Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Rundmo, Torbjørn"
Acceptance of disincentives to driving and pro-environmental transport intentions: the role of value structure, environmental beliefs and norm activation
Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In order to facilitate pro-environmental transport mode use it is important to promote acceptance for disincentives to driving and intentions to use public transport. The present study aims to investigate values, environmental ... -
An empirical investigation of the work environment on board industrial- and cruise ships and the associations with safety
Heidenstrøm, Øyvind Teige (Master thesis, 2011)The overall aim of this study was to examine the work environment and the associations with safety, and see the relations with occupational accidents and undesired events on board industrial and cruise ships. 215 seafarers ... -
An Investigation of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction on board Industrial and Cruise Ships
Lang, Marta (Master thesis, 2011)The overall aim of the study was to examine work environment factors within the maritime industry. For this purpose a new measurement tool for work environment on board ships was developed. Further aims of the study were ... -
Competence for the Unforeseen: Social Support and Concurrent Learning as Basic Components of Interaction Under Risk
Herberg, Marius; Torgersen, Glenn-Egil; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This study examines the importance of basic educational, organizational and operational structures of interaction under risk, and how these vary with competence level within an organization. The purpose of this study is ... -
COPING WITH STRESS IN MILITARY AND OPERATIONAL PROFESSIONS: Holistic Debriefing and Development of Trust in High Performance Teams
Moldjord, Christian (Doctoral thesis at NTNU;2016:56, Doctoral thesis, 2016) -
Drunk - Driving, Relapse Pattern and Risky Driving Behavior Among Participants in a DWI Prevention Programme
Aavik, Julie Jensen (Master thesis, 2010)The overall aim of the study was to examine relapse among participants in the DWI Prevention Programme and those who get prison sentence after driving when influenced by alcohol and to examine the participants’ attitudes ... -
Drunk - Driving, Relapse Pattern and Risky Driving Behavior Among Participants in a DWI Prevention Programme
Aavik, Julie Jensen (Master thesis, 2010)The overall aim of the study was to examine relapse among participants in the DWI Prevention Programme and those who get prison sentence after driving when influenced by alcohol and to examine the participants’ attitudes ... -
Effects of a 4-week inpatient multidisciplinary intervention on health status and physical ability in multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease patients
Berli, Bjørnar Kristoffersen (Master thesis, 2018)Objectives: The study has two objectives: (1) Investigate the effects of a multidisciplinary intervention (MDI) for multiple sclerosis (MS) and Parkinson's disease (PD) patients on physical ability and self-perceived health ... -
Evaluering av en 4-ukers døgnbasert multidisiplinær intervensjon for MS- og Parkinsons-pasienter: Effekter på selvoppfattet helsestatus og finmotorisk evne
Jørgensen, Elias Varkøy; Grid, Kornelia Bøhn (Master thesis, 2019)Formål med studien: Målet for denne studien er todelt: (1) å evaluere behandlingseffekten av en 4-ukers døgnbasert multidisiplinær intervensjon på finmotorisk evne og selvoppfattet helsestatus hos pasienter med Parkinson´s ... -
Hvilke kjennskap har ansatte i barnehager og barneskoler i Trondheim kommune til temaet barns seksualitet?
Wilhelmsen, Julie; Martnes, Hanne Jerstad (Master thesis, 2018)Hovedproblemstillingen i denne studien var å undersøke hvilke kjennskap ansatte i barnehager og barneskoler i Trondheim kommune hadde til temaet barns seksualitet. Vi utarbeidet et spørreskjema for å undersøke de ansattes ... -
The Impact of Business Leaders’ Formal Health and Safety Training on the Establishment of Robust Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems: Three Studies Based on Data from Labour Inspections
Dahl, Øyvind; Rundmo, Torbjørn; Olsen, Espen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The impact of occupational safety and health (OSH) training is a neglected topic in safety research. In Norway, such training is mandatory for all business leaders. Hence, the Norwegian working life forms a particularly ... -
Judgement of Transport Security, Risk Sensitivity and Travel Mode Use in Urban Areas
Rundmo, Torbjørn; Nordfjærn, Trond (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The current study aims to examine judgement of security in public transport and, more specifically, the role of the priority of security and risk sensitivity in the use of public travel modes versus car among an urban ... -
Meistringsforventningar blant høgskule og universitetsstudentar
Bjerknes, Silje Steinnes (Master thesis, 2013)Formålet med denne oppgåva var å utforske kjønnsforskjellar i meistringsforventningar. I dagens samfunn utgjer kvinner 60 % av alle studentar innanfor høgare utdanningar (SSB, 2012). Likevel er det store forskjellar i ... -
Meistringstru, skuletrivsel og identifisering med skulen – kva skil vidaregåandeelevar i rurale og urbane område i Noreg?
Hansen, Thea Helene (Master thesis, 2022)Rurale og urbane miljø og skular skil kvarandre på mange måtar, dette kan føre til forskjellar mellom elevane som går på skular i dei respektive områda. Denne studien undersøkjer forskjellane og likskapane mellom elevar ... -
Mindfulness and self regulated learning
Hillgaar, Stian Douglas (Master thesis, 2011)The main purpose of this thesis was to investigate the association between mindfulness and self-regulated learning. Mindfulness is used in the treatment of stress and anxiety, and has been associated with attention regulation ... -
Personality, risk cognitions and motivation related to demand of risk mitigation in transport among Norwegians
Nordfjærn, Trond; Rundmo, Torbjørn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)There is insufficient knowledge regarding the role of personality traits, transport-related risk cognitions and safety motivation for demand for transport risk mitigation. The aim of this study is to test a model aimed ... -
Risk perception, priority of safety and demand for risk mitigation in transport
Moen, Bjørg-Elin (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2008:110, Doctoral thesis, 2008)Hovedmålet med avhandlingen var å undersøke risikopersepsjon i den norske befolkningen. I tillegg ble relaterte prioriteringer av sikkerhet og krav om risikoreduserende tiltak undersøkt. Avhandlingen består av en ... -
Risk Perception, Worry, Attitudes Towards Safety, and Behaviour among Norwegian Cyclists and Pedestrians
Kummeneje, An-Magritt S. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:390, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Sammendrag: Fotgjengere og syklisters risikovurdering og atferd I en rekke europeiske land er det å øke andelen i befolkningen som går og sykler til daglige gjøremål høyt prioritert. Det å gå og sykle blir sett ... -
Safety Climate in Ghanaian Industry: Its Measurement and Relative Influence on Emplyee Safety-Oriented Behaviour
Adutwum, Kofi (Master thesis, 2010) -
Safety Climate in Ghanaian Industry: Its Measurement and Relative Influence on Emplyee Safety-Oriented Behaviour
Adutwum, Kofi (Master thesis, 2010)