Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale"
“And then it’s my turn”: Negotiating participation in tablet activities in early childhood education and care
Aarsand, Pål; Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The article explores the sociomaterial organization of preschool children’s digital literacy activities, focusing on how participant positions are enacted and distributed. The data material consists of 70 hours of ... -
Barnehage og skole: sammen hånd i hånd? Et utvalg barnehage- og grunnskolelærere sine perspektiv på overgangen fra barnehage til skole
Hødnebø, Tina Melberg; Torsmyr, Hedda (Master thesis, 2024)Det ble lovet en mer lekende tilnærming til barna inn i førsteklasse, da seksårsreformen ble innført i den norske skolen i 1997. Likevel er kvaliteten på overgangen mellom barnehagen og skolen fortsatt et mye omdiskutert ... -
Beyond binaries: Enacting agency in video observations in ECEC
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Aarsand, Pål; Hoveid, Marit Honerød (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The focus on children’s voices and experiences has been a substantial part of childhood studies. Research with children is closely linked to the idea of children as agents rather than seeing them as passive objects. In ... -
Childhoods and Time: A Collective Exploration
da Rosa Ribeiro, Camila; Millei, Zsuzsa; Hohti, Riikka; Kohan, Walter; Leite, César Donizetti Pereira; Rudolph, Norma; Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Szymborska, Karolina; Tammi, Tuure; Tesar, Marek (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023) -
Digitale verktøy i barnehagen - Barns digitale dannelse
Myran-Brink, Silje (Master thesis, 2022)I 2017 kom en ny rammeplan for barnehagen ut og der legges det mer vekt på digital praksis enn tidligere. Fra at barna bør få kjennskap til digitale verktøy heter det nå at barnehagen skal ha en digital praksis som bidrar ... -
Disney’s High School Musical and the construction of the tween audience
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article explores how the Disney Company scripts what it is to be a tween through the High School Musical trilogy. While children’s perspective is of pivotal concern within childhood studies, it has traditionally left ... -
Domesticated Smartphones in Early Childhood Education and Care settings. Blurring the lines between pedagogical and administrative use
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; M. Bergschöld, Jenny (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In Norway’s ‘Framework Plan for kindergartens’ digital tools are to be implemented for learning, play and creativity. Implicitly the concept of digital tools, or ICTs, tend to be tablets, computers, and interactive ... -
Domesticating the Disney Tween Machine: Norwegian Tweens Enacting Age and Everyday Life
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2014:263, Doctoral thesis, 2014)Disney, parents and children constructing tweens. This thesis explores the age group 9-12 years, called tweens as they are considered to be in-between children and adolescents. The term tweens was first used by marketers ... -
Exploring enactments of the big screen and the small screen in a Norwegian early childhood education and care setting
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)While much has been written about how to implement digital tools for learning and play in early childhood education and care, using a sociomaterial perspective this article seeks to explore what types of activities can be ... -
Formidling av nyheter om COVID-19 til barn
Hesstvedt, Stein Fredrik (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Denne bacheloroppgaven har undersøkt hvordan koronaviruset har blitt formidlet til barn av NRK Supernytt sammenlignet med BBC Newsround, og om de har klart å formidle viruset på en måte som ikke virker skremmende, men som ... -
Learning Like a Movie Star: Teacher’s Views on the Learning Potential of the Online Gaming and Social Community MovieStarPlanet
Sigurðardóttir, Helga Dís Ísfold; Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)How do teachers view the learning potential of MovieStarPlanet? This paper addresses the learning potential of online gaming and social communities. MovieStarPlanet is a popular online gaming and social community. In this ... -
Lærerens relasjon med risikoutsatte barn under Covid-19
Gulliksen, Stine Norløff (Master thesis, 2021)Temaet for denne studien er lærer-elev-relasjonen med barn i risiko. Jeg har i tillegg ønsket å se på hvordan dette arbeidet har endret seg gjennom Covid-19 pandemien. Det er mange barn som kommer fra vanskelige hjemmeforhold ... -
Material as actor in the enactment of social norms: Engaging with a sociomaterial perspective in childhood studies to avoid the ‘traps of closure’
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Franck, Karianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article employs a sociomaterial perspective and explores how material artefacts take part in the enactment of social norms by analysing empirical examples from two different childhood studies projects in Norway. Drawing ... -
"Skal du ta av deg enkeltbarnet, eller skal du velge resten av klassen?" En kvalitativ studie av barneskolelæreres opplevelse av å arbeide for å ivareta eleven som utagerer, samtidig som resten av elevgruppa.
Dalbakken, Julie (Master thesis, 2021)Temaet for denne masteroppgaven er læreres opplevelser av arbeidet med å ivareta den enkelte elev som utagerer, samtidig som man skal ivareta resten av elevgruppa. Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke tre barneskolelæreres ... -
“Sometimes it’s a bit too much Disney” exploring Norwegian parents and their ambiguous domestication of Disney
Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Parents are often ambivalent about their children’s engagement with popular culture, where popular culture is seen as trivial and potentially harmful. In this article, I explore how Norwegian parents of girls experienced ... -
The struggle and enrichment of play: Domestications and overflows in the everyday life of gamer parents
Ask, Kristine; Sørenssen, Ingvild Kvale; Moltubakk, Stine Thordarson (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Gaming is a frequent source of conflict for families. Research on parents and gaming has identified a lack of gaming-related expertise, a general devaluation or fear of play, and authoritative and restrictive parenting ... -
The `hudfarge´ pencil. Childrens thoughts about skin color and inclusion
Østreng, Rebekka (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar i bruk et bredt utvalg av metoder som individuell og gruppetegning, gruppeintervjuer og individuelle intervjuer. Det tar utgangspunkt i disse forskningsspørsmålene: "Hvordan beskriver barn fargen ... -
Unge norske jenter og TikTok
Meland, Martine Kjeldstad (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven presenterer en kvalitativ studie av unge norske jenters tanker og meninger rundt videodelingstjenesten TikTok. Sosiale medier er en stor del av unges hverdag, og det er derfor viktig å undersøke hvordan ... -
Youths, Pandemic and Time: Insights from youths' narratives of their pandemic experiences into the interplay between time and subjective experiences
Ng, Li Yin (Master thesis, 2022)The current generation of youths certainly had a different youthhood in comparison to the previous generations of youths. After all, they had to experience a pandemic during their youth. These are bold statements to make, ...