Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Ren, Shuai"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Experimental investigation of a hightemperature heat pump for food processing applications
Dano, Timothée (Master thesis, 2023)I dag involverer mesteparten av dampproduksjonen til matforedlingsformål fossil drivstoff. For å ta tak i klimaspørsmålet er det presserende å fremme utvikling av miljøvennlige løsninger for dampproduksjon. Absorpsjonsko ... -
Integrated CO2 refrigeration and heat pump system for a dairy plant: Energy analysis and potential for cold thermal energy storage
Selvnes, Håkon; Jenssen, Sigmund; Sevault, Alexis Gerard Edouard; Bengsch, Jan; Widell, Kristina Marianne Norne; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Ren, Shuai; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2023)Dairy processing is considered very energy-intensive due to significant thermal demands for both cooling and heating at different temperature levels. Conventional dairy plants have separate systems for supplying the various ... -
Integrated CO2 refrigeration and heat pump systems for dairies
Selvnes, Håkon; Jenssen, Sigmund; Sevault, Alexis; Widell, Kristina Norne; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Ren, Shuai; Hafner, Armin (Chapter, 2022)Production facilities in the food industry are large consumers of electricity and thermal energy due to energyintensive processes such as steam production, cleaning, sanitising, refrigeration and drying. Furthermore, there ... -
Investigation on Hot water production and Steam Generation Heat Pump for Energy Efficiency in Meat Processing
Ahmed, Rafi (Master thesis, 2024)Det økende behovet for energieffektivitet og reduksjon av klimagassutslipp i matindustrien, særlig i kjøttforedling, fremhever betydningen av avanserte varmepumpeteknologier. Denne avhandlingen tar for seg disse kritiske ... -
Numerical investigation of an ammonia-water absorption-compression high-temperature heat pump for hot water and steam production in food processing
Ren, Shuai; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Hamid, Khalid; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Hafner, Armin; Eikevik, Trygve Magne; Widell, Kristina Marianne Norne (Chapter, 2023)To achieve climate neutrality in the food sector, there is an urgent need for eco-friendly steam boilers. The absorption-compression heat pumps (ACHP) using an ammonia-water mixture as working fluid can provide a high heat ... -
Performance evaluation of high-temperature heat pump systems for hot water and steam generation in food processing
Ren, Shuai; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Hafner, Armin; Widell, Kristina Norne (Chapter, 2022)A large amount of fossil fuels is consumed for hot water and steam generation in food processes such as smoking, scalding, drying, pasteurization, sterilization, cleaning, and cooking, which currently rises both economic- ... -
Potential evaluation of integrated high temperature heat pumps: A review of recent advances
Hamid, Khalid; Sajjad, Uzair; Ahrens, Marcel Ulrich; Ren, Shuai; Palanichamy, Ganesan; Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Arshad, Adeel; Said, Zafar; Hafner, Armin; Wang, Chi-Chuan; Wang, Ruzhu; Eikevik, Trygve Magne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)