Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Thorsen, Thea Selliaas"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Bacheloroppgave i Antikkens Kultur - Kommentar av Svetons biografi av Augustus
Kili, June Olsen (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Sveton er en av to forfattere fra antikken som vi har bevart en Augustus-biografi av. Han skrev et verk kalt «om keisernes liv», som forteller om livet til de tolv keisere fra Julius Cæsar til Domitian. Biografien om ... -
The Beloved: Figures and words
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2021)This chapter explores specific figures and words associated with the role of the beloved in ancient literature. One of the most prominent of these roles is that of Latin love poetry’s puella (Lat. ‘girl’); it ... -
Blindness and insight. Emotions of erotic love in Roman poetry
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2020)“Reading emotions” may refer to the reading of emotions as well as to emotions that read. This chapter focusses on the latter kind. More precisely, it explores emotions of erotic love in Roman poetry as a precondition for ... -
Classical Witches The idea of witchcraft in Ancient Greece and Rome
Rodak Loenert, Thammaryne (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven undersøker ideen om heksekunst i antikken, hvordan det kan defineres, hvordan det ble til, samt hvordan det differensierte seg fra andre religiøse praksiser. Disse praksisene blir sammenlignet med kristne ... -
Det Pseudovergilianske Ciris i Oversettelse
Juul Frandsen, Lavrans Knud Valentin (Master thesis, 2024)Det romerske diktet Ciris fra samlingen Appendix Vergiliana, tradisjonelt tilskrevet Vergil, har vært gjenstand for en lang – av og til polemisk – debatt om forfatterskap og datering, forvansket av en usikker etablering ... -
Embodied Mimetic Poetry: Text and Performance of Classical Greek Drama
Berge, Robert Emil (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:338, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Avhandlingen Embodied Mimetic Poetry: Text and Performance of Classical Greek Drama ser på teksten til klassisk gresk drama og undersøker hvilke funksjoner den kan ha hatt i de opprinnelige teaterforestillingene. ... -
En kommentar til Ovid's Metamorfoser Tiende bok: Venus og Adonis
Martinsen, Nina (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Bacheloroppgaven tar for seg forholdet mellom religion og mytologi i antikken, i form av en kommentar til deler av tiende bok av Ovids Metamorfoser. Utdraget fra Metamorfoser handler om gudinnen av kjærlighet, Venus, hennes ... -
Fra Teater til Samfunn: Hvordan Plautus' Aulularia Belyser det Antikke Romas Kulturelle og Sosiale Variasjoner
Haugland, Malin Gjørv (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Oppgaven utforsker den historiske og kulturelle konteksten til Plautus' komedie Aulularia ved å analysere hvordan sosiale og kulturelle forskjeller i det antikke Roma manifesterer seg i stykket. Den innledes med en gjennomgang ... -
In Sickness or in Health? Love, Pathology, and Marriage in the Letters of Acontius and Cydippe (Ovid’s Heroides 20–1)
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2021)The elegiac epistles of Ovid’s Heroides 20-21 recast an iconic tale of pathology and love, which is famously also found in Callimachus’ Aetia Book 3. Here Acontius’ desire for Cydippe is directly linked to her various grave ... -
Intrepid Intratextuality: The Epistolary Pair of Leander and Hero (Heroides 18–19) and the End of Ovid’s Poetic Career
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2018) -
Introducing the dynamics of ancient prose
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas; Harrison, Stephen (Chapter, 2018) -
Krig, Fred og Metamorfose
Andresen, Henrik Rygg (Bachelor thesis, 2020)‘Den augusteiske gullalder’ – en betegnelse som brukes for de sosiale og kulturelle strømningene i Romerriket under keiser Augustus. Dette var en tid med etterlengtet fred – en av Augustus’ kjerneverdier. Han hadde et sett ... -
Looking backwards and forwards: Orpheus in love and metapoetical complexities
Sundt, Peter Astrup (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:35, Doctoral thesis, 2021)The thesis Looking backwards and forwards – Orpheus in love and metapoetical complexities analyses the mythical poet Orpheus of Thrace, and argues that in his capacity as a tragic and unsuccessful lover, he provides a ... -
Love: Ancient and Modern Representations
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2021)This chapter argues that although concepts more or less overlapping with the idea of true love may be found in ancient literature, the academic appreciation of such concepts is today complicated by certain divides in ... -
Lærd litteratur fra og i Nidaros i senmiddelalderen: Retorisk strategi i Theodoricus' De antiquitate norwagiensium og Erkesetet fra til reformasjonen (og videre)
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2018) -
Oenone (Her. 5), Acontius (Her. 20) and the Ovidian servitium amoris
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Ovid's Amores 1,5 and the complex of Pompey
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The main argument of this paper is that Amores I 5, a key poem in the work with which Ovid claims to have to begun his literary career, activates specific features of the legacy of Pompey the Great mediated through both ... -
Ovid’s Artistic Transfiguration, Procris and Cephalus
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Chapter, 2023) -
Pitfalls of pseudepigraphy: Cicero, the Rhetorica ad Herennium and Raffaele Regio’s Quaestio Reconsidered
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The main argument of this paper is that the extent to which it has been demonstrated that the Rhetorica ad Herennium was not written by Cicero is more questionable than is currently acknowledged. By revisiting the arguments ... -
Plastic accommodations of female agency: Vergil, Horace and Antipater of Thessalonica
Thorsen, Thea Selliaas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)By taking statues in the Portico of Pompey as a point of departure, the present investigation centres on the less known poet Antipater of Thessalonica, who composed epigrams in Greek in Augustan Rome, as well as the famous ...