Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Torres, Ricardo Da Silva"
Now showing items 1-20 of 44
Accuracy and limitations for spectroscopic prediction of leaf traits in seasonally dry tropical environments
Streher, Annia; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Leonor, Morellato; Thiago, Silva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Generalized assessments of the accuracy of spectroscopic estimates of ecologically important leaf traits such as leaf mass per area (LMA) and leaf dry matter content (LDMC) are still lacking for most ecosystems, and ... -
Application of Artifical Intelligence and Data Science Methods in Oil and Gas Reservoir Simulation
Dwivedi, Saumitra (Master thesis, 2020)Olje- og gassindustrien arbeider med noen av de mest komplekse og utfordrende industrielle prosessene på tvers av flere ingeniørdomener. Slike industrielle prosesser krever vanligvis presisjon for å redusere størrelse og ... -
Application of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Methods in Oil and Gas Reservoir Simulation
Dwivedi, Saumitra (Master thesis, 2020)The oil and gas industry works with a few of the most complex and challenging industrial processes across several domains of engineering. Such industrial processes usually require precision, in order to suppress the outcome ... -
Application-Oriented Retinal Image Models for Computer Vision
Silva, Ewerton; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Pinto, Allan; Li, Lin; Vianna, José; Azevedo, Rodolfo; Goldenstein, Siome (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Energy and storage restrictions are relevant variables that software applications should be concerned about when running in low-power environments. In particular, computer vision (CV) applications exemplify well that ... -
Artificial Intelligence – Informed Decision Support for Search and Rescue
Nasar, Wajeeha (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:205, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries in recent years by offering solutions to complex problems and enhancing decision-making processes. The integration of AI into decision support systems ... -
A BFS-Tree of ranking references for unsupervised manifold learning
Pedronette, Daniel; Valem, Lucas; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Contextual information, defined in terms of the proximity of feature vectors in a feature space, has been successfully used in the construction of search services. These search systems aim to exploit such information to ... -
A Change-Driven Image Foveation Approach for Tracking Plant Phenology
Silva, Ewerton; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Bruna, Alberton; Leonor, Morellato; Thiago, Silva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)One of the challenges in remote phenology studies lies in how to efficiently manage large volumes of data obtained as long-term sequences of high-resolution images. A promising approach is known as image foveation, which ... -
Characterization and analyses of dribbling actions in soccer: a novel definition and effectiveness of dribbles in the 2018 FIFA World Cup RussiaTM
Leal, Kleber; Pinto, Allan; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Elferink-Gemser, Marije; Cunha, Sergio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose Dribbling is a significant skill in soccer, owing to its effectiveness to create opportunities for scoring, and has been analysed from different perspectives, including the development of talented players. This ... -
Classification and determinants of passing difficulty in soccer: a multivariate approach
Merlin, Murilo; Pinto, Allan; de Almeida, Alexandre Gomes; Moura, Felipe A; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Cunha, Sergio Augusto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction Usually, the players’ or teams’ efficiency to perform passes is measured in terms of accuracy. The degree of difficulty of this action has been overlooked in the literature. Objectives The present study ... -
Cognitive control-loop for elastic optical networks with space-division multiplexing
Trindade, Silvana; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Zhu, Zuqing; da Fonseca, Nelson L. S. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper introduces a new solution to improve network performance by decreasingspectrum fragmentation, crosstalk interference, blocking of virtual networks, cost, and link loadimbalance. These problems degrade the ... -
Comparing CAM Algorithms for the Identification of Salient Image Features in Iconography Artwork Analysis
Pinciroli Vago, Nicolo' Oreste; Milani, Federico; Fraternali, Piero; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Iconography studies the visual content of artworks by considering the themes portrayedin them and their representation. Computer Vision has been used to identify iconographic subjectsin paintings and Convolutional Neural ... -
Complex network model indicates a positive effect of inspiratory muscles pre-activation on performance parameters in a judo match
Cirino, Carolina; Gobatto, Claudio A.; Pinto, Allan S.; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Hartz, Charlini S.; Azevedo, Paulo H. S. M.; Moreno, Marlene A.; Manchado-Gobatto, Fúlvia B. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study investigated the efects of inspiratory muscle pre-activation (IMPA) on the interactions among the technical-tactical, physical, physiological, and psychophysiological parameters in a simulated judo match, based ... -
Contextual movement models based on normalizing flows
Fadel, Samuel G.; Mair, Sebastian; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Brefeld, Ulf (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Movement models predict positions of players (or objects in general) over time and are thus key to analyzing spatiotemporal data as it is often used in sports analytics. Existing movement models are either designed from ... -
Corresponding Assessment Scenarios in Laboratory and On-Court Tests: Centrality Measurements by Complex Networks Analysis in Young Basketball Players
Gobatto, Claudio; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Moura, Felipe; Cunha, Sergio; Giacometti, Caio; Araujo, Gustavo; Sousa, Filipe; Manchado-Gobatto, Fúlvia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Besides technical and tactical aspects, basketball matches involve high aerobic and anaerobic capacities, conferring the final performance of a team. Thus, the evaluation of physical and technical responses is an effective ... -
Detecting face presentation attacks in mobile devices with a patch-based CNN and a sensor-aware loss function
Almeida, Waldir; Andaló, Fernanda; Padilha, Rafael; Bertocco, Gabriel; Dias, William; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Wainer, Jacques; Rocha, Anderson (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)With the widespread use of biometric authentication comes the exploitation of presentation attacks, possibly undermining the effectiveness of these technologies in real-world setups. One example takes place when an impostor, ... -
E-Commerce in a distributed system of warehouses
Strøm, Sigurd; Jónsson, Sigurður; Hardeberg, Samuel (Bachelor thesis, 2021)E-handel er prosessen av å selge eller kjøpe varer eller tjenester over internett. Hovedmålet med denne oppgaven er å lage en e-handel nettside som kan snakke sammen med andre distribuerte varehus. Selve nettbutikken skal ... -
Encoding and Visualizing Temporal Changes of Topology Density Maps
Hu, Zhicheng (Master thesis, 2022)Spatiotemporal urban data analysis is one of the most relevant and challenging topics in the computer graphics and information visualization research areas. This master project introduces a novel solution, named Temporal ... -
EVOCROS: Results for OAEI 2019
Destro, Juliana Medeiros; Vargas, Javier A; dos Reis, Julio Cesar; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This paper describes the updates in EVOCROS, a crosslingual ontology alignment system suited to create mappings between ontologies described in different natural language. Our tool combines syntactic and semantic similarity ... -
Exploring the determinants of success in different clusters of ball possession sequences in soccer
Merlim, Murilo; Cunha, Sergio; Moura, Felipe; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Gonçalves, Bruno; Sampaio, Jaime (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of this study was two-step: (1) classify ball possession (BP) according to the duration and number of passes and (2) identify which tactical variables most discriminate the different BP. We obtained 527 BPs ... -
Football player dominant region determined by a novel model based on instantaneous kinematics variables
Caetano, Fabio Giuliano; Barbon Junior, Sylvio; Torres, Ricardo Da Silva; Cunha, Sergio Augusto; Ruffino, Paulo Régis Caron; Martins, Luiz Eduardo Barreto; Moura, Felipe Arruda (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Dominant regions are defned as regions of the pitch where a player can reach before any other and are commonly determined without considering the free-spaces in the pitch. We presented an approach to football players’ ...