Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Vaag, Jonas Rennemo"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
A deep dive into a psychosocial work environment under pressure A qualitative study investigating the psychosocial work environment of saturation diving
Romsbotn, Siri (Master thesis, 2021)Metningsdykkerne i Nordsjøen lever og arbeider i et fysisk og sosialt krevende arbeidsmiljø i opptil 5 uker av gangen. Forskning på deres arbeidsmiljø har hovedsakelig blitt gjort fra et fysiologisk perspektiv, og har ... -
Anxiety and Depression Symptom Level and Psychotherapy Use among Music and Art Students Compared to the General Student Population
Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Sivertsen, Børge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: Previous epidemiological studies have shown higher levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms among professional musicians, compared to the general workforce. Similar findings have been observed for psychotherapy ... -
The construct validity of an abridged version of the general self-efficacy scale for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Skliarova, Tatiana; Pedersen, Henrik; Hafstad, Hege; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Lara Cabrera, Mariela Loreto; Havnen, Audun (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Objectives: The General Self-Efficacy (GSE) scale is a validated self-rated questionnaire increasingly used in mental health research. However, despite several psychometric advantages of the GSE scale, its validity in those ... -
Digitalisering av onboardingprogram - En kvalitativ studie av nyansattes opplevelser
Olsen, Marte Rønningstad (Master thesis, 2019)Som følge av et moderne arbeidsliv i stadig endring, har det blitt vanligere å skifte jobb oftere. Med hyppigere jobbskifter, må virksomheter bruke mer ressurser på rekrutteringsprosesser. Det er lett å tenke at ... -
Driving Simulators in Teaching and Learning: A Qualitative Study
Sætren, Gunhild Birgitte; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Pedersen, Pål Andreas; Birkeland, Toril Fagerli; Holmquist, Thor Owe; Lindheim, Catharina; Skogstad, Martin Rasmussen (Chapter, 2021)Background: Different learning styles require different teaching methods, and the use of simulator as a learning tool can thus be an important contribution to driver instruction. Road traffic is a highly complex and high-risk ... -
Has “The Ceiling” Rendered the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) Outdated?
Torsvik, Malvin Arnold; Johnsen, Hanne Cecilie; Lillebo, Børge; Reinaas, Lars Ove; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the preliminary effects of collaborative learning and simulation on readiness to engage in and attitudes toward future interprofessional learning activities. We translated ... -
Kriterier for gode superbrukere i teknologiske endringsprosesser : en kvalitativ studie av hvilke kjennetegn man bør ta hensyn til ved valg av superbrukere før en teknologisk endringsprosess
Sørgård, Stine Dalen (Master thesis, 2018)Implementering av nye datasystemer preger dagens moderne arbeidsliv, og det blir stadig viktigere å vite hvordan man kan oppnå gode teknologiske endringsprosesser. Som et ledd i å oppnå vellykket implementering er det ... -
Personality Traits and the Use of Manual, Alternative, and mental Healthcare Services and medication in Norwegian Musicians
Langvik, Eva; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)To investigate the association between personality traits and use of analgesic medication, anti-depressants and sedatives, mental health services, manual and alternative healthcare services among Norwegian musicians, 1607 ... -
Psychoeducational Groups versus Waitlist in Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Disorder (ADHD) in Adults: A Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Multicenter Trial.
Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Lara Cabrera, Mariela Loreto; Hjemdal, Odin; Gjervan, Bjørn; Torgersen, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Psychoeducation is included in the Norwegian national guidelines for treatment of adult ADHD. Despite some promising results for the treatment of other conditions and ADHD, little is known about the efficacy ... -
A Psychological Investigation of Selection Criteria for Learning Agents (Super Users) and Allocation of Responsibilities in the Implementation of Technological Change
Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Sætren, Gunhild Birgitte; Halvorsen, Thomas Haugeli; Sørgård, Stine Dalen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose: In the introduction of new technologies into organizations, there has been an increasing trend to recruit and make use of the so-called “super users” to help ensure the future use of the technology in question. ... -
Sammenhengen mellom arbeidspress, rollekonflikt, stress og utbrenthet blant kvinner og menn på hjemmekontor i lys av Covid-19 pandemien
Lunde, Andrea Jakobsen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne studien anvender jobbkrav-ressursmodellen (JD-R) og Conservation of Resources (COR) til å undersøke sammenhengen mellom arbeidspress, rollekonflikt, stress og utbrenthet blant kvinner og menn på hjemmekontor som følge ... -
School completion and progression to higher education in adolescents with social anxiety: a linkage between Young-HUNT3 and national educational data (2008–2019), Norway
Jystad, Ingunn; Haugan, Tommy; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Sund, Erik Reidar; Aune, Tore; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) most commonly develops in adolescence—a period of life that includes a transition to upper secondary school. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which social ... -
School Functioning and Educational Aspirations in Adolescents With Social Anxiety—The Young-HUNT3 Study, Norway
Jystad, Ingunn; Haugan, Tommy; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Sund, Erik; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Social anxiety disorder (SAD) typically emerges during childhood or early adolescence and often has long-term effects on several areas of an individual's life, including school and education. The purpose of this study is ... -
Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2015:124, Doctoral thesis, 2015)This dissertation consists of three studies examining insomnia and sleep difficulties (Study I), anxiety and depression symptoms (Study II) and use of mental healthcare services (Study III) among Norwegian musicians, ... -
Social anxiety in adolescence: demographics, mental health comorbidities, school functioning and completion Cross-sectional and longitudinal findings from the Young-HUNT3 study (2006-2019)
Jystad, Ingunn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:194, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Sosial angst hos ungdom i Nord-Trøndelag: karakteristika og utdanning. En studie av deltakerne i Ung-HUNT3. Sosial angstlidelse (SAD) og sosial angst symptomer kjennetegnes av frykt for både dagligdagse sosiale situasjoner ... -
Sociodemographic Correlates and Mental Health Comorbidities in Adolescents With Social Anxiety: The Young-HUNT3 Study, Norway
Jystad, Ingunn; Bjerkeset, Ottar; Haugan, Tommy; Sund, Erik; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Social anxiety is highly prevalent in adolescents and is often associated with great individual suffering and functional impairment. Psychiatric comorbidity is common and further adds to this burden. The purposes of this ... -
Teaching advanced technology (ADAS) and use of touch screens in driver training in Norway
Sætren, Gunhild Birgitte; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo; Saghafian, Mina; Wigum, Jan Petter; Helde, Roger (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)As many as 4,601 people were injured or killed on the roads in Norway in 2022. This number is too high and highlights the necessity of putting road safety on the agenda. The car industry today is represented by a vast ... -
A Work Environment Under Pressure: Psychosocial Job Demands and Resources Among Saturation Divers
Romsbotn, Siri; Eftedal, Ingrid; Vaag, Jonas Rennemo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Å bruke alles styrker kan flytte fjell
Nordheim, Mari (Master thesis, 2021)Tidligere forskning har vist at tilbakemeldingskultur har sammenheng med ansattes engasjement, jobbtilfredshet, motivasjon og kreativitet. Samtidig kan organisasjoner bruke lang tid på å skape en kultur preget av ...