Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Shestov, Aleksey"
A Numerical Simulation of Permafrost Thermal Regime under a Heat Pump Chilled Foundation in Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Heller, Sarah Theresa (Master thesis, 2021)Climate change in the Arctic causes a critical warming of the permanently frozen subsoil. The livelihood of over 3 million people is affected by the projected degradation of permafrost until 2050. The sustainable development ... -
The Arctic Fjord Breeze: Characteristics of a Combined Sea Breeze and Valley Wind in a Svalbard Fjord Valley
Henkies, Matthias Markus; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Shestov, Aleksey; Duscha, Christiane Anabell; Sjöblom, Anna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Thermally-driven circulations are a frequent meteorological phenomenon in complex Arctic terrain, but the Arctic fjord breeze, a combined sea-breeze and up-valley wind, has received little attention. A field campaign was ... -
Borehole thermal energy storage as a seasonal capacitor in the off-grid Arctic energy supply system
Kurttila, Marko Piitu Eemeli (Master thesis, 2021)This master thesis investigated the feasibility of borehole thermal energy storage and solar heating in the high arctic using Longyearbyen in Svalbard as a reference study place. Field work was conducted in Longyearbyen, ... -
Coastal Erosion Modelling in Hiorthhamn, Longyearbyen (Svalbard)
Antonello, Carlo (Master thesis, 2022)Kyst erosjon i Arktis er et pågående fenomen som representerer et relevant ingeniøremne for dets sosiale og miljømessige implikasjoner. Det er resultatet av flere prosesser som er veldig avhengige av de lokale innstillingene ... -
Decay phase thermodynamics of ice ridges in the Arctic Ocean
Shestov, Aleksey; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Ervik, Åse (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Four ice ridges (R1, R2, R3, and R4) were studied during the spring of 2015 in the Arctic Ocean. During the Norwegian Young Sea Ice expedition (N-ICE2015) from January 11 to June 23, the R/V Lance was moored at four different ... -
Dimensjonering av peler i permafrost
Ramsvik, Caroline; Bozkurt, Ida Chatrine Rangul (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Vår bacheloroppgave handler om å undersøke ulike typer fundamentering i arktiske forhold. På Svalbard finnes det permafrost helt ned til 450 m enkelte plasser. På grunn av dette kan man ikke fundamentere på samme måte som ... -
Experimental and numerical studies related to failure of first-year ice ridges against fixed vertically sided structures
Ervik, Åse (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:192, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Medium-scale consolidation of artificial ice ridge – Part I: surface temperature, thickness and mechanical properties
Salganik, Evgenii; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Shestov, Aleksey; Løset, Sveinung; Heijkoop, Anne-Niekolai (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper is describing preparations and methods of medium-scale ridge consolidation experiment and development of ridge and surrounding level ice morphological, thermal, and mechanical characteristics for the experiment, ... -
Medium-scale consolidation of artificial ice ridge – Part II: Fracture properties investigation by a splitting test
Lu, Wenjun; Shestov, Aleksey; Løset, Sveinung; Salganik, Evgenii; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Sea ice’s fracture properties are in general difficult to measure and there is still on-going debate on the proper way to conduct valid measurements. Among many controversy fracture test conditions, the size of the test ... -
Medium-scale experiment in consolidation of an artificial sea ice ridge in Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard
Salganik, Evgenii; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Shestov, Aleksey (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study characterizes a consolidation of undeformed level ice and ice ridges. Field investigations were performed in the Van Mijenfjorden, Svalbard for 66 days between February and May of 2017. The thickness and properties ... -
Parallel channels' fracturing mechanism during ice management operations. Part I: Theory
Lu, Wenjun; Lubbad, Raed; Shestov, Aleksey; Løset, Sveinung (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)It is frequently observed that long cracks in sea-ice tend to form between parallel channels during ice management operations. The long cracks that develop play an important role in reducing the size of the managed ice ... -
Scale-model ridges and interaction with narrow structures, Part 1 Overview and scaling
Shestov, Aleksey; Ervik, Åse; Heinonen, Jaakko; Perala, Ilkka; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Salganik, Evgenii; Li, Hongtao; van den Berg, Marnix; Jiang, Zongyu; Puolakka, Otto (Chapter, 2020) -
Study of snow pressure and creep on new support structures located on the Sukkertoppen slope, in Svalbard, Norway
Chabot, Paul (Master thesis, 2022)Avalanches er en økende bekymring i Longyearbyen, noe som har ført til utvidelse av felt for prognoser og sanering. Snøstøttestrukturer må tåle belastningene som er skapt av den skrå snøsekken. Den høye arktiske byen er ... -
Suitability of Thermosyphon as a Ground Freezing Technology in Longyearbyen
Daleng, Vetle Martnes; Aftret, Håkon Myhre (Master thesis, 2022)Nedkjøling av grunnen er i mange tilfeller nødvendig ved bygging av infrastruktur i arktiske områder for å unngå tining av permafrost. Tining av løsmasser og berg reduserer materialets trykkfasthet, som igjen kan gi setninger ... -
Suitability of Thermosyphon as a Ground Freezing Technology in Longyearbyen
Aftret, Håkon Myhre; Daleng, Vetle Martnes (Master thesis, 2022)Nedkjøling av grunnen er i mange tilfeller nødvendig ved bygging av infrastruktur i arktiske områder for å unngå tining av permafrost. Tining av løsmasser og berg reduserer materialets trykkfasthet, som igjen kan gi setninger ... -
The Role of the Thermodynamic Consolidation of Ice Ridge Keels in the Seabed Gouging Process
Shestov, Aleksey (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:253, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Many engineering challenges are currently posed by the Arctic and the sea ice found there. Ice ridge keels have attracted significant attention because of the potential damage they can inflict on subsea installations. The ... -
The Role of the Thermodynamic Consolidation of Ice Ridge Keels in the Seabed Gouging Process
Shestov, Aleksey (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2013:253, Doctoral thesis, 2013)Many engineering challenges are currently posed by the Arctic and the sea ice found there. Ice ridge keels have attracted significant attention because of the potential damage they can inflict on subsea installations. The ... -
Thermodynamics and Consolidation of Ice Ridges for Laboratory Scale
Salganik, Evgenii; Høyland, Knut Vilhelm; Shestov, Aleksey (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)First-year ice ridge interaction with structures often gives highest loads and can be modelled in controlled environment in ice basins. Five laboratory experiments were performed to study model-scale first-year ice ridge ... -
Time-dependent characterization of permafrost soil
Czerniak, Krystian (Master thesis, 2024)Globalization and modernization have led to the expansion of formerly omitted areas like the Arctic. Governments and companies see a lot of potential in places like Greenland or Svalbard with mining or tourist industries. ...