Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Varagnolo, Damiano"
Now showing items 1-20 of 90
A computationally efficient model predictive control scheme for space debris rendezvous
Larsén, Alexander; Chen, Yutao; Bruschetta, Mattia; Carli, Ruggero; Cenedese, Angelo; Varagnolo, Damiano; Felicetti, Leonard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We propose a non-linear model predictive scheme for planning fuel efficient maneuvers of small spacecrafts that shall rendezvous space debris. The paper addresses the specific issues of potential limited on-board computational ... -
A graph-theoretical approach to fusing teachers' opinions about learning outcomes in higher education programmes
Guggedal, Carsten Berge (Master thesis, 2021)Et høyere utdanningsprogram kan bli modellert som en graf hvor noder kan representere fag, emner, teamer eller sub-temaer innen et program, og hvor kantene representerer potensielle relasjoner mellom dem. Slike grafer kan ... -
A Machine Learning Approach to Support the Analysis of Climate-Driven Natural Disaster Risk
Salte Hovstad, Janna; Ruth Skeide, Mathilde (Master thesis, 2021)Klimaendringer har bidratt til at naturkatastrofer har opptrådt med en økende hyppighet og alvorlighetsgrad de siste årene, og den økende trenden forventes å fortsette og eskalere. Høyere havtemperaturer øker sannsynligheten ... -
A Machine Learning Approach to Support the Analysis of Climate-Driven Natural Disaster Risk
Salte Hovstad, Janna; Skeide Ruth, Mathilde (Master thesis, 2021)Klimaendringer har bidratt til at naturkatastrofer har opptrådt med en økende hyppighet og alvorlighetsgrad de siste årene, og den økende trenden forventes å fortsette og eskalere. Høyere havtemperaturer øker sannsynligheten ... -
A side-scan sonar based simultaneous localization and mapping pipeline for underwater vehicles
Haraldstad, Vegard (Master thesis, 2023)Det enorme og uutforskede havet inneholder betydelige potensielle ressurser. Imidlertid krever bærekraftig og miljøvennlig utnyttelse av disse en dypere forståelse av havets økosystem. Fremskritt innen roboters autonome ... -
Analysis and Prediction of Aluminium Fluoride Addition in Aluminium Electrolysis Production Process
Løvendahl, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2024)Aluminium er et viktig metall som brukes i ulike produkter og industrier på grunn av sine unike egenskaper, som lav vekt, høy korrosjonsmotstand og høy ledningsevne. Imidlertid forekommer ikke aluminium naturlig i ren form ... -
Analysis of Participants’ Feedback on a control-themed Advent calendar
Knorn, Steffi; Sanchez, Helem; Rotondo, Damiano; Varagnolo, Damiano; Guzman, Jose Luis; Lichtenberg, Gerwald; Stoica, Cristina; Visioli, Antonio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)In 2023, a group of control academics joined to create a control themed advent calendar, which was open for participants from several European universities. A survey was used to collect participants’ feedback at the end ... -
Automated Lithology Classification Employing Whole Core CT-Scans
Chawshin, Kurdistan (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:316, Doctoral thesis, 2021)This thesis evaluates the application of artificial intelligence to detect rock properties from whole core computed tomography (CT) scan images of wells on the Norwegian continental shelf. Whole core CT-scan images provide ... -
Automated porosity estimation using CT-scans of extracted core data
Chawshin, Kurdistan; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Varagnolo, Damiano; Lopez, Olivier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Estimation of porosity at a millimeter scale would be an order of magnitude finer resolution than traditional logging techniques. This enables proper description of reservoirs with thin layers and fine scale heterogeneities. ... -
Automatic Penalty Parameter Selection for the Distributed Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Andreassen, Tor Kristian Ertsvik (Master thesis, 2023)Distribuerte optimaliseringsalgoritmer har blitt populære, delvis på grunn av den økende utbredelsen av innvevde systemer som kan kommunisere. En slik algoritme er Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. En utfordring ... -
Automating the Management of ESG Portfolios: A Deep Learning Based Proof of Concept
Barstad, Erlend Hallingstad (Master thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 2024-06-07 -
Calibrating range measurements of lidars using fixed landmarks in unknown positions
Alhashimi, Anas; Magnusson, Martin; Knorn, Steffi; Varagnolo, Damiano (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We consider the problem of calibrating range measurements of a Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) sensor that is dealing with the sensor nonlinearity and heteroskedastic, range-dependent, measurement error. We solved the ... -
Classifying Lithofacies from Textural Features in Whole Core CT-Scan Images
Chawshin, Kurdistan; Gonzalez, Andres; Berg, Carl Fredrik; Varagnolo, Damiano; Heidari, Zoya; Lopez, Olivier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)X-ray computerized tomography (CT) is a nondestructive method of providing information about the internal composition and structure of whole core reservoir samples. In this study we propose a method to classify lithology. ... -
Collision-Avoiding Model Predictive Rendezvous Strategy to Tumbling Launcher Stages
Ramírez, Jesús; Felicetti, Leonard; Varagnolo, Damiano (Journal article, 2023) -
Communication-aware formation control for networks of AUVs
Hoff, Simon Andreas Hagen; Matous, Josef; Varagnolo, Damiano; Pettersen, Kristin Ytterstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)We propose a distributed formation control algorithm augmented with communication awareness. We consider autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that are able to communicate over an acoustic link using a Time Division Multiple ... -
Comparing Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms’ Ability to Safely Navigate Challenging Waters
Larsen, Thomas Nakken; Teigen, Halvor Ødegård; Laache, Torkel; Varagnolo, Damiano; Rasheed, Adil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Reinforcement Learning (RL) controllers have proved to effectively tackle the dual objectives of path following and collision avoidance. However, finding which RL algorithm setup optimally trades off these two tasks is not ... -
Controlled Direct Liquid Cooling of Data Servers
Lucchese, Riccardo; Varagnolo, Damiano; Johansson, Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)We formulate a modeling and control framework aimed at direct liquid cooling of data servers. In our application scenario, the server's heat load is rejected into a liquid cooling circuit that extends to individual chips. ... -
Cooperative Control of Formations of Underwater Vehicles
Matous, Josef (Doctoral theses at NTNU;NTNU, 2023:347, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis investigates various control algorithms for marine vehicles. Most of the algorithms proposed in the thesis address the formation path-following problem for a fleet of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles, ... -
Data-driven energy management of isolated power systems under rapidly varying operating conditions
Chapaloglou, Spyridon; Varagnolo, Damiano; Marra, Francesco; Tedeschi, Elisabetta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)We propose an energy management algorithm for isolated industrial power systems that integrate uncertain renewable generation and energy storage. The proposed strategy is designed to ensure sustainable and cost-effective ... -
Data-driven modeling of fatigue effects following repeated muscular contractions
Doshmanziari, Roya; Jackson, Roxanne Rose; Varagnolo, Damiano; Knorn, Steffi (Chapter, 2022)We propose a novel dynamical model for describing muscular fatigue and cramping following repeated muscular contractions in the case of female Kegel exercising. The proposed compartmental model adds opportune parameters ...