Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Sterten, Jo"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
A Method of Model Experiments for Regularizing the Problem of Recovery of the Input Signal of the Linear Object by the Integral Dynamic Model
Sterten, Jo; Furtat, Yurii (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The method of determining the parameter of regularization for solving the problem of restoring the input signal of a linear stationary object under the conditions of the existence of measurement errors and the process of ... -
A3 Problemløsning: Analysere og forbedre en produksjonsprosess ved studboltproduksjon.
Sand, Jonatan (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Bakgrunn: Stor varians i levetiden på verktøyet skaper uforutsigbarhet ved produksjon av studbolter ved Dokka Fasteners. Hensikt: Å kutte kostnader relatert til uplanlagt verktøybytte, slik som produksjonsstopp, vrak, ... -
Algorithm implementation of integrated macromodel explicit form
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo; Polozhaenko, Sergiy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)It is shown that the class of adequate mathematical models of dynamic objects of varying complexity is integrated model, built on the principle "input - output". It is important that this class of models, presented as a ... -
Application of Modern Educational Methods through Implementation of the Ambulance Simulator at a Clinic Laboratory (NTNU Gjøvik)
Sterten, Jo; Ogorodnyk, Olga (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This paper describes development of a novel ambulance simulator implemented at the Nursing department at NTNU Gjøvik and effects of its use for educational purposes. Cultural aspects of the simulator implementation are ... -
Approach to Computer Modelling of Power Energy Devices’ Periodic Modes
Verlan, Andriy; Fedorchuk, V.A.; Sterten, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The increasing complexity of power energy devices poses new challenges for designers, and the solutions depend on the efficiency and adequacy of computer modeling of electromagnetic processes in real circuits of power ... -
Approach to Energy Objects’ Dynamics Modelling Based on Singular Systems’ Elements
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Over the last decades there has been substantial progress on the development of theory and numerical methods for singular systems (known also as descriptor systems, semistate systems, differential algebraic systems, ... -
Automatisere statusrapportering i et digitalt samhandlingsverktøy
Brøsholen, Thomas; ; Le Divenah, Cecilie; ; Jarstad, Anna S. (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Bacheloroppgaven omhandler Pims 365, ett digitalt prosjektstyringsverktøy benyttet av Sykehusbygg for å styre sine prosjekter. Verktøyet har blitt utforsket, analysert mot teori og videreutviklet for å forbedre ... -
Design og utvikling av låseanordning til hundeutstyr for Non-stop Dogwear
Amlie, Martin; Idsø, Werner Evensen; Vågen, Lars Erik (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne bacheloroppgaven har som hensikt å designe og utvikle ny løsning på låseanordning for Non-stop Dogwear (heretter: Non-stop). Dette er en norsk produsent innen hundeutstyr som utvikler sine egne produkter og klær, med ... -
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The task of signal recovery is one of the most important for auto-mated diagnostics and control systems of an energy object. When solving the inverse problems of recovering signals, images and other types of data, spectral ... -
Hvordan innføre bærekraft gjennom LEAN - Fra tankesett til teknikk
Skjæret, Øyvind A. (Bachelor thesis, 2023)Formålet til denne bacheloroppgaven er å bruke metodikken rundt Lean til å innføre bærekraft på en måte som tradisjonell Lean ikke kan. Dette gjøres ved å utvikle en ny metode som kombinerer prinsippene og metodikken til ... -
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)A class of mathematical models of dynamic objects in the integral macromodels form, built on the «input-output» principle is considered. The possibility of reducing errors and increasing speed of the modeling process using ... -
Innovasjon i lageroperasjoner hos Gudbrandsdalens Uldvarefabrik AS
Haugen, Ada Therese; Rognlien, Peder (Bachelor thesis, 2018)Hensikt: Formålet med oppgaven er å kartlegge og legge frem forslag til forbedringer på lageroperasjoner ved Gudbrandsdalens Uldvarefabrik AS og utarbeide en kravspesifikasjon til ny pakkemaskin. Dette er et ledd i bedriftens ... -
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Proposed object-oriented approach and general architecture of intellectual software for mathematical modelling of dynamic ener-gy systems. Introduced and considered in detail an architecture of knowledge bases for modelling ... -
Method of regularizing the problem of recovery of input signals of dynamic objects
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo; Furtat, Yurii (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The task of signal recovery is one of the most important for automated diagnostics and control systems. This task is computationally complex, especially in the case of multiple heterogeneous errors in the signals and ... -
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Proposed and considered the formal description of equivalent conversions which can be applied to obtain the various models of different kinds of complex dynamic systems (including electrical systems, power installations, ... -
Nyutviklet konsept og design av innfestningsmekanisme for bilmoduler
Natys, Klaudijus; Pettersen, Andreas Rånes; Tran, Minh Tien (Bachelor thesis, 2019)Innledning: 3D-TEC er en ideell organisasjon med fokus på forskning og utvikling av el-biler med modulært konsept og 3D-printede karosserideler i plast. Denne oppgaven omhandler utviklingen av en innfestningsmekanisme med ... -
On the Control of Numerical Results in the Problems of Identification of Dynamic Energy Objects
Klyuchka, Kostyantyn; Verlan, Andriy; Mit'ko, Lidiya; Fedorchuk, V.A.; Sterten, Jo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The article proposes an approach to solving actual problem of the obtained results’ control in the construction and implementation of algorithms for identifying energy objects based on integral dynamic models. The considered ... -
On the Representation of Non-Linear Functions by Fractional-Power Series
Verlan, Andriy; Sterten, Jo (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)A method for approximation of relationships by polynomials containing fractional-power terms is proposed, which in many cases makes it possible to cut down the number of computations. The proposed method for representation ... -
Polymer i prosessrør til fjernvarmeproduksjon
Frafjord, Aksel Johan; Sørheim, Eirik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)For å øke effektiviteten i produksjonen av fjernvarme i Oslo byttes to rørstrekk ut ved Klemetsrudanlegget. Denne studien har til hensikt å undersøke hvorvidt et innovativt materiale kan benyttes, utover de materialene ... -
Regularized Methods of Noisy Signals Differentiation in Real Time
Sterten, Jo; Furtat, Yurii (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)One particular case of solving the problem of interpreting observations is considered, when the instrument function of the measuring transducer is a pure integrator. In this case, the problem of interpretation is reduced ...