Blar i Institutt for fysikk på tittel
Viser treff 221-240 av 2761
Atomistic modeling of the Al-Mg-Si alloy system
(Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2003:28, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The atomic and electronic structure of bulk crystalline and solid state phases related to Al-Mg-Si (6xxx) alloys have been studied using Density Functional Theory (DFT) and total energy Tight Binding (TB). We present a ... -
Atomistic Scale Modelling of Defects in Aluminium Alloys
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:400, Doctoral thesis, 2020)«Deformasjoner som en ser når metall bøyer seg, er en kollektiv bevegelse av små linjedefekter i atomstrukturen.» Dette sitatet oppsummerer temaet til doktorgradsarbeidet som handler om hvordan atomer i aluminium oppfører ... -
Atomistic simulations of early stage clusters in Al-Mg alloys
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The Cluster Expansion formalism based on Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulation data has been applied for AlMg alloys with high accuracy ( meV/atom). The atomistic simulations are used to model the AlMg phase diagram, ... -
Atomistic simulations of thermodynamics and dissolution of iron-silicon phases in iron encasements
(Master thesis, 2019)Målet med denne masteroppgaven er å bruke tetthets-funksjonal-teori sammen med en cluster-ekspansjons-metode, slik at jern-silisium legeringer på et statisk kubisk romsentrert gitter kan bli studert ved bruk av Monte ... -
Attenuation correction in PET/MR: A performance assessment of UTE-based and Dixon-based methods for PET attenuation correction
(Master thesis, 2014)Hybrid positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance imaging (PET/MR) scanners are one of the latest tools available in the field of medical imaging, and are expected to outperform the well-established PET/X-ray computed ... -
Augmenting drug-carrier compatibility improves tumour nanotherapy efficacy
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)A major goal of cancer nanotherapy is to use nanoparticles as carriers for targeted delivery of anti-tumour agents. The drug–carrier association after intravenous administration is essential for efficient drug delivery to ... -
Aura MLS observations of the westward-propagating s=1, 16-day planetary wave in the stratosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) on the Aura satellite has been used to measure temperatures in the stratosphere, mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The data used here are from August 2004 to December 2010 and latitudes ... -
Auroral Dunes: Bores or Boring? Airglow Imaging of Gravity Wave-Aurora Interaction in the Mesosphere Lower Thermosphere
(Master thesis, 2022)Nyleg vart ei ny form av nordljos, kalla for dyner, oppdaga ved hjelp av observasjonar frå ei gruppe folkeforskarar. Dynene var monokromatiske, horisontale bylgjer i polarljoset, og vart observert i mesosfæren-nedre ... -
AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labeling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) alloys
(Master thesis, 2020)Når Al-Mg-Si (6xxx) legeringer utherdes, får vi en rik samling av utfellinger eller presipitater, de fleste som nåler, stenger eller staver langs <100> retningene i aluminiumsgitteret. Disse presipitatene har betydelig ... -
AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labelling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloys
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)When the Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloy system is subjected to age hardening, different types of precipitates nucleate depending on the composition and thermomechanical treatment. The main hardening precipitates extend as needles, ... -
Automated calibration and control for polarization resolved second harmonic generation on commercial microscopes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Polarization-resolved second harmonic generation (P-SHG) microscopy has evolved as a promising technique to reveal subresolution information about the structure and orientation of ordered biological macromolecules. To ... -
Automated Segmentation for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Healthy Volunteers at 7T
(Master thesis, 2023)Parkinsons sykdom (PD) er en utbredt nevrodegenerativ lidelse og er assosiert med opphopning av jern i subkortikale hjernestrukturer. MR-avbildningsmetoden Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) gir kvantitative mål for ... -
Automated Segmentation of Metastatic Lymph Nodes in Lymphoma Patients
(Master thesis, 2022)Ved å bruke det kunstige nevrale nettverket 2D U-Net, tester denne masteroppgaven nøyaktigheten til 2D U-Net med formålet om å automatisk segmentere ondartede svultser i PET/MR-bilder av pasienter med metastatisk lymfom. For ... -
Automated segmentation of tumors in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of high-risk breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy
(Master thesis, 2021)Brystkreft er den vanligste kreft blant kvinner, med nesten 3700 nye tilfeller diagnostisert årlig i Norge. Innenfor denne gruppen diagnostiseres mellom 5 og 10% på stadium III med lokalavansert brystkreft. Presurgical ... -
Automated slice-specific z-shimming for functional magnetic resonance imaging of the human spinal cord
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of the human spinal cord faces many challenges, such as signal loss due to local magnetic field inhomogeneities. This issue can be addressed with slice-specific z-shimming, which ... -
Automatic brain tumor segmentation in intra-operative ultrasound images using deep learning
(Master thesis, 2024)Å få hjernesvulst er en alvorlig diagnose og kirurgisk fjerning av svulsten er den foretrukne behandlingsmåten. Pre-operativ magnetisk resonanstomografi (MRI) brukes som veiledning under operasjon. Men på grunn av ... -
Automatic Detection of Air Emboli in The Cerebral Circulation in Newborns By Ultrasound Doppler Technique
(Master thesis, 2022)Når spedbarn er født med hjertesvikt eller en annen form for defekt i hjertet kan det være nødvendig med kateterintervensjon eller hjertekirurgi. Slike inngrep kan føre til at luftbobler blir introdusert inn i blodstrømmen. ... -
Automatic Detection of Embolic Signals in Doppler M-Mode Images Using Deep Learning
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteravhandlingen undersøker bruken av konvolusjonelle nevrale nettverk (CNN) til bruk i deteksjon av emboliske signal i "Signal Power"-bilder fremstilt ved bruk av M-mode teknikken innenfor Doppler ultralyd, med ... -
Automatic imaging of Tissue Microarrays using non-linear Microscopy
(Master thesis, 2015)St. Olavs hospital has supplied a dataset of 2703 tissue samples from the tumor periphery from approximately 900 patients organized on tissue microarrays (TMA). In this project we wish to examine all these tissue samples ... -
Automatic segmentation of human knee anatomy by a convolutional neural network applying a 3D MRI protocol
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: To study deep learning segmentation of knee anatomy with 13 anatomical classes by using a magnetic resonance (MR) protocol of four three-dimensional (3D) pulse sequences, and evaluate possible clinical usefulness. ...