Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Vie, Ola Edvin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
A Call for Change: Aiming towards more relevant and sustainable impact from aid projects
Briedis, Hanne N. H.; Solberg, Anna (Master thesis, 2020)Å gjennomføre oppgaver som prosjekter er en økende trend og har blitt en integrert del av samfunnet. Målrettede og midlertidige tiltak, som opphører når den planlagte oppgaven er utført, har i stor grad blitt standarden ... -
Are there asymmetric power relations in a product development project involving small enterprises and large R&D-institutions? - A case study in influence and dependency in R&D-collaborations
Hansen, Fredric Staksrud; Gjølme, Lars (Master thesis, 2015)The objective of this thesis is to answer the main research question: Can we observe the existence of power imbalance in R&D-collaboration, and how is this power imbalance formed by dependency and influence? The main ... -
Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in The Service Sector: Ambidexterity in a Norwegian Company with a Value Shop Configuration
Clifford, Kari Marie; Andersen, Helge Lundsvoll; Giæver, Tharald Johannes (Master thesis, 2013)The research question in this thesis is ?How does Making Waves balance explorationand exploitation?? which is based on our desire to study a Norwegian servicecompany with an innovative edge and long-term profitability. Our ... -
Becoming a project manager - A cross-sectional study of French engineers' challenging transition from technical specialists to project managers
Daden, Marie (Master thesis, 2018)First of all, I will develop a theoretical framework based on literature of interest for answering my research question. Then, this empirical framework will be used to analyze the empirical data I have collected when ... -
Bedriften vår er en teknologibedrift!
Kjønningsberg, Håvard André (Master thesis, 2022)Studien er en singel casestudie av en norsk teknologibedrift. Formålet med studien, har vært å beskrive nødvendig kompetansesammensetting hos prosjektlederen av tekniske leveranseprosjekter, og hvordan denne påvirker ... -
Behovsdrevet innovasjon i norsk helsesektor: Hva er drivere og barrierer for utvikling av nye løsninger i samarbeid mellom privat og offentlig sektor?
Låstad, Stina (Master thesis, 2014)Tema for oppgaven er behovsdrevet innovasjon i norsk helsesektor. Formålet er å identifisere drivere og barrierer for innovasjon, samt å undersøke hvordan behovsdrevne innovasjonsprosesser foregår i praksis. Bakgrunnen for ... -
Boundary spanners enabling knowledge integration for sustainable innovations in university–industry research centres
Lauvås, Thomas Andre; Vie, Ola Edvin (Chapter, 2021) -
Bridging the Gap Between Labour Unions and the Management Through Leadership Development Programs?
Vie, Ola Edvin; Lebesby, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Centers for Environmental-friendly Energy Research - Participation benefits linked to size of company
Lange, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2015)The Centres for Environmental-friendly Energy Research (CEER/FME) have been created as a means to push innovation within the field. This is a collaboration between the Research Council of Norway, researchers and industry ... -
Co-creating New Dancefloors Through a Parallel Organisation: Organisational development through union- management cooperation in the public sector
Lebesby, Kristin; Finnestrand, Hanne Gudrun; Vie, Ola Edvin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Across industries, union density is under great pressure from different forms of organisations and, in many ways, a more individualised working life. Employee relations within the public sector have undergone a transition ... -
Collaboration in research centres: How firms benefit from collaborating in Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research
Toftesund, Hans Christian; Oliver, Emil Johan (Master thesis, 2014)This thesis aims answer how knowledge intensive firms benefit from collaborating in research centres, which is based on our desire to study Norwegian Centres for Environmentally Friendly Energy Research (CEER) where several ... -
Commercialization of Norwegian Wind Energy Technologies: A Multiple Case Study of Success Factors in the Product Launch Process
Saha Banik, Abhijit (Master thesis, 2014)This master thesis discusses how Norwegian companies can successfully commercialize new and immature wind energy technologies. The goal is to establish a best practice model on how to commercialize wind technology products, ... -
Communication as a Factor Influencing Project Team Success in Delivery Projects
Rindal, Erik Olav; Berge, Magnus Gjærum (Master thesis, 2022)Det er mange utfordringer når det kommer til å oppnå suksess, og gjennom denne avhandlingen søker vi å finne ut hvordan og hvorfor kommunikasjon påvirker suksess i prosjektteamet i leveranseprosjekter. Avhandlingen svarer ... -
Critical incident technique and action learning to enable organizational learning
Finnestrand, Hanne; Vie, Ola Edvin; Boak, George (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This paper focuses on a two-year program with a Norwegian public sector project-based construction company, where action learning groups and critical incident technique were combined to enhance organizational learning. ... -
Developing novel insights and learning from past experience through applying a critical incident evaluation method?
Vie, Ola Edvin (Chapter, 2018)A resource-based perspective of organizations outlines the importance of developing new knowledge for the long-term prosperity of any organization. The ability to recognize the value of new information, acquire, assimilate, ... -
Enhancing collaborative project delivery in the Norwegian infrastructure industry Enabling a holistic perspective through Early contractor involvement, Collaboration and Technology
Buijing, Irene Klary Annelies; Hellebust, Torstein (Master thesis, 2021)Infrastruktur industrien omsett årleg for fleirfaldige milliardar. På tross av dette vert den ofte kritisert for lav effektivitet og høge feilrater. Som eit svar på dette har det dei siste åra oppstått ei rekke nye ... -
Enhancing knowledge management in knowledge-intensive firms through increasing opportunities: Establishing leader focus by applying the AMO-framework
Høydal, Kjetil; Skoog, Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2020)Konklusjon: Vi konkluderer at ledere som ønsker å forbedre kunnskapsprosesser burde fokusere på mulighetene til arbeiderne. Vi kommer frem til dette ved å ta flaskehals perspektivet på en modell som omfatter evner, motivasjon ... -
Evaluering av Læringsløpet i Statens vegvesen Region øst.
Buvik, Marte Pettersen; Vie, Ola Edvin; Finnestrand, Hanne Gudrun; Skarholt, Kari (Research report, 2017)Rapporten presenterer evalueringen av Læringsløpet, en kompetansesatsing for nyansatte i Statens vegvesen Region øst. NTNU og SINTEF har gjennomført evaluering av piloten i Læringsløpet fra 2015 til 2017. Evalueringen ... -
Evaluering av TK‐Utvikling - Et organisasjonsutviklingsprosjekt i Trafikant og Kjøretøy i Statens vegvesen Region øst
Buvik, Marte Pettersen; Vie, Ola Edvin; Finnestrand, Hanne Gudrun; Lebesby, Kristin (SINTEF Rapport;, Research report, 2018)Denne rapporten er utarbeidet av NTNU og SINTEF og presenterer evalueringen av prosjektet TK-utvikling; et omfattende virksomhetsutviklingsprosjekt for å utvikle medarbeiderskap og lederskap gjennom partssamarbeid og bred ... -
How do Project Managers' of Land-Based Operations Perceive the Transfer of Tacit Knowledge between Projects? - A Case Study of ÅF Reinertsen
Daphu, Parmjit Singh; Hjelvik, Sara (Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this thesis is to understand what hampers Knowledge Transfer between projects in the construction sector, as seen from a Project Manager s perspective through a case analysis of ÅF Reinertsen AS, a company ...