Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Pettersen, Kristin Y."
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
A 3D reactive collision avoidance algorithm for underactuated underwater vehicles
Syre Wiig, Martin; Pettersen, Kristin Y.; Krogstad, Thomas Røbekk (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Avoiding collisions is an essential goal of the control system of autonomous vehicles. This paper presents a reactive algorithm for avoiding obstacles in a three‐dimensional space, and shows how the algorithm can be applied ... -
Collision Avoidance and Path Following for Underactuated Marine Vehicles
Wiig, Martin Syre (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:103, Doctoral thesis, 2019)In this thesis we propose and investigate a collision avoidance algorithm for underactuated marine vehicles, both in two and three dimensions. We also investigate the stability properties of a path following algorithm for ... -
Collision Avoidance using the Velocity Obstacle Algorithm for Underactuated Surface Vehicles
Haraldsen, Aurora (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteravhandlingen presenterer en matematisk analyse av hastighet hindring algoritmen (eng. the velocity obstacle algorithm) for kollisjonsunngåelse i det horisontale planet. Algoritmen, som er hyppig brukt for reaktiv ... -
Comparison of Grid-Based Coverage Path Planning Methods in Planar Environments
Naqibi, Siawash (Master thesis, 2022)Coverage path planning (CPP) omhandler oppgaven å kunne utregne en vei som passerer gjennom alle punkter av et areal eller et volum og samtidig unngå objekter. CPP er brukt i mange applikasjoner sånn som autonome støvsugere, ... -
Control of Under-actuated Marine Vehicles
Paliotta, Claudio (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:240, Doctoral thesis, 2017)In this dissertation, various topics related to control problems for under-actuated marine vehicles are investigated. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the source-seeking problem for ... -
Control of Underactuated Marine Vehicles in the Presence of Environmental Disturbances
Belleter, Dennis J.W. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2016:337, Doctoral thesis, 2016)This thesis presents several topics on the subject of controlling underactuated marine vessels and the rejection of environmental disturbances. To address disturbances caused by waves, an observer is introduced for the ... -
Energy harvesting and practical stabilization of underwater snake robots
Orucevic, Amer (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:429, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Energy efficiency is crucial for the operational time and reach of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). A new class of AUVs, underwater snake robots (USRs), has an articulated body that may be utilized to enhance propulsion ... -
Formation Path Following of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles using the Second-Order Null-Space-Based Behavioral Algorithm
Lie, Erling Syversveen (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven presenterer en ny styringsmetode for formasjonsbanefølging med autonome undervannsfartøy ved hjelp av en andreordens nullromsbasert atferdsmetode. Autonome undervannsfartøy byr på unike utfordringer innen ... -
Grasp selection in bin picking tasks for robotic manipulator arm with end-effector geometric constraints
Gravdahl, Irja (Master thesis, 2019)Robotisert «bin-picking» er problemet med å gripe objekter plassert tilfeldig i en kasse og flytte dem til en ny lokasjon, en etter en. Problemet oppstår ofte i industrien der varer kommer til en ny stasjon i store kvanta ... -
Hierarchical tracking control of an articulated intervention-AUV
Dyrhaug, Jan Inge; Tveter, Erling (Master thesis, 2022)Autonome undervannsroboter har allerede revolusjonert den maritime næringen, og muliggjort operasjoner som ellers ville vært umulige. Økt autonomi er ønskelig av flere grunner, inkludert kostnadseffektivitet og sikkerhet. ... -
Hierarchical tracking control of an articulated intervention-AUV
Dyrhaug, Jan Inge; Tveter, Erling (Master thesis, 2022)Autonome undervannsroboter har allerede revolusjonert den maritime næringen, og muliggjort operasjoner som ellers ville vært umulige. Økt autonomi er ønskelig av flere grunner, inkludert kostnadseffektivitet og sikkerhet. ... -
Kinematic and Dynamic Control of Cooperating Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator Systems
Iversflaten, Markus H.; Haraldsen, Aurora; Pettersen, Kristin Y. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Cooperative control of autonomous underwater robots can provide capabilities that exceed those of any single marine robot. In this paper, the cooperation between two different underwater vehicle-manipulator systems is ... -
L1 Adaptive Control of UUVs
Skaar, Alise (Master thesis, 2024)Havet dekker omtrent 70 prosent av jordens overflate, men kun 5 prosent er utforsket på grunn av det harde og utilgjengelige undervannsmiljøet. Ubemannede undervannsfarkoster (UUV-er) har blitt stadig mer brukt for å ... -
Motion Coordination of Mechanical Systems: Leader-Follower Synchronization of Euler-Lagrange Systems using Output Feedback Control
Kyrkjebø, Erik (Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU, 1503-8181; 2007:60, Doctoral thesis, 2007)his thesis proposes two motion synchronization approaches to coordinate the motion of a follower to a leader within the Euler-Lagrange system framework. The information requirements from the leader are that of position and ... -
Motion planning for terrain vehicles: Path generation with radial-constrained A* and trajectory optimization
Bø, Sondre (Master thesis, 2020)Å planlegge en optimal rute for et bil-lignende terrengkjøretøy byr på forskjellige utfordringer. Den optimale bane kan ikke alltid anses som den korteste, men kan være den ruten med minst stigning, mest klaring eller det ... -
Non-linear path following and data-driven applications in underwater snake robot control
Gushkov, Ivan (Master thesis, 2024)Ledsvømmere, som slangeroboter og fiskeroboter, representerer en spennende nyutvikling innen robotikk. De opererer i komplekse hydrodynamiske miljøer, og har ofte i oppgave å løse utfordrende kontrollproblemer med tilgang ... -
Nonlinear and Hybrid Feedback Control of Marine Vehicles and Multirotors
Basso, Erlend Andreas (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:373, Doctoral thesis, 2022)This thesis presents new results and solutions for prioritized control of robotic systems and hybrid feedback control of marine and aerial vehicles. We introduce a novel task-priority framework for redundant robotic systems ... -
Parameter Estimation in Atomic Force Microscopy: Nanomechanical Properties and High-speed Demodulation
Ragazzon, Michael R. P. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:146, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has become a key enabling technology for high-precision study of materials and biological processes over the last few decades. Since its invention in 1986, it has undergone rapid developments ... -
Path-Planning, Guidance and Navigation Tools for Docking Underactuated AUVs
Sans-Muntadas, Albert (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2018:185, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Summary This thesis is motivated by the growing usage of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and, particularly, how providing them with the ability to reach and dock onto underwater docking stations can positively impact ... -
Robust Control for Articulated Intervention AUVs in the Operational Space
Stene, Arnt Erik (Master thesis, 2019)Denne avhandlingen undersøker robuste kontrollmetoder innenfor «operational space» formuleringen. Metodene er brukt på et artikulert intervensjons undervannskjøretøy (AIAUV) som krever robust kontroll for å motvirke ...