Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Salvi, Giampiero"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Acoustic-to-Articulatory Mapping With Joint Optimization of Deep Speech Enhancement and Articulatory Inversion Models
Sabzi Shahrebabaki, Abdolreza; Salvi, Giampiero; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Siniscalchi, Sabato Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We investigate the problem of speaker independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion (AAI) in noisy conditions within the deep neural network (DNN) framework. In contrast with recent results in the literature, we argue ... -
An Analysis of Goodness of Pronunciation for Child Speech
Cao, Xinwei; Fan, Zijian; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Analyzing Automatic Pronunciation Assessment Performance on Norwegian Child Speech
Tvergrov, Julie (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven utforsker uttalevansker blant barn med og uten Norsk som morsmål, og vurderer i denne sammenhengen ytelsen til systemer for automatisk uttalevurdering (engelsk: APA). Et detaljert teoretisk rammeverk ... -
Beyond the Self: Using Grounded Affordances to Interpret and Describe Others' Actions
Saponaro, Giovanni; Jamone, Lorenzo; Alexandre, Bernardino; Salvi, Giampiero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)We propose a developmental approach that allows a robot to interpret and describe the actions of human agents by reusing previous experience. The robot first learns the association between words and object affordances by ... -
A character-based analysis of impacts of dialects on end-to-end Norwegian ASR
Parsons, Phoebe; Kvale, Knut; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Chapter, 2023)We present a method for analyzing character errors for use with character-based, end-to-end ASR systems, as used herein for investigating dialectal speech. As end-to-end systems are able to produce novel spellings, there ... -
Collecting Linguistic Resources for Assessing Children’s Pronunciation of Nordic Languages
Olstad, Anne Marte Haug; Smolander, Anna; Strömbergsson, Sofia; Ylinen, Sari; Lehtonen, Minna; Kurimo, Mikko; Getman, Yaroslav; Grósz, Tamás; Cao, Xinwei; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
Comparative analysis of explainable machine learning prediction models for hospital mortality
Stenwig, Eline; Salvi, Giampiero; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Skjaervold, Nils Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Machine learning (ML) holds the promise of becoming an essential tool for utilising the increasing amount of clinical data available for analysis and clinical decision support. However, the lack of trust in ... -
Comparison of correctly and incorrectly classified patients for in-hospital mortality prediction in the intensive care unit
Stenwig, Eline; Salvi, Giampiero; Salvo Rossi, Pierluigi; Skjaervold, Nils Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background The use of machine learning is becoming increasingly popular in many disciplines, but there is still an implementation gap of machine learning models in clinical settings. Lack of trust in models is one of ... -
Deep Acoustic Models for Speech Quality Assessment in Children
Truyen, Amanda Johanne Thunes (Master thesis, 2024)I Norge har økt innvandring ført til høyere etterspørsel etter norskopplæring, særlig for barn i skolealder som trenger å lære seg norsk raskt for å holde tritt med jevnaldrende. Denne avhandlingen utforsker bruken av ... -
Development of a Data Characterization Software for a Gamma Spectroscopy System
Godø, Sofia Olivia Kathea (Master thesis, 2021)Basert på egen ASIC, IDE3421, har selskapet IDEAS utviklet et system som tolker spektrometeravlesninger fra flere parallelle CZT-krystaller. GDS-100-systemet har nytte av en programvare som implementerer en kalibreringsprosedyre ... -
A DNN Based Speech Enhancement Approach to Noise Robust Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion
Sabzi Shahrebabaki, Abdolreza; Siniscalchi, Sabato Marco; Salvi, Giampiero; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl (Chapter, 2021)In this work, we investigate the problem of speaker independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion (AAI) in noisy condition within the deep neural network (DNN) framework. We claim that DNN vector-to-vector regression for ... -
Dynamic Beam Search Decoding for Speech Recognition using Confidence Estimation Module
Stensgård, Kristian (Master thesis, 2022)Dyp læring med nevrale nettverk har blitt stadig mer populært det siste tiåret og har vist lovende resultater i datasyn og Natural Language Processing (NLP)-oppgaver samt for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Bruksområdene ... -
Exploiting Foundation Models and Speech Enhancement for Parkinson’s Disease Detection from Speech in Real-World Operative Conditions
La Quatra, Moreno; Turco, Maria Francesca; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero; Orozco-Arroyave, Juan Rafael; Siniscalchi, Sabato Marco (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024) -
A Framework for Phoneme-Level Pronunciation Assessment Using CTC
Cao, Xinwei; Fan, Zijian; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024) -
Improving Generalization of Norwegian ASR with Limited Linguistic Resources
Solberg, Per Erik; Ortiz Cabello, Pablo; Parsons, Phoebe; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Chapter, 2023) -
Modeling the Interpretability of an End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition System Adapted to Norwegian Speech
Lunde, Solveig Reppen (Master thesis, 2022)Formålet med dette arbeidet var å modellere tolkbarheten til et automatisk talegjenkjenningssystem trent på norsk tale. Systemet er et ende-til-ende dypt nevralt nettverk som tar inn taledata og er trent for å gi ut ... -
Multi-channel speech recognition
Dymbe, Simen (Master thesis, 2024)Telefonsamtaler transkriberes vanligvis uten å ta hensyn til kontekst fra begge talerne, ettersom nåværende systemer for automatisk talegjenkjenning (ASR) kun tar hensyn til kontekst fra én enkel lydkanal. Denne oppgaven ... -
NAAQA: A Neural Architecture for Acoustic Question Answering
Abdelnour, Jerome; Rouat, Jean; Salvi, Giampiero (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The goal of the Acoustic Question Answering (AQA) task is to answer a free-form text question about the content of an acoustic scene. It was inspired by the Visual Question Answering (VQA) task. In this paper, based on the ... -
Perceptual and Task-Oriented Assessment of a Semantic Metric for ASR Evaluation
Rugayan, Janine Lizbeth Cabrera; Svendsen, Torbjørn Karl; Salvi, Giampiero (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Performance Evaluation of Different Approaches to Motion Artifact Cancellation in Pulse Oximetry
Gjeraker, Johannes (Master thesis, 2020)Abstract will be available on 2023-06-27