Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Ringrose, Philip"
Analysis of seismic acquisition geometries for CO₂ storage monitoring, using the Sleipner 3D velocity model
Seyed Sajadi, Shahrzad (Master thesis, 2024)Overvåking av injisert CO₂ i CCS-prosjekter er avgjørende for å garantere sikker og langsiktig lagring. Typiske geofysiske mål i CO2-lagringsovervåking inkluderer sporing av CO₂-plumens migrasjon og vurdering av forseglingens ... -
Assessment of mudstone compaction in exploration wells in the Rovuma Basin, offshore Mozambique
Nhabanga, Oscar Jose; Ringrose, Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)In order to develop an improved pore pressure prediction model for the overburden mudstones in the Rovuma Basin, offshore Mozambique, we apply Eaton's method to example well data from three exploration wells, which intersect ... -
Assessment of the impact of acquisition configuration of CO2 detection inspired by Top Layer at Sleipner
Kim, YoungSol (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven undersøker rollen til seismisk innsamlingsgeometri i deteksjonen av karbondioksid (CO2) lag i ulike scenarier. Karbonfangst- og lagringsteknologier (CCS) undersøkes på grunn av det presserende behovet for å ... -
CO2 Data Share: A Platform for Sharing CO2 Storage Reference Datasets from Demonstration Projects
Andersen, Odd; Tangen, Grethe; Ringrose, Philip; Greenberg, Sallie E. (Journal article, 2019)Extensive research is ongoing worldwide to build competence and to develop cost-efficient technologies for safe injection and subsurface storage of CO2. Currently, the full potential of academic research is not realized ... -
Comparison of Dry Gas Seasonal Storage with CO2 Storage and Re-Use Potential
Killerud, Marie (Master thesis, 2013)To make large-scale CO2 storage economic, many groups have proposed using CO2in EOR projects to create value for CO2 storage. However, CO2 EOR projectsgenerally require a large and variable supply of CO2 and consequently ... -
Detecting multiscale karst features including hidden caves using microgravimetry in a Caledonian nappe setting: Mefjell massif, Norway.
Solbakk, Terje; Fichler, Christine; Wheeler, Walter H; Lauritzen, Stein-Erik; Ringrose, Philip (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Cave passages and karst features form negative density contrasts expressed in gravity field anomalies. We present an interpretation approach for microgravimetry, applicable for challenging geological settings with heterogeneous ... -
Factors Governing Pressure Behavior Under CO2 Injection in a Faulted Basin-Scale Model
Nybråten, Eline (Master thesis, 2022)Fullskala CO2-fangst og lagringsprosjekter vil kunne bidra som et effektivt klimatiltak ved å redusere konsentrasjonen av drivhusgasser i atmosfæren. Geologiske formasjoner med egnede lagringsbetingelser har enorme ... -
Gas flow through shallow sediments - A case study using passive and active seismic field data
Landrø, Martin; Wehner, Daniel; Vedvik, Noralf; Ringrose, Philip; Løhre, Nora Løw; Berteussen, Karl-Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Offshore Quaternary sediment sequences are generally weak and unconsolidated, and fluid flow through these rock formations is hard to predict or model. Surface flow observations, such as gas seeps, often appear random and ... -
Geoscience for CO2 storage: an introduction to the thematic collection
Ringrose, Philip; Yielding, Graham (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This is a summary of a collection of 12 research papers in a thematic set. It is clear that in the transition towards a carbon-neutral future, CO2 storage will be a critical technology for decarbonization of society, ... -
Impact of Permeability Variations and Well Placement on CO₂ Storage Efficiency in Saline Aquifers Utilizing 3D Visualization Techniques
Ataee, Paniz (Master thesis, 2024)Forskningsspørsmålet i denne studien fokuserte på hvordan CO2 kan lagres mer effektivt under jorden og hvilke parametere som påvirker lagringseffektiviteten i salinakviferer. Spesielt ble effekten av permeabilitet og ... -
Improved quantification of CO2 storage containment risks - an overview of the SHARP Storage project
Skurtveit, Elin; Roberts, Daniel; Kühn, Daniela; Hindriks, Kees K.; Ringrose, Philip; Larsen, Tine; Kendall, Michael; Keiding, Marie; Barnhoorn, Auke; Singh, Devendra Narain; Brenne, Jan Kristoffer; Singh, Rao Martand; Williams, John; Pearson, Steve; Espie, Tony; Poulsen, Søren R.; Szabados, Andreas; Grande, Lars (Journal article, 2022)Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is now maturing in Europe and worldwide with several Net Zero projects emerging. Hence, the need for safe and reliable CO2 storage sites is accelerating and the accurate assessment of ... -
Large-scale CO2 Injection Analysis: understanding pressure variation in multiple compartments using analytical and computational analysis approaches
Guo, Tian (Master thesis, 2022)Injecting carbon dioxide into deep saline aquifers and then storing it by physically and chemically trapping, is one viable strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating global warming. To ensure the security ... -
Maturing global CO2 storage resources on offshore continental margins to achieve 2DS emissions reductions
Ringrose, Philip; Meckel, T A (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Most studies on CO2 emissions reduction strategies that address the ‘two-degree scenario’ (2DS) recognize a significant role for CCS. For CCS to be effective, it must be deployed globally on both existing and emerging ... -
Modeling the effects of detailed geological architecture on CO2 storage using the Pano Lagoonal barrier-bar system outcrop (Spain)
Torgersen, Kathrine (Master thesis, 2024)I takt med et økende energiforbruk og et behov for å redusere klimautslipp, må flere tiltak tas i bruk. Ett av disse tiltakene innebærer å lagre CO2-utslippene i undergrunnen, i såkalte saltvannsakvifer eller i depleterte ... -
Modelling and Improvement of Transient Operations in CO2 Injection Wells
Gjertsen, Ole Kristian (Master thesis, 2014)Transient well operations such as shut-in, leak-off and step-rate tests are wellknown in the oil and gas industry, and considered to be useful in deducingreservoir and well properties by studying pressure and temperature ... -
Next generation geophysical sensing: exploring a new wave of geophysical technologies for the energy transition
Ringrose, Philip; Landrø, Martin; Potter, John; Eidsvik, Jo; Wienecke, Susann; Bouffaut, Léa; Oye, Volker; Dong, Hefeng; Elster, Anne C.; Johansen, Ståle Emil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Quantifying the effects of feeder chimneys on trapping mechanisms at the Sleipner CO2 storage site
Dalseth, Kamilla Berg (Master thesis, 2020)CO2 lagring fra Sleipner Øst feltet i akviferen Utsira Fm har foregått siden 1996. CO2- akkumulasjonen overvåkes nøye for å forhindre lekkasje, dette har blant annet foregått ved flere gjentatte seismiske undersøkelser. ... -
The Effect of Small-Scale Heterogeneities on the Gas Distribution in the Tubåen Formation through Upscaling of CO2-Brine Relative Permeability
Berge, Sofie Annesdotter Svartdal (Master thesis, 2017)The Tubåen Formation in the Norwegian Sea is an aquifer and was used by Statoil ASA as the injection reservoir for CO2 separated from produced gas at Snøhvit in the time period between April 2008 until it was abandoned in ...