Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Radmehr, Farzad"
Advancing engineering students’ conceptual understanding through puzzle-based learning: a case study with exact differential equations
Rezvanifard, Faezeh; Radmehr, Farzad; Rogovchenko, Yuriy (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Current views on the teaching of differential equations (DEs) are shifting towards the use of graphical and numerical methods. Motivated by recent research suggesting that puzzle-based learning (PzBL) can improve the ... -
Analyzing the written discourse in calculus textbooks over 42 years: the case of primary objects, concrete discursive objects, and a realization tree of the derivative at a point
Haghjoo, Saeid; Radmehr, Farzad; Reyhani, Ebrahim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Mathematical objects are the outcomes of human discourse and come to life through the process of objectification. Primary and concrete discursive objects (d-objects) play an important role in this process, forming different ... -
Didaktisk transposisjon av grensekonseptet
Røgeberg, Andreas (Master thesis, 2024)I denne studien undersøker jeg den didaktiske transposisjonen for grensekonseptet for funksjoner, fra akademisk kunnskap som skal undervises på universitetet til kunnskap som skal undervises på videregående skole. Studien ... -
Economics students’ perception of effective teaching of mathematics at the tertiary level
Radmehr, Farzad; Turgut, Melih (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Exploring engineering students’ engagement with proof without words: The case of calculus
Radmehr, Farzad; Ezzati, Mahnaz (Chapter, 2022) -
Integrere undervisning og læring av statistikk med puslebasert læring: en kommognitiv studie
Tøsse, Andrea Vinje; Rege, Pia Hapnes (Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker 9.trinnselevers deltakelse og opplevelse i arbeid med sophism- og paradoxoppgaver relatert til sentralmål og statistiske diagrammer. I studien har vi benyttet tilnærmingen mixed methods ved å ta ... -
Integrere undervisning og læring av statistikk med puslebasert læring: en kommognitiv studie
Tøsse, Andrea Vinje; Rege, Pia Hapnes (Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien undersøker 9.trinnselevers deltakelse og opplevelse i arbeid med sophism- og paradoxoppgaver relatert til sentralmål og statistiske diagrammer. I studien har vi benyttet tilnærmingen mixed methods ved å ta ... -
Integrering av matematikkvandring med matematiske modelleringsoppgaver relatert til brøk på barneskolen En mixed methods-studie med elever på 6. trinn
Vildgren, Fredrik (Master thesis, 2023)I læreplanen for matematikk under Fagets relevans sentrale verdier (Kunnskapsdepartementet, 2020), står det at «Matematikk er et sentralt fag for å kunne forstå mønstre og sammenhenger i samfunnet og naturen gjennom ... -
Laplace Transform in Mathematics and Electrical Engineering: A Praxeological Analysis of Two Textbooks on the Differential Equations and Signal Processing
Rezvanifard, Faezeh; Radmehr, Farzad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Abstract—Contribution: Although a limited number of studies have compared textbooks used in introductory science courses (ISCs) and technical engineering courses (TECs), such a study has not been conducted regarding the ... -
Learning Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors with Online YouTube Resources: A Journey in the Embodied, Proceptual-symbolic, and Formal Worlds of Mathematics
Radmehr, Farzad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Linear algebra is one of the service mathematics courses that students in many programs take as part of their undergraduate study. Previous studies indicate that linear algebra courses are often challenging for undergraduate ... -
Learning more about derivative: leveraging online resources for varied realizations
Radmehr, Farzad; Turgut, Melih (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Recent literature underlines the increasing use of online platforms in learning undergraduate mathematics, where students refer to these as supplementary resources to develop their mathematical understanding. Through an ... -
Matematikkvandring i skolen
Bedsvaag, Frida Geving; Moan, Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Følgende studie benytter seg av mixed methods for å undersøke fenomenet «Math Trail», et begrep vi har valgt å oversette til matematikkvandring. Matematikkvandring er en utendørs undervisnings- og læringsaktivitet som ... -
Matematikkvandring i skolen
Bedsvaag, Frida Geving; Moan, Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Følgende studie benytter seg av mixed methods for å undersøke fenomenet «Math Trail», et begrep vi har valgt å oversette til matematikkvandring. Matematikkvandring er en utendørs undervisnings- og læringsaktivitet som ... -
Om muligheten til å integrere problem posing med matematikkvandring i undervisning og læring i matematikk
Hvidsten, Fride Maria Furberg (Master thesis, 2024)Litteraturen viser til at problem posing og matematikkvandring er to undervisningstilnærminger, som kan han en positiv innvirkning på elevers læring og undervisning i matematikk. I studien undersøker jeg elevers problem-posing ... -
Perceptions of Lecturers and Engineering Students of Sophism and Paradox: The Case of Differential Equations
Rezvanifard, Faezeh; Radmehr, Farzad; Drake, Michael (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)One of the important topics that many STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students learn at the tertiary level is differential equations (DEs). Previous studies have explored students’ perceptions of ... -
Rutiner og deltagelse i problem posing oppgaver relatert til brøk
Heimdahl, Stine (Master thesis, 2024)Problem posing har blitt ansett som et verktøy for å forbedre elever sin matematiske forståelse. Denne studien har undersøkt elever på 6.trinn sin deltagelse og rutiner i arbeid med problem posing oppgaver i brøk. I studien ... -
Switching to Fully Online Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: The Case of Norwegian Mathematics Lecturers and University Students During the Covid‑19 Pandemic
Radmehr, Farzad; Goodchild, Simon (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Towards the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19, was detected and quickly spread worldwide. The resulting pandemic led many countries to lockdown and teaching and learning switched to fully online provision. ... -
Task design using a realization tree: The case of the derivative in the context of chemistry
Radmehr, Farzad; Haghjoo, Saeid; Reyhani, Ebrahim (The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines – Proceedings of the Second Calculus Conference;, Chapter, 2023)We have recently developed a realization tree for the derivative at a point based on its five main realizations (See Haghjoo et al., 2023). In this paper, we discuss how this realization tree can be used for task design, ... -
Teaching and Learning of Vertex Coloring Using an Inquiry-Based Approach
Radmehr, Farzad; Tohidinasab, Khaled; Tavakoli, Mostafa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Traditional lecturing is the dominant method of teaching mathematics in undergraduate mathematical courses in many countries, whereas active student-centered approaches such as inquiry-based learning have been shown in ... -
Toward a theoretical framework for task design in mathematics education
Radmehr, Farzad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)