Browsing Institutt for materialteknologi by Title
Now showing items 242-261 of 2572
Case Hardening of Hardox 450 Steel for Increased Ballistic Strength
(Master thesis, 2011)AbstractSteel alloys are the material that is most used in protective constructions today. The reason is the overall good properties of steels, with its high strength and hardness, high ductility, high formability and ... -
Cassie-Baxter and Wenzel States and the Effect of Interfaces on Transport Properties across Membranes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Mass transfer across a liquid-repelling gas permeable membrane is influenced by the state(s) of the liquid–vapor interface(s) on the surface of the membrane, the pore geometry, and the solid–fluid interactions inside the ... -
A Catalogue of Bone-Ash Cupels dating from AD 1500-1537 found in the Archbishop's Palace, Trondheim, during Archaeological Excavations in 1991-1995
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)During the archaeological excavations in the Archbishop’s Palace in Trondheim in 1991– 1995, three successive mints dating from about AD 1500–1537 were uncovered. A high number of bone-ash cupels used for assaying precious ... -
Cathode Wear Based on Autopsy of a Shutdown Aluminium Electrolysis Cell
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)To investigate cathode wear, an autopsy of a shutdown aluminium electrolysis cell was conducted. The original lining consisted of a fully impregnated and graphitized carbon block and the cell was shut down after 2461 days ... -
Cathode Wear in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:317, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The increasing global demand for aluminium has resulted in growing production of aluminium metal through increased production capacity and improvement of the electrolysis technology. This has caused a development towards ... -
Cathode Wear in Electrowinning of Aluminum Investigated by a Laboratory Test Cell
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The lifetime of an aluminum electrolysis cell is mainly determined by the cathode wear, especially for high amperage cells utilizing graphitized carbon cathodes. The cathode wear mechanisms are, however, complex and still ... -
Cathode wear in Hall-Héroult cells
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:34, Doctoral thesis, 2013) -
Cathodic delamination kinetics of thin polystyrene model coatings bound to zinc via organosilanes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The cathodic delamination of poly(styrene) [PS] model coatings from oxidecovered zinc has been evaluated by scanning Kelvin probe (SKP). Linear and acrylate cross-linked PS model coatings covalently bound to zinc oxide ... -
Cathodic Protection of Steel-Aluminium Galvanic Couples for a New Generation of Lightweight Subsea Structures
(Master thesis, 2016)A new generation of lightweight subsea structures is planned for application in oil and gas production. Due to increasing weight of subsea installations, the use of aluminium as a structural material is of continuous ... -
Cation diffusion in LaMnO3, LaCoO3 and LaFeO3 materials
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:173, Doctoral thesis, 2007) -
Cation Disorder in Ferroelectric Ba4M2Nb10O30 (M = Na, K, and Rb)Tetragonal Tungsten Bronzes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Cation inter-diffusion and formation of intermediate phases in CoO and La2NiO4+d diffusion couples.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Cation interdiffusion between La2NiO4+δ (LN) and CoO diffusion couples was investigated by thermal annealing in ambient air at 1200 °C for 48 and 168 h, and analysis of the cross sections by scanning electron microscopy ... -
Cation Nonstoichiometry of La2CoO4
(Master thesis, 2017)In this thesis, the cation nonstoichiometry and composition range of the La2CoO4 phase in the La-Co-O system were investigated and compared to earlier studies. There is a controversy over the cation nonstoichiometry of ... -
Cell Performance Comparison between C14- and C15-Predomiated AB2 Metal Hydride Alloys
(Journal article, 2017)The performance of cylindrical cells made from negative electrode active materials of two selected AB2 metal hydride chemistries with different dominating Laves phases (C14 vs. C15) were compared. Cells made from Alloy C15 ... -
Cellulosebaserte membraner i vanadium strømningsbatteri
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Ettersom bruken av intermitterende energikilder har økt de siste årene, har behovet for å kunne lagre denne energien til senere bruk også økt. For å kunne oppnå dette har utvikling av nye batteriteknologier eksplodert i ... -
Centrosymmetric Tetragonal Tungsten Bronzes A4Bi2Nb10O30 (A = 2 Na, K, Rb) with a Bi 6s Lone Pair
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)A first-principles study of the tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) K4Bi2Nb10O30 has suggested that the Bi 6s lone pair causes in-plane polarization (within the a–b plane), corresponding to the one found in Pb5Nb10O30 (PN), ... -
Ceramic Foam Filters (CFFs) for Aluminium Melt Filtration - Stability, Compression, and Performance
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:260, Doctoral thesis, 2022)During aluminium production, the molten aluminium will necessarily include a certain amount of impurities, including non-metallic inclusions, i.e., solid objects immersed in the melt. These inclusions are known to be ... -
Ceramic matrix composites based on silicon carbide and carbon fibers
(Master thesis, 2019)Silisiumkarbid er velkjent for sine gode mekaniske og termiske egenskaper, som gir det et bredt spekter av industrielle anvendelser. SiC er imidlertid en sprø keramikk, og selv de minste sprekker kan vise seg katastrofale. ... -
Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Made by Spray Pyrolysis
(Master thesis, 2011)A thermal barrier coating (TBC) is used as thermal protection of metallic components exposed to hot gas streams in e.g. gas turbine engines. Due to a high thermal expansion coefficient, low thermal conductivity, chemical- ... -
CFD Modeling of boron removal from liquid silicon with cold gases and plasma
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The present study focuses on a specific step of the metallurgical path of purification to provide solar-grade silicon: the removal of boron through the injection of H2O(g)-H2(g)-Ar(g) (cold gas process) or of Ar-H2-O2 ...