Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Trætteberg, Hallvard"
Now showing items 1-20 of 61
A graphical diagram editor plugin for Eclipse
Ulvestad, Kay Are (Master thesis, 2005)This document serves the dual purpose of being the first version of the documentation for the Eclipse UIML DiaMODL and UIML Diagram plugins, as well as being the written part of my master thesis. The documentation part is ... -
A Modeling Environment in the Cloud for Education
Rekstad, Kristian (Master thesis, 2021)Programvareutvikling har en tilnærming som kalles Model-Dreven Utvikling (MDD). Dette undervises til studenter i høyere utdanning. Tilnærmingen er avhengig av verktøy, og et slikt verktøy er Eclipse Modeling Framework ... -
A Web-Based Code-Editor - For Use in Programming Courses
Rasmussen, Christian; Åse, David (Master thesis, 2014)In this thesis a code-editor was implemented as a part of a bigger web-based system for solving programming assignments in the course TDT4100. The editor was created in order to allow the students of the class to focus ... -
Applying Learning Analytics in the course TDT4100 at NTNU
Sørhus, Stein Kjetil (Master thesis, 2015)In the Object Oriented Programming course TD4100 at NTNU there is a need to get an improved overview of the learning challenges of the students. A better understanding of how the students work, and how they handle the ... -
Arkitektur for lokasjonsbevisste sosiale spill
Isaksen, Johan Gunnar Gaustadsæthe; Waagsbø, Kristian Gaupseth (Master thesis, 2010)Modelldrevet utvikling er generelt brukt på større informasjonssystemer, men denne oppgaven omhandler bruk av modelldrevet utvikling på spill. Ved å benytte nyere teknologi som lar deg benytte grafiske verktøy til å modellere ... -
Bruk av Event Sourcing for logging og visualisering av bruk av nettressurser
Pedersen, Andreas Haugen (Master thesis, 2015)I faget TDT4100 Objektorientert Programmering brukes det tester i øvingsopplegget for å se om studentene har fullført en øving. Data fra disse testene er registrert og lagret i et system som en annen student, Stein Kjetil ... -
Community features in course web sites
Bakke, Geir Helge Stormoen; Gulliksen, Erik (Master thesis, 2010)The main focus of this thesis will be to look at how the usability of a course system using collaborative features can be maximized. We will research how we can use Semantic Web to structure and connect content in order ... -
Cross platform Mobile Applications Development: Mobile Apps Mobility
Redda, Yonathan Aklilu (Master thesis, 2012)In recent years, the mobile computing sector has been having quite a revolution.Mobile computing devices have shed loads of weight, gone slim, achieved mass popularityand a great market penetration. But one of the challenges ... -
Design process behind an educational review system for student submissions -Applying knowledge from professional code reviews to an educational assessment setting
Laurvik, Torgeir Sandnes (Master thesis, 2021)Vurderingsressursene på NTNU er begrenset, tiltak som kan bidra til å effektivisere tiden brukt på vurdering er derfor verdifulle. 1. august 2022 trer en ny lov i kraft som krever at minst to sensorer skal samarbeide om ... -
Designing and Implementing Support for Web Browser-Based UIs by Using Ajax Technology
Erdemli, Asim Cihan; Hazar, Onur (Master thesis, 2011)Due to the advancements in graphical user interface design and modelingtechnology, model-based user interfaces are becoming more dynamic andmodeling frameworks allow developers to focus more on abstract modelingwhich means ... -
Detekt-hint - A tool for detecting design principle violations
Kohmann, Marius (Master thesis, 2020)Absence of correctly applied design principles triggers maintainability problems in software development and increases development cost. To current date, tools for developers have to a small extent targeted design principles ... -
DiaModlGen: Generering av javakode basert på DiaMODL interaksjonsmodeller
Kvam Mittet, Nils Jørgen (Master thesis, 2006)DiaMODL er et hybrid modelleringsspråk, delvis basert på UML Statecharts, og kan dermed brukes som en ren abstrakt notasjon for å modellere interaksjon samtidig som det er mulig å modellere konkrete interaksjonsobjekter. ... -
DiaModlGen:Generering av javakode basert på DiaMODL interaksjonsmodeller
Mittet, Nils Jørgen Kvam (Master thesis, 2006) -
DSL and Engine for Pervasive Treasure Hunt Games
Hosseinpoor, Habibollah; Skar, Christian (Master thesis, 2012)The purpose of this master thesis was to eliminate the technical barrier for creating pervasive games. In order to achieve this a domain-specific language (DSL) was made along with an engine to interpret the DSL scripts. ... -
Easing the Transition from Visual to Textual Programming
Kaurel, Håkon Gimnes (Master thesis, 2016)In later years an effort to teach programming to children has been gaining traction. Programming is seen as an important skill for the future, and many countries are seeking to ensure that children are given the opportunity ... -
Educational Game Programming with JavaFX - 2D Game Framework Integrating JavaFX with Physics Engine
Wannebo, Kristian Juul (Master thesis, 2017)Java@Kodeklubben Trondheim students have expressed wishes for making games, but programming physical movements and interactions proved too complex for the students. This research aimed to design a prototype of a game ... -
Enabling a Ubiquitous Location Based Service on Campus
Karlsen, Bjarte Stien (Master thesis, 2005)This thesis have looked at two subjects that are a necessary part of a Location Based Service. Guidelines on how to make a Location Model of the campus has been suggested. The proposed model enhanced already existing ... -
Enabling a Ubiquitous Location Based Service on Campus
Karlsen, Bjarte Stien (Master thesis, 2005)This thesis have looked at two subjects that are a necessary part of a Location Based Service. Guidelines on how to make a Location Model of the campus has been suggested. The proposed model enhanced already existing ... -
Evidence for Programming Strategies in University Coding Exercises
Sharma, Kshitij; Mangaroska, Katerina; Trætteberg, Hallvard; Lee-Cultura, Serena; Giannakos, Michail (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Success in coding exercises is deeply related to the strategy employed by the students to solve coding tasks. In this contribution, we analyze the programming assignments of 600 students from an introductory university ... -
Feature Analysis of Supervised Machine Learning Models in IDE-Based Learning Analytics - Exploring the use of correlation coefficients and p-values as feature utility measures through estimating student performance in an introductory programming course
Nygård, Boye Borg (Master thesis, 2018)Due to the recent proliferation of large datasets collected from human behavior in digital environments, IDE-based learning analytics using supervised learning has emerged as a scientific field. However, due to its novelty, ...