Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ursin, Marit"
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
Barnas Valg – når barna går til stemmeurnene
Ursin, Marit; Lorgen, Linn C. (Journal article, 2019)I forbindelse med stortingsvalget 2017 organiserte Redd Barna i Norge et valg for barn i form av en nettbasert stemmeavgivning. Barnas valg var inspirert av artikkel 12 i FNs Barnekonvensjon, og et av de uttalte målene var ... -
Between bullying and other violences: Exploring the school experiences of immigrant and refugee children at elementary school Duque de Caixas (RJ)
Langfeldt, Camila Caldeira; Ursin, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Este artigo explora os principais desafios enfrentados por um pequeno grupo de crianças da Angola e da República Dominicana do Congo em duas escolas de ensino fundamental em um bairro de Duque de Caxias, município parte ... -
Both nowhere and everywhere - perhaps a cliché, but for me, home is my family: Mobile childhood and sense of belonging among third culture kids
Elvik, Lydia Marie (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaen har som mål å bidra med mer kunnskap om mobil barndom og erfaringene til både voksne og barn som har bodd betydelige deler av oppveksten sin i utlandet. Denne forskningen ser på forskningsdeltakere, med ... -
Breaking the Silence: Children Living and/or Working on the Streets of Sarajevo.
Cerimagic, Jasmina (Master thesis, 2023)This research aims to gain insight into the perspectives and experiences of children who spend their time living and/or working on the streets of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research focuses on three key aspects: ... -
Children's experiences and perpectives on public spaces in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nguyen, Thi My Chau (Master thesis, 2019)This study aims to explore children’s perspectives and experiences on public spaces in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. It further questions structural and contextual forces that shape children’s everyday experiences in public ... -
Children's relational experiences with the financial crisis in Greece
Pardali, Eirini; Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)When Greece was hit by the global financial crisis in 2009, families with children paid the heaviest toll. In this article, we draw on individual interviews and focus groups with 17 sixth graders, six teachers and six ... -
A children’s election—Dilemmas of children’s political participation
Lorgen, Linn C.; Ursin, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In this article, we explore how fifth graders (9–10‐year‐olds) and their teachers view children's participation in a parliamentary election for children arranged by Save the Children Norway in 2017. The participants draw ... -
Consequences of Digital Divides on Children’s Academic Performance
Khanal, Ganesh Kumar (Master thesis, 2023)Abstract The global pandemic of novel coronavirus affected teaching-learning in schools for several months during 2020-2022. On one hand, this showcased preexisting socio-economic and digital inequalities across schools, ... -
Constructions of ‘the ageless’ asylum seekers: An analysis of how age is understood among professionals working within the norwegian immigration authorities
Sørsveen, Aurora; Ursin, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article explores how professionals within the Norwegian immigration authorities conceptualise age when doing non‐medical age assessments. By using social constructivism, which challenges an ethnocentric quantifying ... -
Contemporary understanding of 'family' among socially vulnerable families and social workers in Lithuania
Salkauskiene, Ieva (Master thesis, 2019)Each person’s definition and perception of his or her family varies. Previous research has argued that the answer to the question of what is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ family cannot be found, because we all have a distinct set of ... -
Contradictory and Intersecting Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion of Street Youth in Salvador, Brazil
Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Drawing on longitudinal qualitative research in Brazil involving participant observation and narrative interviews with young homeless persons, and semi-structured interviews with middle class residents, local businesses, ... -
“Crack ends it all?” A study of the interrelations between crack cocaine, social environments, social relations, crime, and homicide among poor, young men in urban Brazil
Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this article, actor network theory is used to explore the consumption of crack cocaine in street settings. The article is based on multiple periods of fieldwork over several years among young men in Salvador, Brazil. ... -
Escutando os adultos sobre proteção da infância e crianças em situação de rua no Brasil urbano [Listening to adults about childhood protection and children in homeless situation in urban Brazil]
Libardi, Suzana; Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This work is situated in the field of childhood studies, which conceives the child as an active subject in society and who is, among other factors, marked by its generational position in front of other generations. In this ... -
Exploring the Impact of Dementia on Children: A Retrospective Study on Family Dynamics and Well-being
Dlapal, Birte Caroline (Master thesis, 2024)Målet med denne undersøkelsen var å utforske erfaringene til unge voksne hvis besteforeldre hadde demens i barndommen. Som en del av dette formålet fokuserte forskningen på deres følelse av ansvar, handlekraft, følelser ... -
Feeling unsafe in Urban Areas: A Quantitative Study of Young People's Geographies of Safety in Mexico City
Gresdahl, May Kristin (Master thesis, 2019)In contrast to the adult and aspatial focus of much research on safety, this thesis examines the perspectives of safety amongst young people from three distinct areas in Mexico City within three contrasting urban locations; ... -
Forankring og nyorientering i et sjøsamisk lokalsamfunn: En intergenerasjonell studie med perspektiv på lokal kunnskap og identitet
Pedersen, Inger (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU;2024:6, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Sjøsamene som urfolk og norsk minoritet har vært lite beskrevet og kjent i vår nasjonale historie, også fra forskningshold. I denne studien møter du tre generasjoner fra et sjøsamisk lokalsamfunn som forteller sine historier ... -
Foster children's views of family: A systematic review and qualitative synthesis
Ie, Judite; Ursin, Marit; Marino, Miguel Vicente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Research reveals that children with childhoods characterised by placement(s) in foster care have particularly complex and multi-dimensional understandings of family. Given the changing nature of family forms ... -
Four decades of Brazilian and international research on street children: A meta-narrative review
Ursin, Marit; Rizzini, Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The last 40 years has yielded a vast body of literature on street children. In this article, we reflect on the knowledge accumulated by several generations of scholars and across two bodies of research. The article’s aim ... -
Freedom, mobility and marginality: an interdisciplinary study of the historical roots of contemporary street youth in urban Brazil
Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study is focused on the lives of street youth in urban Brazil through an interdisciplinary and cross-historical approach, providing a conceptual analysis of three different but interconnected sources of knowledge: A ... -
Gatebarnet som offer og helt: En kritisk gjennomgang av den metodologiske utviklingen i den tverrfaglige barne- og barndomsforskningen
Ursin, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Denne artikkelen har som utgangspunkt at metodiske og metodologiske valg aldri er nøytrale, men bygger på dominerende politiske agendaer og teoretisering av feltet. Gjennom å granske utviklingen av gatebarnfeltet de siste ...