Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Storeide, Anette Homlong"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Angst, Anpassung oder Anregung? Die norwegische Leichtmetallindustrie unter deutscher Besatzung 1940-1945
Storeide, Anette Homlong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)During the German occupation of Norway 1940-45, Göring launched a large-scale plan for a massive expansion of the Norwegian light metal industry in order to boost aircraft production for the Luftwaffe. This light metal ... -
Constructing “The seventh million”? Holocaust and national identity in contemporary Israel
Storeide, Anette Homlong (Chapter, 2019)This chapter discusses the role of the Holocaust for national memory and identity in contemporary Israel. Based on a sociological and socio-constructive approach to memory and identity, the chapter analyses the state ... -
Eine falsche Einstellung zu unseren Staat und den Normen des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens sind die Hauptursachen für ihr ablehnendes Verhalten - Eine Fallstudie der Zwangsadoptionen in der DDR der siebziger Jahre
Sjåvik, Isabel (Master thesis, 2016)Denne masteroppgaven er et kasusstudie av såkalte tvangsadopsjoner i det tidligere DDR. „Tvangsadopsjon“ betegner en adopsjon hvor opposisjonelle foreldre ble fratatt oppdragelsesretten for barna sine, hvorpå barna ble ... -
Erinnerung in deutschen Schriftmedien : Erinnerung an Flucht und Vertreibung in der Nachrichtenmagazin der Spiegel zwischen 2002 und 2011
Ølstad, Malin (Master thesis, 2016)I de siste krigsmånedene av andre verdenskrig og frem til 1946 flyktet 14 millioner tyskere, hvorav to millioner mistet livet. Mens krigen enda pågikk flyktet de fra den Røde Armé som rykket mot Berlin, og som drepte og ... -
Im Dienst der Erinnerung : eine Untersuchung zweier Museumsorganisationen
Størmer, Håkon Ringstad (Master thesis, 2016)En undersøkelse av Gjenreisningsmuseet for Finnmark og Nord-Troms og Stiftung Flucht, Vertreibung, Versöhnung sett i lys av norsk og tysk erindringskultur. -
International Organizations and Holocaust Remembrance:From Europe to the World
Storeide, Anette Homlong; Kaiser, Wolfram (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)International organizations have increasingly become engaged in developing transnational memory frames for the Holocaust. Based on document analysis and interviews with transnational norm entrepreneurs, this article explores ... -
Kosovo og EU: Utfordringer for Kosovos integrasjonsprosess
Veseli, Linda (Master thesis, 2014) -
Local and National Memories of WWII in a Transnational Age: The Case of Norway
Storeide, Anette Homlong (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article discusses how the “unbound” and “multidirectional” memory of the Holocaust has contested, challenged, and reformed existing frames of memorialization of WWII in Norway. Through an analysis of the discussion ... -
Remember Lampedusa : a post-structural discourse analysis of European commemoration in the Mediterranean
Popović, Marina (Master thesis, 2016)This thesis is investigating how European commemorational practices have been a part of constructing European identity, and is questioning to what degree this is present in European commemorational speeches today. The ... -
Wie hat sich der Gebrauch der Geschichte in den ostdeutschen Schulbüchern entwickelt? : Eine diachronische Untersuchung von der Instrumentalisierung der Geschichte in zwei ostdeutschen Geschichtsschulbüchern und in einem sächsischen Geschichtsschulbuch mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Darstellung der Nachkriegsjahre
Solem, Anne (Master thesis, 2017)Etter nederlaget i andre verdenskrig lå Tyskland i ruiner. På et tidspunkt ble de tyske områdene delt inn i fire soner, som ble administrert av krigens seierherrer. Den østlige delen tilfalt således Sovjetunionen. I 1949 ...