Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Rüther, Nils"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
2D numerical modeling of Manndalselva to ensure flood protection
Førlie, Oda Alstad (Master thesis, 2019)Området rundt Manndalselva har gjennom tidene vært utsatt for flom. For å kunne sikre best mulig mot ødeleggelser på grunn av flom, er det ønskelig med en to-dimensjonal vannlinjeberegning utført ved hjelp av numerisk ... -
2D numerical modelling of sediment transport with non uniform material
Lizano Ramon, Laura Isabel (Master thesis, 2013)Numerical modelling is nowadays an important tool for predicting river flows and sediment transport. Two dimensional (2D) models give more detailed information than the often used one dimensional (1D) models, and 2D models ... -
2D Numerical Simulation of Sediment Flushing in a Hydropower Reservoir
Bhandari, Sabin (Master thesis, 2021)The Binga Hydropower Plant has been facing problems related to sedimentation. After completion, reservoir was filled up rapidly with sediment due to lack of sediment management facility and the underestimation of sediment ... -
3D CFD Simulation of bed and suspended load in a hydropower reservoir – Finding the best position of a sediment bypass tunnel intake
Shrestha, Kanchan (Master thesis, 2021)Hydropower has been predicted to be one of the most investment-worthy industries in the renewable energy sector for sustainable development. But the main challenge hydropower projects are facing globally in terms of economic, ... -
3D CFD Simulation of morphological changes in 180° bend due to different spur dike shapes
Gaiti, Gabriele (Master thesis, 2020)Denne studien fokuserer på analysen av forskjellige neddykkede former og suksesser i en rektangulær kanal med 180 ° sving og 2% sengshelling for å forhindre skuring og sediment bunnfall. For å oppnå dette målet brukes en ... -
3D NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION ON SETTLING BASIN LAYOUT: A case study on Mai Khola Hydropower Project, Nepal
Shrestha, Bishwo Vijaya (Master thesis, 2012)This study is about 3D Numerical Investigation of Settling basin layout by using numerical modeling program SSIIM. This study is carried out by using SSIIM windows version 1 (SSIIM 1.0). SSIIM is numerical modeling software, ... -
3D Numerical modeling of flow over an artificial gravel bed
Sessa, Vincenzo (Master thesis, 2014)The understanding of flow structures over static armor layers is essential for the development of modern sediment transport models, including functions for the influence of particle hiding and exposure. Coherent turbulent ... -
3D Numerical modeling of flow over an artificial gravel bed
Sessa, Vincenzo (Master thesis, 2014)The understanding of flow structures over static armor layers is essential for the development of modern sediment transport models, including functions for the influence of particle hiding and exposure. Coherent turbulent ... -
3D Numerical modeling of Sediment Deposition in a Hydropower Reservoir
Myhrvold, Halvor (Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this assignment was to test and evaluate SSIIM 2 on its ability in numerical modelling of sediment transport in the hydropower reservoir Banjë in Albania, which is a 14 km long, and narrow hydropower reservoir. ... -
3D Numerical Modelling of Hydropeaking Scenarios in Norwegian Regulated Rivers
Pedersen, Øyvind (Master thesis, 2012)AbstractThe objective of this master s thesis has been to investigate the capabilities of the CFD packages Star CCM+ and SSIIM to model hydro-peaking scenarios in regulated natural rivers in 3D using a RANS method. Two ... -
Assessment of Sediment Handling Strategies in the Regulation Pond of El Canadá Hydropower Plant, Guatemala - Processing and analyzing sediment information collected in situ
Zamora, Javier (Master thesis, 2018)El Canadá HPP is a 47 MW run-of-river hydropower plant located in Guatemala. The power plant is highly affected by sediments, especially its off-stream regulation pond. Some sediment handling strategies have been implemented ... -
Bruk av bildemateriale fra dronebaserte opptak for hastighetsberegning i elver med frispeilstrømning med Large-scale Particle Image Velocimetry
Benjaminsen, Maren (Master thesis, 2018)Denne masteroppgaven, utført i samarbeid med FIThydro, har som formål å teste ut beregningsmetoden Large-scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LSPIV) for overflatehastighet i elver. Ved utbygging av vassdrag endres elveløpet ... -
Combining Fish Passage and Sediment Bypassing: A Conceptual Solution for Increased Sustainability of Dams and Reservoirs
Foldvik, Anders; Silva, Ana T.; Albayarak, Ismail; Schwarzwälder, Kordula Valerie Anne; Boes, Robert M.; Rüther, Nils (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sedimentation is one of the main eco-morphological and technological challenges associated with reservoirs. Sedimentation not only reduces the functional capacity of a reservoir by filling it, but also changes downstream ... -
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Fluvial Sedimentation Engineering
Rüther, Nils (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2006:205, Doctoral thesis, 2006)The present dissertation describes the improvement of a numerical model when predicting sedimentation and erosion processes in fluvial geomorphology. Various algorithms and parameters were implemented in a computational ... -
Data Integration for Investigating Drivers of Water Quality Variability in the Banja Reservoir Watershed
Matta, Erica; Bresciani, Mariano; Tellina, Giulio; Schenk, Karin; Bauer, Philipp; Von Trentini, Fabian; Rüther, Nils; Bartosova, Alena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)It is increasingly important to know the water quality of a reservoir, given the prospect of an environment poor in water reserves, which are based on intense and short-lived precipitation events. In this work, vegetation ... -
Design of Sand Traps in Hydropower Plants
Havrevoll, Ola Haugen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:380, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This PhD thesis focuses on sand traps in hydropower tunnels. The research includes a literature review of previous studies on this topic, as well as physical model tests carried out at NTNU and TU Graz to investigate the ... -
Effects of Bottom-Up Blockage on Entrance Loss Coefficients and Head-Discharge Relationships for Pipe Culvert Inlets: Comparisons of Theoretical Methods and Experimental Results
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn; Norem, Harald; Bruland, Oddbjørn; Rüther, Nils; Pummer, Elena Marianne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Culvert blockage is a recognized problem known to increase the risk of cross-drainage failure. Presently, the effects of bottom-up inlet blockage can be estimated using the theoretically derived energy loss method (ELM) ... -
Effects of geometric optimization and partial blockage on the hydraulic efficiency of pipe culvert inlets
Sellevold, Joakim Carlsønn (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2024:500, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The thesis focuses on culvert hydraulics in the context of flood risk. Culverts are ubiquitous hydraulic structures used for conveyance of water through hindrances in the terrain, and different frameworks are used for ... -
Evaluating Sediment handling strategies for Banja Reservoir using the RESCON2 model - A comprehensive study of the rapid assessment tool for sustainable sediment management
Adhikari, Santosh (Master thesis, 2017)Banja Reservoir along Devoll River basin, Albania is in threat of loss in storage due to sedimentation. Catchment of Devoll river draining into Banja reservoir has prominent sheet erosion and mass wasting due to intense ... -
Evaluation of data quality for multi- beam echo sounder survey
Szentkereszty, Wolfgang (Master thesis, 2022)Samandrag Flerstråleekkolodd er et apparat som bruker en lydbølge for å måle avstander i vannet. Signalstyrken til returstrålen kan brukes til f.eks. sediment evaluering. I dette arbeidet ble dybdedata samlet inn ved ...