Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Thorp, Sebastian"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Association of the Big Five Personality Traits with Training Effectiveness, Sense of Presence, and Cybersickness in Virtual Reality
Thorp, Sebastian; Rimol, Lars Morten; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Virtual reality (VR) presents numerous opportunities for training skills and abilities through the technology’s capacity to simulate realistic training scenarios and environments. This can be seen in how newer research has ... -
Bak skjermen: En sammenlikning av 2D versus VR og sammenhengen mellom kognitiv belastning, opplevd tilstedeværelse og simulatorsyke
Dao, Catherine Thy (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Kognitiv belastning (cognitive load) er hvor mye mentale ressurser som kreves sett i forhold til oppgaven. Opplevd tilstedeværelse (sense of presence) er som en illusjon på hvor «til stede» brukeren føler seg i det virtuelle ... -
Comparative analysis of spatial ability in immersive and non-immersive virtual reality: the role of sense of presence, simulation sickness and cognitive load
Thorp, Sebastian; Rimol, Lars Morten; Lervik, Simon; Evensmoen, Hallvard Røe; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigates the effects of immersion on spatial ability in virtual reality (VR) and the influence of sense of presence, simulation sickness, and cognitive load. Participants performed a spatial ability task ... -
Evaluating the effect of multi-sensory stimulations on simulator sickness and sense of presence during HMD-mediated VR experience
Grassini, Simone; Laumann, Karin; De Martin Topranin, Virginia; Thorp, Sebastian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Some lines of evidence have shown that sensory input, especially related to vestibular and somatosensory stimulation, may reduce the symptoms related to simulator sickness and increase the sense of presence in VR. The ... -
Exploratory study: Relationship between Simulation Sickness and EEG measurments, and the potential sex discrepancy present in VR
Willoch, Caroline (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Negative bivirkninger etter eksponering for virtuell virkelighet, også kjent som simuleringssyke (SS), har blitt avdekket i tidligere studier. Det kan utgjøre et problem for å oppnå det fulle potensialet til VR-teknologien. ... -
Overcoming the Productivity Paradox in the Public Sector by Managing Deliberate Learning
Bjerke-Busch, Linn Slettum; Thorp, Sebastian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Digital technology offers an opportunity for increased productivity in public organizations, but organizations struggle to gain revenue from their investments, known as the productivity paradox. This study examines the ... -
Sammenhengen mellom tilstedeværelse og kognitiv belastning i VR og 2D
Lundeland, Elise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)VR-teknologien er i rask utvikling og det forventes at antall brukere øker de neste årene (EG & Raaen, 2021). Til tross for at VR har blitt en større del av samfunnet er det få studier som undersøker variabler som kan ... -
Temporal Development of Sense of Presence and Cybersickness during an Immersive VR Experience
Thorp, Sebastian; Ree, Alexander Sævild; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Following the advances in modern head-mounted displays, research exploring the human experience of virtual environments has seen a surge in interest. Researchers have examined how to promote individuals’ sense of presence, ... -
The Effects on Former Gaming Experience on the Relationship Between Gender and Simulations Sickness: A Mediation Analysis
Rasmussen, Ken (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Denne undersøgelse havde til formål at undersøge, om tidligere gaming-erfaring kunne forklare kønsforskelle i oplevelsen af simulationssyge i virtuelle miljøer (VR). VR-teknologi anvendes bredt i forskellige professioner, ... -
The Neural Underpinnings of Allocentric Memory Encoding: Exploring the Role of Alpha and Theta Oscillations
Ekelund, Skage Christensen (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Allosentriske representasjoner refererer til en form for spatial hukommelse dannet ved å kostruere kognitive kart av omgivelser basert på fremtredende landemerker, uavhengig av individets nåværende eller tidligere opplevd ... -
Transfer of Training from Virtual Reality: The Effect of Pre-exposure, Cognitive Load, and Presence
Thorp, Sebastian (Master thesis, 2021)«Virtual Reality» (VR) tilbyr organisasjoner muligheten til å trene ansattes ferdigheter og egenskaper i simulerte miljøer som ellers ville vært upraktisk eller farlige å trene i. Allikevel er det lite forskning på hvordan ... -
User Individual Characteristics and Perceived Usability in Immersive HMD VR: A Mixed Method Explorative Study
Grassini, Simone; Saghafian, Mina; Thorp, Sebastian; Laumann, Karin (Chapter, 2021)The association between personality and individual tendency for adopting and optimally interfacing with new technologies has often been proposed in the literature. However, only few published studies report experimental ... -
Using electrophysiological measures to evaluate the sense of presence in immersive virtual environments: An event‐related potential study.
Grassini, Simone; Laumann, Karin; Thorp, Sebastian; De Martin Topranin, Virginia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sense of presence has been often explored in the context of virtual reality (VR) and immersive visual technologies; however, standardized and objective measures of the sense of presence have been difficult to find. Studies ...