Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Solberg, Mads"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Advanced Interactive Technologies for Group Functional Training in Eldercare: Design and Development
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:378, Doctoral thesis, 2024)With the growing population of elderly individuals, the critical problems being raised include loss of independence, lack of motivation, physical inactivity, cognitive decline, and social isolation. In this regard, motivation ... -
Avdelingsleiarar sine utfordringar med ferieavvikling på sjukeheim gjennom sommarmånadane: usynleg arbeid, pasienttryggleik og relasjonar
Kvalsvik, Brita Petrin Lyngnes (Master thesis, 2023)Hensikta med denne masteroppgåva er å gjere greie for korleis avdelingsleiarar på kommunale sjukeheimar sjølv opplever arbeidskvardagen og dei utfordringane dei møter i forbindelse med ferieavvikling, med utgangspunkt i ... -
Avviksrapportering og meldekultur: Erfaringer og perspektiver fra sykepleiere og leger i Bergen kommune
Mjanger, Birte Abelone Koppen (Master thesis, 2022)Pasientskader som følge av feil eller mangler ved behandling i helsevesenet er en voksende global utfordring. Samtidig beskrives de fleste pasientskader som unngåelige. Det har derfor vært økt oppmerksomhet, både globalt ... -
An efficient and lightweight multiperson activity recognition framework for robot-assisted healthcare applications
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Karlsen, Anniken Susanne Thoresen; Solberg, Mads; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aging is inevitably associated with a decline in physical abilities and can pose challenges to the social lives of elderly individuals. In long-term care facilities, group exercise is instrumental for keeping elderly ... -
Improvised use of a digital tool for social interaction in a Norwegian care facility during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study
Badawy, Abeer; Solberg, Mads; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen; Alnes, Rigmor Einang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Digital tools for social communication have been deployed in care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic to facilitate social connectedness between older people and their next of kin in a safe manner. This ... -
Media Representations of Healthcare Robotics in Norway 2000-2020: A Topic Modeling Approach
Solberg, Mads; Kirchhoff, Ralf (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Normalization of technology for social contact in a Norwegian care facility during COVID-19
Badawy, Abeer; Solberg, Mads; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen; Alnes, Rigmor Einang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background The COVID-19 pandemic has seen unprecedented growth in the use of interactive technologies in care facilities for social contact between residents and their close contacts due to the need for social distancing. ... -
Om hvorfor vi fremdeles ikke benytter sosiale roboter i omsorg: innsikter fra antropologiske studier av språkbruk
Solberg, Mads (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Vi omgir oss i dag med en rekke kunstige taleagenter (chatbots). Det er også forventninger knyttet til kroppsliggjøringen av slike dialogsystemer i form av sosiale roboter; autonome maskiner i en humanoid innpakning som ... -
Overtrusting Robots: Setting a Research Agenda to Mitigate Overtrust in Automation
Aroyo, Alexander; De Bruyne, Jan; Dheu, Orian; Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard; Gudkov, Aleksei; Hoch, Holly; Jones, Steve; Lutz, Christoph; Sætra, Henrik Skaug; Solberg, Mads; Tamò-Larrieux, Aurelia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)There is increasing attention given to the concept of trustworthiness for artificial intelligence and robotics. However, trust is highly context-dependent, varies among cultures, and requires reflection on others’ ... -
Promoting activity in long-term care facilities with the social robot Pepper: a pilot study
Blindheim, Kari; Solberg, Mads; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Alnes, Rigmor Einang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)About 40 000 individuals depend on assisted living in long-term care facilities in Norway. Around 80% of these have a cognitive impairment or suffer from dementia. This actualizes the need for activities that are tailored ... -
Promoting social interaction for older adults in long-term care through technologymediated communication: Experiences, practices, and value
Badawy, Abeer (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:348, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Technology-mediated communication has played a crucial role in maintaining social contact between older adults and their friends and relatives, despite health-related disabilities. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has compelled ... -
Provosert abort: Kvinners erfaringer med ivaretakelse, informasjon og støtte fra sykepleiere
Aas, Thea Elise Roen; Poric, Sandra Nordgaard; Ludvigsen, Mariell Pleym (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Provosert abort er et tema som vekker sterke følelser og debatt, og er en virkelighet mange kvinner står overfor. Det er av interesse å utforske kvinners erfaringer rundt tilbudet om provosert abort. Hensikt: ... -
Reviewing simulator-based training and assessment in maritime education: a topic modelling approach for tracing conceptual developments
Wiig, Astrid Camilla; Sellberg, Charlott; Solberg, Mads (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)This study reviews literature of simulation-based training and assessment to trace conceptual developments in maritime education and training (MET). Our aim is to highlight and examine the historical trajectory of salient ... -
Små føtter setter også spor
Eide, Malene Olsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Mellom 7000-8000 kvinner blir årlig behandlet i de norske sykehusene for spontanabort. Sykepleier vil ofte være pasientens første kontakt i møte med helsetjenesten, og kan møte disse pasientene på ulike arenaer. ... -
A social VR-based collaborative exergame for rehabilitation: codesign, development and user study
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads; Hameed, Ibrahim A. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Immersive virtual reality (VR)-based exercise video games (exergames) are increasingly being employed as a supportive intervention in rehabilitation programs to promote engagement in physical activity, especially for elderly ... -
Stomi og hverdagsmestring: Pasienters perspektiver
Kristiansen, Matilda Bjørnås; Svedjan, Amalie Melby (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Det er omtrent 24 000 mennesker som lever med stomi i Norge. Å leve med en tarmstomi kan være utfordrende og skremmende for mange. Det vil ha påvirkning på livssituasjon, grunnleggende behov og fysisk ... -
Together, at a distance: experiences with a novel technology for social contact among older people and their relatives in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic
Badawy, Abeer; Solberg, Mads; Obstfelder, Aud Uhlen; Alnes, Rigmor Grete Einang (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background The recognition that people are social beings is fundamental for person-centered care. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the lives of older people were restricted in ways that dramatically reduced their opportunities ... -
Towards a Social VR-based Exergame for Elderly Users: An Exploratory Study of Acceptance, Experiences and Design Principles
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads (Chapter, 2022)For many elderly individuals, the aging experience is associated with a lack of social interaction and physical exercise that may negatively affect their health. To address these issues, researchers have designed experiences ... -
Towards a Social VR-based Exergame for Elderly Users: An Exploratory Study of Acceptance, Experiences and Design Principles
Shah, Syed Hammad Hussain; Hameed, Ibrahim A.; Karlsen, Anniken Th; Solberg, Mads (Chapter, 2022)For many elderly individuals, the aging experience is associated with a lack of social interaction and physical exercise that may negatively affect their health. To address these issues, researchers have designed experiences ...