Browsing Institutt for historiske studier by Title
Now showing items 615-634 of 736
Telemontøren i Moldeområdet - I møte med sosiale og organisatoriske omstillingar frå 1960–talet til 2018
(Master thesis, 2018)Handlar om telemontøren i Moldeområdet. Fokus på sosiale relasjonar, status og hierarki mellom montørane, mellom montørane og leiinga, mellom montørane og offentlegheita. Undersøkinga byrjar på 1960–talet, med "dei farande ... -
Tent, hut or house? A discussion on Early Mesolithic dwellings in light of the site Mohalsen 2012-II, Vega, Northern Norway
(Chapter, 2017)Our research excavation of the site Mohalsen 2012-II on Vega in Northern Norway presented us with the remains of a pioneer-age dwelling believed to have been in use during the last part of the Early Mesolithic period, c. ... -
Terroristens legtimeringer : fascisme og kontrajihadisme i Anders Behring Breiviks forestillingsverden
(Master thesis, 2015)Oppgaven er et forsøk på å kartlegge Anders Behring Breiviks legitimeringer av terroraksjonen 22. juli 2011. Hovedproblemstillingen er todelt: For det første i hvilken grad Breivik er fascist, og for det hva slags utvikling ... -
The Application of Geophysical Methods in Norwegian Archaeology: A study of the status, role and potential of geophysical methods in Norwegian archaeological research and cultural heritage management.
(Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:281, Doctoral thesis, 2016)Summary of the thesis: The main aim of this thesis was to examine the role, function, status and impact geophysical methods have had on archaeological research and the cultural heritage management in Norway, and the ... -
The British Labour Party and the Question of EEC/EC Membership, 1960–72: A Reassessment
(Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2010:207, Doctoral thesis, 2010) -
The characteristics of patients with intellectual disabilities held in forensic asylums in Norway: 1915-1987
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A significant number of patients with intellectual disability (ID) were admitted to forensic mental health asylums during the period 1915–1987. Many of these patients stayed for more than a decade, because of previous ... -
The chronology of reindeer hunting on Norway's highest ice patches
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The melting of perennial ice patches globally is uncovering a fragile record of alpine activity, especially hunting and the use of mountain passes. When rescued by systematic fieldwork (glacial archaeology), this evidence ... -
"The conical core pressure blade concept" i Midt- og Nordvest- Norge. En dynamisk-teknologisk klassifisering av lokaliteter fra mellommesolittikum
(Master thesis, 2018)Hovedmålet i avhandlingen var å gjennomføre en casestudie-basert analyse på forekomsten av det post-swiderianske teknologiske konseptet kjent som "the conical core pressure blade concept" (CCPBC) i Midt- og Nordvest-Norge, ... -
The development of Europol: An effort to fulfil old intentions?
(Master thesis, 2012) -
The Earliest Wave of Viking Activity? The Norwegian Evidence Revisited
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article discusses the chronology and nature of the earliest Viking activity, based on a group of early burials from Norway containing Insular metalwork. By focusing on the geographical distribution of this material ... -
The EU and its Co-official Languages: The Case of the Welsh Language
(Master thesis, 2012)