Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Solli-Sæther, Hans"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Capitalising on Socialising: Studying the Social Aspect of Business Relationships through Socioeconomic Interaction in Corrupt Exchange
Bondeli, Julia V. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:26, Doctoral thesis, 2021)SUMMARY Based on a longitudinal single case study of one firm’s business network in Russia, this thesis aims to explore the social aspect of business relationships. The issue at hand is investigated through the phenomenon ... -
Digitalization trends and organizational structure: bureaucracy, ambidexterity or post‑bureaucracy?
Mustafa, Ghulam; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Bodolica, Virginia; Håvold, Jon Ivar; Ilyas, Anam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Nowadays, the vast majority of forward-looking organizations is activating under the imperative of embracing digital transformation. This study aims to contribute to a more fine-grained understanding of the relationship ... -
Does organizational learning pay off? A case study of Norwegian and German firms regarding the link between organizational learning and the maturity of Industry 4.0 implementation.
Sirotek, Stefanie; Firlus, Benjamin Hans (Master thesis, 2016)The fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), which currently is the most important process innovation, is of high relevance for Norway and Germany. For the Norwegian economy, which has been facing deindustrialization, ... -
Foreign acquisitions' effects on local supply networks
Tangen, Håkon Aure; Torset, Maren (Master thesis, 2022)Formål: Formålet med denne studien var å undersøke hvordan utenlandske oppkjøp påvirker det tidligere leverandørnettverket/leverandørbasen av oppkjøpte bedrifter. Ved å se på ulike typer oppkjøp og oppkjøpsstrategier, hadde ... -
Human side of digitalization: A study of organizational structure, leader and employee competencies, and work-life balance
Solli-Sæther, Hans; Håvold, Jon Ivar; Ilyas, Anam; Mustafa, Ghulam; Danielsen, Antoni Vike; Nujen, Bella (Working paper series;, Research report, 2019) -
Intersecting Knowledge Dynamics and Strategic Partnerships: A Pathway to International Market Expansion
Degirmenci, Jan Fredrik; Lape Åsemyr, Anders Christopher (Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven utforsker hvordan kunnskapsdynamikk i strategiske partnerskap påvirker global ekspansjon for robotikkfirmaer. Gjennom intervjuer med representanter fra både vårt hovedfirma og eksterne selskaper, analyseres ... -
Kriseledelse i UH-sektoren
Olsen, Alv Reinhart Weiberg Olsen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Oppgaven finner ved bruk av kvalitative intervjuer ut at endringene og rutinene ledelsen av institusjonen innførte som tiltak på pandemien, opplevdes i all hovedsak som gode og rasjonelle. Det kommer frem en god underliggende ... -
Manufacturing backsourcing: a case study of a company's process framework
Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje; Slyngstad, Andrea Blindheim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The purpose of this study is to examine the backsourcing process. Based on previous research and lessons learned from a case study of a supplier of maritime equipment in a Scandinavian cluster, important drivers, activities ... -
Onshore-offshore location decision for high-tech shipbuilding projects
Devold, Edvard Anders; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Nesset, Erik (Chapter, 2021)Innovative shipbuilding projects are relatively complex in design and equipped with advanced on-board systems. Vendors with different nationalities and cultures supply these systems, making the onshore-offshore location ... -
Organizational learning to leverage benefits realization management; evidence from a municipal eHealth effort
Askedal, Kirsti; Flak, Leif Skiftenes; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Straub, Detmar W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)While work with benefits realization requires organizational learning to be effective, emphasis on organizational learning is hard to find in benefits realization studies. To remedy this research gap, we study how ... -
Placing Social Capital in Business Networks: Conceptualisation and Research Agenda
Bondeli, Julia Vevenko; Havenvid, Malena Ingemansson; Solli-Sæther, Hans (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose This paper aims to refine conceptual treatment of the social facet in business relationships and reinforce its significance in the industrial marketing and purchasing (IMP) research tradition by integrating the ... -
Socially Responsible Human Resource Management in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Case Study on Employees’ Multilevel Identities in Post-M&A Integration
Vatne, Marcus Nikolay (Master thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Formål: Til tross for viktigheten av sammenslåinger og oppkjøp som strategier i dagens forretningsmiljø, kan deres ofte betydelige organisasjonsmessige endringer true ansattes pre-M&A identiteter. Slike ... -
Technological Innovation Capability and Interaction Effects in a Scandinavian Industry Cluster
Strand, Øivind; Wiig, Michelle; Torheim, Tobias; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Nesset, Erik (Journal article, 2017)How do innovation ecosystems affect the technological innovation capabilities (TICs), as defined by Yam et al. (2004), and company performance? Empirical data was acquired through a survey of 75 maritime equipment suppliers ... -
The knowledge protection paradox: imitation and innovation through knowledge sharing
van Oorschot, Kim; Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Western multinational corporations (MNCs) that want market access in China have to share knowledge with Chinese partners. This may expose them to imitation, so MNCs prefer to protect knowledge resulting in a strategic ... -
Towards understanding the role of social capital for value creation in business relationships: The case of Russia
Bondeli, Julia Vevenko; Havenvid, Malena Ingemansson; Solli-Sæther, Hans (Chapter, 2021)This exploratory case study aims to investigate the significance of the social dimension in the development of business relationships and consider its implications for value creation in industrial business networks. The ... -
Verdens beste fagarbeider? En analyse av fremtidens maritime fagarbeidar på Sunnmøre
Klock, Fredrik L. (Master thesis, 2016)Hensikten med oppgaven har vært å analysere hvilken kompetanse fremtidens fagarbeidere innen maritim industri på Sunnmøre bør inneha for å kunne kalles verdens beste fagarbeidere om fem til ti år, ut fra et strategisk og ...