Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Skaugen, Geir"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
A New Extended Corresponding States Equation of State for Modelling CO2-Water Thermodynamics - A Compromise for CFD
Ibrahim, Mohamed (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:264, Doctoral thesis, 2017)This PhD work is part of the CO2 Dynamics project in collaboration with Sintef Energy. We investigated the importance of accurate modelling of CO2 thermodynamic properties for process design. The study was conducted for ... -
An Extended Corresponding States Equation of State (EoS) for CCS Industry
Ibrahim, Mohamed; Skaugen, Geir; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)For a good design of all the processes in Carbon Capture and Storage, the thermodynamics of the CO2 and CO2 mixtures should be accurately predicted. Among these mixtures are CO2-water systems that are very difficult to ... -
At what Pressure Shall CO2 Be Transported by Ship? An in-Depth Cost Comparison of 7 and 15 Barg Shipping
Roussanaly, Simon; Deng, Han; Skaugen, Geir; Gundersen, Truls (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The pipeline has historically been the preferred means to transport CO2 due to its low cost for short distances and opportunities for economies of scale. However, interest in vessel-based transport of CO2 is growing. While ... -
CO2 Capture from IGCC by Low-Temperature Synthesis Gas Separation
Berstad, David Olsson; Skaugen, Geir; Roussanaly, Simon; Anantharaman, Rahul; Nekså, Petter; Jordal, Aina Benedikte Kristin; Trædal, Stian; Gundersen, Truls (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Capture conditions for CO2 vary substantially between industrial point sources. Depending on CO2 fraction and pressure level, different capture technologies will be required for cost- and energy-efficient decarbonisation. ... -
Compact steam bottoming cycles: minimum weight design optimization and transient response of once through steam generators
Mocholí Montañés, Rubén; Skaugen, Geir; Hagen, Brede; Rohde, Daniel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Compactness and weight minimization are key aspects for successful and widespread implementation of waste heat recovery steam cycles in off-shore oil and gas platforms due to the site weight and volume footprint constraints. ... -
Comparing exergy losses and evaluating the potential of catalyst-filled plate-fin and spiral-wound heat exchangers in a large-scale Claude hydrogen liquefaction process
Skaugen, Geir; Berstad, David Olsson; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Detailed heat exchanger designs are determined by matching intermediate temperatures in a large-scale Claude refrigeration process for liquefaction of hydrogen with a capacity of 125 tons/day. A comparison is made of ... -
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Flow and Heat Transfer i Fin-Tube Bundles
Lindqvist, Karl (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:18, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Steam bottoming cycles, powered by gas turbine exhaust heat, are considered for offshore applications as a means of increasing the energy efficiency of power supply and reducing CO2 emissions from oil and gas production. ... -
Dissecting the exergy balance of a hydrogen liquefier: Analysis of a scaled-up claude hydrogen liquefier with mixed refrigerant pre-cooling
Berstad, David Olsson; Skaugen, Geir; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)For liquid hydrogen (LH2) to become an energy carrier in energy commodity markets at scales comparable to for instance LNG, liquefier capacities must be scaled up several orders of magnitude. While state-of-the-art liquefiers ... -
Experimental investigation of heat transfer and pressure drop in compact waste heat recovery units
Holfeld, Anna (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:303, Doctoral thesis, 2016)The objective of this thesis is to assess the optimal design of a compact and efficient waste heat recovery. In order to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop of compact heat exchangers an experimental rig was ... -
A flexible and robust modelling framework for multi-stream heat exchangers
Skaugen, Geir; Kolsaker, Kjell; Walnum, Harald Taxt; Wilhelmsen, Øivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)Heat exchangers are important units in most industrial processes. They involve physical phenomena such as condensation and evaporation including several boiling regimes. Different types of heat exchangers constructed for ... -
Heat transfer and pressure drop of supercritical CO2 in brazed plate heat exchangers of the tri-partite gas cooler
Zendehboudi, Alireza; Ye, Zuliang; Hafner, Armin; Andresen, Trond; Skaugen, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The heat transfer characteristic of supercritical CO2 is an essential research topic due to its significant influence on the performance of heat exchangers and systems. In this paper, the heat transfer and pressure drop ... -
Investigation of transcritical CO2 vapour compression systems by simulation and laboratory experiments
Skaugen, Geir (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 141, Doctoral thesis, 2002)The thesis presents the use of simulation tools and experimental data for investigation of various aspects of the transcritical CO2 vapour compression cycle. This is done through three papers, the first on design and ... -
Modelling CO2 - water mixture thermodynamics using various equations of state (EoSs) with emphasis on the potential of the SPUNG EoS
Ibrahim, Mohamed; Skaugen, Geir; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle; Haug-Warberg, Tore (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)CO2–water is a very important mixture in the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) industry. The mixture can have a broad range of concentrations, from water as an impurity in CO2 transport to high water concentrations in ... -
Modelling CO2-water thermodynamics using SPUNG equation of state (EOS) concept with various reference fluids
Ibrahim, Mohamed; Skaugen, Geir; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Due to the continuous increase of CO2 emission to environment, the Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) processes gained a very high importance in the last decades. One common CO2 impurity during various CCS processes is water. ... -
A novel methodology for design optimization of heat recovery steam generators with flow-induced vibration analysis
Deng, Han; Skaugen, Geir; Næss, Erling; Zhang, Mingjie; Øiseth, Ole Andre (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Design of compact, lightweight, and robust heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) is important for the implementation of offshore bottoming cycles. In this work, a novel methodology integrating flow-induced vibration ... -
Numerical methods for solving complex heat exchanger models in transient operation
Skåre, Bjørnar Gundersen (Master thesis, 2014)Heat exchangers are important in many industrial systems. In order to maximizeheat transfer while fulfilling requirements to size and weight, it is crucial to havegood numerical tools available. Sintef has developed a ... -
Numerical modelling of fin side heat transfer and pressure loss for compact heat recovery steam generators
Espelund, Johan Raftevold (Master thesis, 2022)Ein fjerdedel av dei norske CO2 utsleppa i 2019 kom from olje- og gassproduksjon. For å redusere desse utsleppa har installasjon av damp-botnsyklusar blitt føreslege. På grunn av høge krav til vekt og storleik offshore må ... -
Numerical Study of Hydrocarbon Charge Reduction Methods in HVAC Heat Exchangers
Allymehr, Ehsan; Skaugen, Geir; Will, Torsten; Pardiñas, Ángel Á.; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Hafner, Armin; Schnabel, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Required refrigerant charge in heat pump systems with propane is analyzed. Two systems are compared: The first a direct heat pump, with fin-and-tube heat exchangers, and the second an indirect system, with plate heat ... -
Preliminary Evaluation of the SPUNG Equation of State for Modelling the Thermodynamic Properties of CO2 - Water Mixtures
Ibrahim, Mohamed; Skaugen, Geir; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The accuracy of the extended corresponding state equation SPUNG is preliminary evaluated for the density, and Vapor Liquid Equilibrium (VLE) calculations of the CO2 -water mixtures. The evaluation is done by comparing the ... -
Reducing the exergy destruction in the cryogenic heat exchangers of hydrogen liquefaction processes
Wilhelmsen, Øivind; Berstad, David Olsson; Aasen, Ailo; Nekså, Petter; Skaugen, Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A present key barrier for implementing large-scale hydrogen liquefaction plants is their high power consumption. The cryogenic heat exchangers are responsible for a significant part of the exergy destruction in these plants ...