Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Vysochinskiy, Dmitry"
Determination of Ductile Fracture Parameters of a Dual-Phase Steel by Optical Measurements
Gruben, Gaute; Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg; Lademo, Odd-Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Marciniak–Kuczynski and Nakajima tests of the dual-phase steel Docol 600DL ( have been carried out for a range of stress-states spanning from uniaxial tension to equi-biaxial tension. The deformation histories ... -
Determination of forming limit strains using Marciniak-Kuczynski tests and automated digital image correlation procedures
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg; Lademo, Odd-Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Forming limit strains are used to construct a forming limit diagram (FLD), which is a diagram in the principal strain space, traditionally used for designing forming operations of sheet metals. A line indicating the boundary ... -
Experimental detection of forming limit strains on samples with multiple local necks
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Lademo, Odd-Geir; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Sheet metal formability is traditionally described by the forming limit curve (FLC). Experimental FLCs are obtained by performing formability tests and determining failure strains. The strains are usually measured either ... -
Experimental detection of the onset of local necking in an aluminium sheet
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Lademo, Odd-Geir; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are widely used to assess metal sheet formability. Experimental FLDs are obtained by performing formability tests and determining failure strains. The standard method for detection of forming ... -
Experimental detection of the onset of local necking in an aluminium sheet
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Lademo, Odd-Geir; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Forming limit diagrams (FLDs) are widely used to assess metal sheet formability. Experimental FLDs are obtained by performing formability tests and determining failure strains. The standard method for detection of forming ... -
An experimental study of effect of printed thickness on the mechanical properties of LPBF produced AlSi10Mg
Fahimi, Pouya; Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Khadyko, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (Chapter, 2024)Additive manufacturing process allows fabrication of parts with a broad range of sizes with high resolution. This size variation introduces new mechanical properties within the printed component, which creates a significant ... -
Experimental study on the formability of AA6016 sheets pre-strained by rolling
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Coudert, Térence; Hopperstad, Odd Sture; Lademo, Odd-Geir; Reyes, Aase Gavina Roberg (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The effects of prestrain by rolling on the formability of AA6016 sheets in the biaxial stretching region are studied in this paper. An experimental program including formability experiments has been carried out for as-received ... -
Formability of aluminium alloy subjected to prestrain by rolling
Vysochinskiy, Dmitry (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2014:363, Doctoral thesis, 2014)The purpose of this thesis was to improve the understanding and the accuracy of the description of metal sheet formability following the needs of the automotive industry. In particular, the effects of plastic anisotropy ... -
Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness Parameters Using Piecewise Lumped Parameters and Finite Element Models
Munyazikwiye, Bernard; Vysochinskiy, Dmitry; Robbersmyr, Kjell Gunnar; Khadyko, Mikhail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Estimating the vehicle crashworthiness experimentally is expensive and time-consuming. For these reasons, different modelling approaches are utilised to predict the vehicle behaviour and reduce the need for full-scale crash ...