Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Verhulst, Elli"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
A case study on user involvement in an early-stage MedTech startup
Benestad, Isabella McNeill; Vårin Vaskinn (Master thesis, 2021)De siste årene har det vært et pragmatisk skifte innen entreprenøriell teori og helseinnovasjon som innebærer økt fokus på brukermedvirkning (Lehoux et al. 2018; Schultz et al. 2016; Trigo et al. 2016). Skiftet er et ... -
A New Prescription for Change - Leveraging Startup Innovation for Sustainable Transformation in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Eder, Amelie; Stampa, Finja Nelemarie (Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen utforsker hvordan oppstartsbedrifter kan legge til rette for bærekraftig praksis i legemiddelindustrien, en sektor som er kjent for sin betydelige miljøpåvirkning. Forskningen undersøker hvordan innovative ... -
A Review of Repurposing Lithium-ion Batteries for Household Applications
Pantelatos, Leander Spyridon; Boks, Casper; Verhulst, Elli (Chapter, 2023)As global sales of electric vehicles are rising rapidly; vast amounts of end-of-life batteries are expected to need treatment in foreseeable future. Using second life batteries in lower demanding applications, could prolong ... -
Aligning Value Propositions for Stakeholders in Profitable Sustainable Business Models: Practical Insights from Norwegian Technology Scale-ups
Haugen, Kajsa Margareta; Valheim, Anna Stina (Master thesis, 2023)Implementering av bærekraftige forretningsmodeller (SBM) kan spille en avgjørende rolle i arbeidet med å fremme en mer bærekraftig verden. For å utvikle lønnsomme SBM-er er det viktig å aktivt skape verdiforslag som ivaretar ... -
Ambitions at work: Professional practices and the energy performance of non-residential buildings in Norway
Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Verhulst, Elli; Valle Kinloch, Roberto; Junghans, Antje; Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Globally, buildings are considerable energy users. Stricter regulations and instruments such as energy performance standards aim at raising energy performance ambitions and reducing energy use. They rely on the implementation ... -
Barriers that businesses experience when implementing a circular business model: A Qualitative Multiple Case Study of how Norwegian businesses work with barriers when contributing to their own and other actors ́circular business models
Vallipuram, Harrshinny (Master thesis, 2022)Sirkulære forretningskonsepter har blitt stadig mer populære de siste årene som et verktøy til å bli mer bærekraftige. Bedrifter står overfor ulike utfordringer når det gjelder å implementere, tilpasse eller bidra til ... -
A co-creative method for mapping and improving energy use and management in non-residential buildings
Verhulst, Elli; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Junghans, Antje; Berker, Thomas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The built environment has a significant role to play to support a transition towards sustainability. A critical point is the energy use and management of non-residential buildings, where the operational phase has been ... -
Connecting Strategic Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation
Tvedt, Solveig Eidsvik (Master thesis, 2020)Verden trenger akutte løsninger med tanke på miljøutfordringene den står ovenfor. På bakgrunn av dette har det oppstått et økende fokus på hvordan bedrifter og organisasjoner kan dra nytte av bærekraftige innovasjoner for ... -
Design for sirkulær økonomi i norsk tre-bearbeidende møbel- og innredningsindustri
Krøger, Carina Marie Nordli (Master thesis, 2022)Vårt materialforbruk er i dag langt over hva som er bærekraftig. Det er derfor avgjørende for naturen, klimaet og menneskene at vi endrer våre forbruksmønstre og bruker naturens ressurser på en måte som er innenfor jordas ... -
Drivers and Barriers for implementing a Battery as a Service Business Model
Mæland, Jonas Tonning (Master thesis, 2024)Flere og flere selskaper implementerer Battery as a Service (BaaS) for å gjøre verdikjedene for batterier mer sirkulære. Imidlertid er det lite forskning på hva som driver selskaper til å velge denne forretningsmodellen. ... -
Editorial: Sustainability in Entrepreneurship and Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Verhulst, Elli; Aaboen, Lise; Jebsen, Simon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Engaging and Empowering Students to Contribute to Sustainable Development Through Developing Interdisciplinary Teamwork Skills
Verhulst, Elli; Nilsen, Heidi Rapp; Sortland, Bjørn Olav (Chapter, 2023)The alarming rates of climate change and of biodiversity loss call for a more targeted approach in higher education to deal with these issues. An important part of this complex puzzle is equipping students with ... -
FM perceptions on occupant impact and the shaping of occupant engagement practice
Valle Kinloch, Cristian Roberto; Verhulst, Elli; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad; Junghans, Antje; Berker, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose This paper aims to apply frame analysis to explore the mental models by which building managers interpret the impact of building occupants on energy use and rationalize their approach to occupant engagement. De ... -
Integrating sustainability in an electronic engineering program: insights and experiences on academic staff involvement.
Verhulst, Elli; Bolstad, Torstein; Lunde, Solveig Reppe; Lunde, Helene Randem; Henriksen, Robin Berntsen (Chapter, 2022)There is a growing urgency to incorporate sustainability in all facets of society to stay within the planetary boundaries. Higher education has a significant role by educating their students - our future work forces – with ... -
PhD budget regulations at NTNU
Busch, Alexander; Sripada, Kam; Verhulst, Elli (Research report, 2016)During 2015-2016, DION, the interest organization for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers at NTNU, conducted an analysis of the various PhD budget (aka driftsmidler or working capital) related definitions, ... -
PhD duty work regulations at NTNU
Busch, Alexander; Sripada, Kam; Verhulst, Elli (Research report, 2016)During 2015-2016, DION, the interest organization for doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers at NTNU, conducted an analysis of the various PhD duty work (aka pliktarbeid, aka teaching load) related definitions, ... -
Practice-oriented research into energy management and use in non-residential buildings: the reliability gap framework
Verhulst, Elli; Pettersen, Ida Nilstad (Chapter, 2015)Energy use during the operational phase represents the largest environmental impact for non-residential buildings. While much work has been geared at reducing energy use in buildings, the gap between the predicted and ... -
Professional development of sustainability competences in higher education: the role of empowerment
Lambrechts, Wim; Verhulst, Elli; Rymenams, Sara (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose This paper aims to provide insights into the relation between professional development (PD) and organisational change processes towards sustainability, with a specific focus on empowerment. Design/methodology/approach ... -
Strategic Roadmapping Towards Industry 4.0 for Manufacturing SMEs
Verhulst, Elli; Fridtun Brenden, Stine (Chapter, 2021)In recent years, there is a growing focus on the role of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), and their development towards Industry 4.0. One way of supporting SMEs in this effort, is by utilizing the method of strategic ... -
Sustainable Business Models for the Second Use of Electric Vehicles Lithium-ion Batteries in an Ecosystem Context: A Review
Ahmed, Saad; Verhulst, Elli; Boks, Casper (Chapter, 2023)