical conductivity in layered LaBaCo2O5`δdouble perovskite was studied as a function oftemperature and partial ... -
Effect of A-Site Cation Ordering onChemical Stability, Oxygen Stoichiometry andElectrical Conductivity in Layered LaBaCo2O5+dDouble Perovskite
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The effect of the A-site cation ordering on the chemical stability, oxygen stoichiometry and electrical conductivity in layered LaBaCo2O5+δ double perovskite was studied as a function of temperature and partial pressure ... -
Effect of acid leaching conditions on impurity removal from silicon doped by magnesium
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The effect of magnesium addition into a commercial silicon and its leaching refining behavior is studied for producing solar grade silicon feedstock. Two different levels of Mg is added into a commercial silicon and the ... -
The effect of addition of the redox mediator dimethylphenazine on the oxygen reaction in porous carbon electrodes for Li/O2 batteries
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Secondary Li–O2 batteries are promising due to their potentially high theoretical energy density. However, both the discharge (oxygen reduction reaction, ORR) and the recharge reaction (oxygen evolution reaction, OER) are ... -
Effect of Ag addition on the precipitation evolution and interfacial segregation for Al?Mg?Si alloy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The effect of Ag addition on the precipitation evolution and interfacial segregation for Al–Mg–Si alloys was systematically investigated by atomic resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron ... -
The effect of alkaline earth metal substitution on thermoelectric properties of A0.98La0.02MnO3-δ (A=Ca,Ba)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The thermoelectric properties of ceramics with composition A0.98La0.02MnO3-δ are anticipated to vary with the basicity and atomic portion of the alkaline earth metal, A. In the present investigation ceramic powder precursors ... -
Effect of alkaline ionomer on oxygen- reduction and evolution on electrodes
(Master thesis, 2023)Det er et økende global initiativ for å forbedre utnyttelsen av fornybare energikilder, hvor vannelektrolyse fremstår som en lovende løsning for effektiv utnyttelse av overskudds fornybar energi ved å produsere grønt ...