Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Sandnes, Kjersti"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Are changes in mothers’ representations of their infants related to changes in observed mother–infant interaction quality?
Sandnes, Kjersti; Berg Kårstad, Silja; Lydersen, Stian; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Infant mental health clinicians aiming to improve mother–infant dyads at risk typically target mothers’ representations of their infant or mother–infant interactions, assuming that one port of entry leads to change in the ... -
Barn med foreldre i rusbehandling: En kvalitativ studie basert på intervju med foreldre om representasjonene av deres barn og relasjonen dem i mellom
Skjelten, Ingunn (Master thesis, 2013)Children who have parents with a drug addiction is the main issue in this paper. The importance of early intervention and further research into the topic of childhood-at-risk due to parental and family problems are also ... -
Can mothers' representations of their infants be improved in primary care? A randomized controlled trial of a parenting intervention using video feedback in a predominantly low- to moderate- risk sample
Sandnes, Kjersti; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne; Lydersen, Stian; Berg Kårstad, Silja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Mothers’ representations of their infants are important intervention targets because they predict the observed quality of infant–mother interactions. The current study investigated the influence of a ... -
Det tause temaet Hvordan jobber terapeutene for å fremme små barns medvirkning under opphold på Senter for foreldre og barn? The silent theme How do the therapists work to promote the participation of small children during a stay at the Center for Parents and Children?
Netland, Ann Karin (Master thesis, 2019)Barns rett til å medvirke i bestemmelser som angår deres liv ble etablert i Forente Nasjoners barnekonvensjon, vedtatt i 1989 og ratifisert av Norge i 1991. Barnekonvensjonen fastslår at barnet skal bli hørt og dets ... -
Measuring mothers' representations of their infants: Psychometric properties of the clinical scales of the working model of the child interview in a low- to moderate-risk sample
Sandnes, Kjersti; Lydersen, Stian; Berg Kårstad, Silja; Berg-Nielsen, Turid Suzanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Mothers' internal representations of their infants: An effect study in primary care
Sandnes, Kjersti (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:110, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Parents develop thoughts, feelings, and ideas—or representations—of their infant. These representations include expectations and experiences of the infant’s temperament and needs, but also of the parents’ relationship with ... -
Trygge foreldre- trygge barn. En kvalitativ studie av foreldres erfaringer fra tilvenning av ettåringen i barnehage.
Gaustad, Anita (Master thesis, 2019)Sammendrag De fleste barn opplever barnehagen som deres første møte med verden utenfor familien. I Norge er det i dag svært vanlig å gå i barnehage, og i 2018 hadde 83,5% av alle 1-2 åringer barnehageplass (Statistisk ...