Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Vilarinho, Thomas"
Assessing the Potential of Digital Collaborative Sharing Platforms in Fostering Neighbourhood Participation Through Volunteerism
Akin, Deniz; Vilarinho, Thomas; Floch, Jacqueline; Halvorsen, Trond; Baer, Daniela (Chapter, 2019)This paper seeks to discuss whether and how digital collaborative sharing platforms can foster citizen engagement in urban neighbourhoods by addressing various challenges experienced by local initiatives. To that aim, we ... -
Developing a Social Innovation Methodology in the Web 2.0 Era
Vilarinho, Thomas; Floch, Jacqueline; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho; Dinant, Inès; Pappas, Ilias; Mora, Simone (Chapter, 2018)The world is facing a growing number of societal challenges such as inequality rise, political upheaval, ageing population, etc. Governments are struggling to keep up to theirs existing service offers, making it difficult ... -
Evaluering av chat‐, svar‐ og telefontjenester
Sand, Kari; Lassemo, Eva; Vilarinho, Thomas; Vis, Anne Carlijn; Das, Anita; Melby, Line (Research report, 2019)Målet med denne evalueringen var å vurdere hva som fungerer og ikke fungerer i 12 chat-, svar- og telefontjenester for ungdom som skal samordnes i en felles plattform i 2019 (en del av DIGI-UNG-prosjektet. Data ble samlet ... -
Experimenting a Digital Collaborative Platform for Supporting Social Innovation in Multiple Settings
Vilarinho, Thomas; Floch, Jacqueline; Pappas, Ilias; Mora, Simone; Oliveira, Manuel Fradinho; Dinant, Inès; Jaccheri, Maria Letizia (Chapter, 2018)Social Innovation is gaining popularity as an approach to address societal challenges. Governments, charities, NGOS and organizations are taking up the role of facilitating citizens participation into social innovation ... -
Participatory Ideation for Gamification: Bringing the User at the Heart of the Gamification Design Process
Vilarinho, Thomas; Farshchian, Babak A.; Floch, Jacqueline; Hansen, Ole Gunhildsberg (Chapter, 2019)Gamification, i.e. applying game elements in non-game contexts, is been increasingly used for designing systems and application elements to foster user engagement, enjoyment and support behavior change. Experts agree that, ...