Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Climatic Disasters and armed intrastate conflict : A quantitative analysis assessing how abrupt hydrometeorological disasters affect the risk of conflict termination, covering the years 1985 to 2007
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio (Master thesis, 2015-10-28)This thesis covers the relatively unstudied connection between hydrometeorological disasters and the duration of armed intrastate conflict, and aims to discover how abrupt climate changes affect the prospects for conflict ... -
Coping with calamity: Natural disasters, armed conflict and development aid
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:302, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Naturkatastrofer, væpnet konflikt og bistand: Klimaendringene gjør at vi kan forvente både mer intenst og til dels hyppigere forekomst av ekstremvær i fremtiden. Mange av landene som kommer til å bli hardest rammet av ... -
Development Aid, Drought, and Coping Capacity
Rustad, Siri Camilla Aas; Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio; Buhaug, Halvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Climate change is a major threat to sustained economic growth and wellbeing in the Global South. To what extent does official development assistance (ODA) strengthen recipient communities’ capacity to cope with climatic ... -
Disaster resilience in conflict-affected areas: a review of how armed conflicts impact disaster resilience
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)The geographic overlap between disasters and armed conflict is substantial, making disaster resilience intrinsically linked to conflict exposure. Despite this, there is only a very small literature investigating how armed ... -
GDIS, a global dataset of geocoded disaster locations
Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio; Buhaug, Halvard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article presents a new open source extension to the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) that allows researchers, for the first time, to explore and make use of subnational, geocoded data on major disasters triggered ... -
Just Interventions? Conflict Severity and the Level of Agreement in Parliamentary Deployment Votes: A Quantitative Study from 1990-2019
Bringa, Oda Bjørge (Master thesis, 2023)Siden slutten av den kalde krigen har både antall militære intervensjoner utført av vestlige demokratier, samt antallet parlamentariske beslutninger om å sende styrker ut av landet økt. Beslutninger om å sende styrker ... -
Klimaholdninger og tilfredshet med demokratiet
Kongerud, Tobias (Master thesis, 2024)Å Opprettholde tilfredshet med demokratiet er sentralt i Europa da det gir inntrykk i hvordan innbyggere evaluerer den demokratiske funksjonaliteten av systemet de lever. Tidligere forskning har understrekt at manglende ... -
Mitigating the legacy of violence: Can flood relief improve people’s trust in government in conflict-affected areas? Evidence from Pakistan.
Petrova, Kristina; Rosvold, Elisabeth Lio (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Climate change and violent conflict present two of the most substantial barriers to reaching the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. Many of the countries bearing the greatest impacts of a changing climate also grapple ... -
Sivil ulydighet i samisk ånd. En medieanalyse av Fosen- og Repparfjord-aksjonene
Frantzen, Maria Julseth (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg mediedekningen av Fosen- og Repparfjord-aksjonene i de tre mest leste avisene i Norge (N=101). Jeg undersøker hvordan aksjonene rammes inn i mediene, og hvordan språk- og kildebruk påvirker ...