Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Sæther, Elisabeth"
A hybrid type I, multi-center randomized controlled trial to study the implementation of a method for Sustained cord circulation And VEntilation (the SAVE-method) of late preterm and term neonates: a study protocol
Ekelöf, Katarina; Sæther, Elisabeth; Santesson, Anna; Wilander, Maria; Patriksson, Katarina; Hesselman, Susanne; Thies-Lagergren, Li; Rabe, Heike; Andersson, Ola (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background An intact umbilical cord allows the physiological transfusion of blood from the placenta to the neonate, which reduces infant iron deficiency and is associated with improved development during early childhood. ... -
Neonatal transitional support with intact umbilical cord in assisted vaginal deliveries: A quality improvement cohort study
Sæther, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Å vente med å klippe navlesnoren er vist fordelaktig både fullbårne og premature nyfødte, og nylige studier har vist bedre kardio-respiratorisk stabilitet dersom avnavling baseres på den nyfødtes fysiologi og på ... -
Neonatal transitional support with intact umbilical cord in assisted vaginal deliveries: A quality-improvement cohort study
Sæther, Elisabeth; Reinhart-van Gülpen, Friedrich; Jensen, Christer André; Myklebust, Tor Åge; Eriksen, Beate Horsberg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background Deferring cord clamping has proven benefits for both term and preterm infants, and recent studies have demonstrated better cardio-respiratory stability if clamping is based on the infant’s physiology, and whether ...