Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ytterhus, Borgny"
Now showing items 1-11 of 11
CCND1 amplification in breast cancer -associations with proliferation, histopathological grade, molecular subtype and prognosis
Valla, Marit; Klæstad, Elise; Ytterhus, Borgny; Bofin, Anna M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)CCND1 is located on 11q13. Increased CCND1 copy number (CN) in breast cancer (BC) is associated with high histopathological grade, high proliferation, and Luminal B subtype. In this study of CCND1 in primary BCs and ... -
Characterization of FGD5 expression in primary breast cancers and lymph node metastases
Valla, Marit; Mjønes, Patricia; Engstrøm, Monica J; Ytterhus, Borgny; Bordin, Diana Lilian; van Loon, Barbara; Akslen, Lars A.; Vatten, Lars Johan; Opdahl, Signe; Bofin, Anna M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Faciogenital dysplasia 5 (FGD5) amplification drives tumor cell proliferation, and is present in 9.5% of breast cancers. We describe FGD5 expression, assess associations between FGD5 amplification and FGD5 expression, and ... -
DTX3 copy number increase in breast cancer: a study of associations to molecular subtype, proliferation and prognosis
Valla, Marit; Opdahl, Signe; Ytterhus, Borgny; Bofin, Anna M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Purpose The degree of cell proliferation is important for subclassifcation of breast cancers into prognostic and therapeutic groups. DTX3 has been identifed as a driver of proliferation in luminal breast cancer. In this ... -
Expression and clinical value of EGFR in human meningiomas
Arnli, Magnus B.; Backer-Grøndahl, Thomas; Ytterhus, Borgny; Granli, Unn S.; Lydersen, Stian; Gulati, Sasha; Torp, Sverre Helge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Meningiomas are common intracranial tumors in humans that frequently recur despite having a predominantly benign nature. Even though these tumors have been shown to commonly express EGFR/c-erbB1 (epidermal ... -
FGD5 amplification in breast cancer patients is associated with tumor proliferation and a poorer prognosis
Valla, Marit; Engstrøm, Monica J; Ytterhus, Borgny; Hansen, Åse Kristin Skain; Akslen, Lars A.; Vatten, Lars Johan; Opdahl, Signe; Bofin, Anna M. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose Proliferation is a hallmark of cancer. Using a combined genomic approach, FGD5 amplification has been identified as a driver of proliferation in Luminal breast cancer. We aimed to describe FGD5 copy number change ... -
Molecular Subtypes of Breast Cancer: Long-term Incidence Trends and Prognostic Differences
Valla, Marit; Vatten, Lars Johan; Engstrøm, Monica J; Haugen, Olav Anton; Akslen, Lars A.; Bjørngaard, Johan Håkon; Hagen, Anne Irene; Ytterhus, Borgny; Bofin, Anna M.; Opdahl, Signe (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Secular trends in incidence and prognosis of molecular breast cancer subtypes are poorly described. We studied long-term trends in a population of Norwegian women born 1886–1977. Methods: A total of 52,949 ... -
MRPS23 amplification and gene expression in breast cancer; association with proliferation and the non-basal subtypes
Klæstad, Elise; Opdahl, Signe; Engstrøm, Monica J; Ytterhus, Borgny; Wik, Elisabeth; Bofin, Anna Mary; Valla, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose MRPS23 is recognized as a driver of proliferation in luminal breast cancer. The aims of the present study were to describe MRPS23 copy number change in breast cancer, and to assess associations between MRPS23 ... -
PAK1 copy number in breast cancer—Associations with proliferation and molecular subtypes
Skjervold, Anette Hansen; Valla, Marit; Ytterhus, Borgny; Bofin, Anna M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction P21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) is known to be overexpressed in several human tumour types, including breast cancer (BC). It is located on chromosome 11 (11q13.5-q14.1) and plays a significant role in proliferation ... -
PD-L1 Protein Expression in Breast Cancer
Saastad, Sigurd August; Skjervold, Anette Hansen; Ytterhus, Borgny; Engstrøm, Monica Jernberg; Bofin, Anna Mary (Master thesis, 2023)Tumorcellers evne til å unngå destruksjon av immunforsvaret, har blitt foreslått som et av de nye kjennetegnene til kreft av Hanahan og Weinberg i 2011. Både T-celler, B-celler, makrofager, polymorfonukleære celler, naturlige ... -
S100A8 gene copy number and protein expression in breast cancer: associations with proliferation, histopathological grade and molecular subtypes
Børkja, Mathieu; Giambelluca, Miriam Soledad; Ytterhus, Borgny; Prestvik, Wenche Slettahjell; Bjørkøy, Geir; Bofin, Anna M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background and aims Amplification of S100A8 occurs in 10–30% of all breast cancers and has been linked to poorer prognosis. Similarly, the protein S100A8 is overexpressed in a roughly comparable proportion of breast cancers ... -
TOP2A gene copy number change in breast cancer
Engstrøm, Monica J; Ytterhus, Borgny; Vatten, Lars Johan; Opdahl, Signe; Bofin, Anna M. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Aims The clinical significance of TOP2A as a prognostic marker has not been clarified. The aims of this study were to investigate the frequency of TOP2A copy number change; to correlate TOP2A with HER2 status, hormone ...