Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Turgut, Melih"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
Anvendelse av Khan Academy i norsk kontekst
Brelin, Mats Kristoffer (Master thesis, 2021)Denne studien søker å avklare hvordan og i hvilken grad Khan Academy (KA), en nettside med videoleksjoner innenfor en rekke fag, kan anvendes for å oppfylle kompetansemål fra den norske læreplanen i matematikk. Spørsmålet ... -
Developing survey-based measures of mathematics teachers’pedagogical technology knowledge: a focus oncomputational thinking and programming tools
Turgut, Melih; Kohanova, Iveta; Gjøvik, Øistein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Economics students’ perception of effective teaching of mathematics at the tertiary level
Radmehr, Farzad; Turgut, Melih (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Elevers resonneringsstrategi i arbeid med computational thinking
Halse, Jørgen Rannem (Master thesis, 2024)Studien har undersøkt hvordan elever på 10.trinn resonnerer når de arbeider med computational thinking (CT) i geometri. Hensikten med studien er å undersøke resonneringsstrategiene til elevene innen tematikken CT i geometri ... -
En kvalitativ studie av matematikklærere sin undervisning av multiplikasjon ved 3. trinn.
Haugberg, Marit Skipnes (Master thesis, 2023)Hensikten med denne masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke matematikklærere sine kunnskaper, gjennom undervisning av multiplikasjon. Formålet ble satt for å kunne bidra til ytterligere innsikt i matematisk kunnskap for ... -
Epistemic Potentials and Challenges with Digital Collaborative Concept Maps in Undergraduate Linear Algebra
Donevska-Todorova, Ana; Turgut, Melih (Chapter, 2022)This paper aims to investigate epistemological potentials and challenges of digital concept mapping in collaborative activities of pre-service teachers regarding conceptualization in undergraduate linear algebra. Design ... -
Fourth graders explore a computational thinking task using Robot Emil: A multimodal analysis of pupils’ thinking
Turgut, Melih; Kohanova, Iveta; Asklund, Jørn Ove; Gjøvik, Øistein; Langfeldt, Marit Buset; Torkildsen, Hermund André (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
How a teacher professional development program influences students’ algebra performance? Reflections from a web-based platform
Tanisli, Dilek; Türkmen, Handegut; Turgut, Melih; Köse, Nilüfer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The main purpose of this study was to assess seventh-graders’ algebra performance when their teachers received professional development support regarding hypothetical learning trajectories through a web-based platform. ... -
Instrumentation schemes for solving systems of linear equations with dynamic geometry software
Turgut, Melih; Drijvers, Paul (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this paper we focus on the link between the use of dynamic geometry software and student understanding for the solution of systems of linear equations from an instrumental genesis perspective. Three task-based interviews ... -
Internal Record as a catalyst: Fourth graders' problem-solving practices with the programming robot Emil
Turgut, Melih; Kohanova, Iveta; Asklund, Jørn Ove; Svinvik, Solveig Voktor (Chapter, 2024)This research aims to explore the synergy between internal records of the representation and problem-solving practice while fourth graders use Robot Emil to solve a mathematics-related task. The participants are three ... -
Key aspects of teacher practices in teaching mathematics with programming tools in Norwegian schools
Kveseth, Signe Sandengen; Turgut, Melih (Chapter, 2024)The aim of this research is to explore teachers’ practices in teaching mathematics with programming tools from the lens of Pedagogical Technology Knowledge (PTK) framework. The data comes from five individual interviews ... -
Learning more about derivative: leveraging online resources for varied realizations
Radmehr, Farzad; Turgut, Melih (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Recent literature underlines the increasing use of online platforms in learning undergraduate mathematics, where students refer to these as supplementary resources to develop their mathematical understanding. Through an ... -
Matematisk modellering - En kvalitativ studie av læreres opplevde utfordringer i arbeid med matematisk modellering
Bye, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2020)Matematisk modellering har i de siste årene vært mye i fokus på grunn av sin mulighet til å koble sammen matematikk og den virkelige verden. Inkludering og løsning av virkelighetsnære oppgaver i matematikkundervisningen ... -
Mathematics Education in Times of Exponential Change: New trends and new debates
Donevska-Todorova, Ana; Faggiano, Eleonora; Iannone, Paola; Medová, Janka; Tabach, Michal; Turgut, Melih; Weigand, Hans Georg (Chapter, 2022) -
A Mathematics Teacher Educator’s Feedback Affecting Teachers’ Design of Hypothetical Learning Trajectories for Teaching Patterns
Turgut, Melih; Tanisli, Dilek; Kose, Nilufer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This qualitative research presents how a mathematics teacher educator’s feedbacks to two lower secondary school mathematics teachers affects their design of hypothetical learning trajectories regarding teaching patterns ... -
Proceedings of the 13th ERME Topic Conference (ETC13) on Mathematics Education in Digital Age 3 (MEDA3), 7-9 September 2022 in Nitra, Slovakia
Weigand, Hans-Georg; Donevska-Todorova, Ana; Faggiano, Elonora; Iannone, Paula; Medová, Janka; Tabach, Michal; Turgut, Melih (Book, 2022) -
Reinventing Geometric Linear Transformations in a Dynamic Geometry Environment: Multimodal Analysis of Student Reasoning
Turgut, Melih (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper reports the multimodal resources that attached to students’ reasoning in the reinvention of specific geometric linear transformations (like reflections according to the axes, projections onto axes and composition ... -
Ressurser i planlegging av programmeringsundervisning
Tangen, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2024)Denne studien har som formål å undersøke matematikklærere på ungdomsskolenivå sin bruk av ressurser knyttet til planlegging av undervisning med programmering. Programmeringens plass i matematikkfaget i den norske skole er ... -
Students’ perceptions and challenges regarding mathematics teaching cycle in practices of historical and philosophical aspects of mathematics course
Turgut, Melih; Kohanova, Iveta (Chapter, 2021)This paper explores master students’ perceptions and challenges when designing a mathematics lesson in the Historical and Philosophical Aspects of Mathematics course following the perspective of the mathematics teaching ... -
Symbolizing lines and planes as linear combinations in a dynamic geometry environment
Turgut, Melih; Smith, Jessica Lynn; Andrews-Larson, Christine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this paper, we focus on students’ symbolizing activity and mathematization relating to linear combination and span in the context of a task sequence designed with digital tools. Considering tools and functions of a ...