Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Pedersen, Arve Vorland"
Now showing items 1-20 of 36
A comparison of players' and coaches' perceptions of the coach-created motivational climate within youth soccer teams
Møllerløkken, Nina Elise; Lorås, Håvard; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The coach-created motivational climate within youth sports teams has been shown to be of great importance for the quality of youths’ sports experiences as well as their motivation for continuing or discontinuing sport ... -
Age at nomination among soccer players nominated for major international individual awards : a better proxy for the age of peak individual soccer performance?
Oterhals, Geir; Lorås, Håvard; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
An Inverse Relative Age Effect in Male Alpine Skiers at the Absolute Top Level
Bjerke, Øyvind; Pedersen, Arve Vorland; Aune, Tore Kristian; Lorås, Håvard (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The Relative Age Effect (RAE) can be described as the advantage of being born early after a certain cut-off date within a group of selection. The effect has been found across a wide range of sports and is particularly ... -
Are Differences in Physical Activity across Socioeconomic Groups Associated with Choice of Physical Activity Variables to Report?
Stalsberg, Ragna; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Despite being challenged in recent years, the hypothesis that individuals of higher socioeconomic status (SES) are more physically active than their lower SES counterparts is generally considered a fact. Recent reviews, ... -
Associations between Self-Esteem, Psychological Stress, and the Risk of Exercise Dependence.
Wågan, Frida Austmo; Darvik, Monica; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Body concerns and stress-related disorders are increasing in the younger population in a wide range of nations. Studies find links between both self-worth, exercise dependence, and self-esteem in relation to stress, but ... -
Barn med dårlig motorikk - klossete barn: Kan vi hjelpe dem?
Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article, 2002-08) -
Comparison of incidence of selected injuries in amateur boxing with and without formerly mandatory head gear
Berg, Marte Elise (Bachelor thesis, 2020)Sammendrag Tittel Sammenligning av forekomst av utvalgte skader i amatørboksing med og uten tidligere påbudt hodebeskyttelse Problemstilling Reduserer hjelm risikoen for hode- og kuttskader i amatørboksing? Metode ... -
Constituent Year Effects and Performance in Alpine Skiing Junior World Championships
Bjerke, Øyvind; Lorås, Håvard Wuttudal; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines constituent year effect (CYE) and race performance among junior alpine skiers in the World Championships. In various junior age cohorts competing together, variation in skiing performance can be expected ... -
Differences in golf performance between men and women relative to anthropometric and physiological sex differences – Comparing performances between players on the PGA and LPGA tour
Villanen, Jemina (Master thesis, 2023)Golf is an increasingly popular sport with tough competition at the professional level. The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) tour is the biggest professional men’s tour, whereas the Ladies Professional Golf Association ... -
Effects of environmental constraints on human motor behaviour – geographical differences in grip laterality amongst national floorball players
Ekman, Karen (Master thesis, 2021)Whilst the vast majority of the worlds’ population show a right-handed preference, less is known about the development of bimanual motor behaviour. Sport specific motor behaviour and data thereof provide a natural ground ... -
Effekt av styrketrening på smerte hos individer med revmatoid artritt – en systematisk oversikt over kontrollerte studier
Andresen, Amund Tveit; Berger, Ørjan Liadal (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Sammendrag: Tittel: Effekt av styrketrening på smerte hos individer med revmatoid artritt – en systematisk oversikt over kontrollerte studier Hensikt: Systematisere eksisterende forskning på styrketrenings effekt på ... -
«Et tilbud for mange, men ikke for alle» - En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om erfaringene til eldre og deres fysioterapeuter med fysioterapibehandling levert som digital hjemmeoppfølging
Knudsen, Joachim Sandor; Rogne, Mathias Johan (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Tittel: «Et tilbud for mange, men ikke for alle» - En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om erfaringene til eldre og deres fysioterapeuter med fysioterapibehandling levert som digital hjemmeoppfølging Problemstilling: «Hvilke ... -
Fysisk aktivitetsnivå blant ungdom etter fråfall frå organisert idrett
Halland, Helene (Master thesis, 2020)Bakgrunn og hensikt: Studien hadde som hensikt å samanlikne det fysiske aktivitetsnivået blant ungdom som har slutta med organisert idrett, samanlikna med dei som fortset er medlem. Vidare vart det undersøkt om det fysiske ... -
A golden age for motor skill learning? – Learning of an unfamiliar motor task in 10-year-olds, young adults, and adults, when starting from similar baselines
Solum, Marius; Lorås, Håvard; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)It is often argued within sports circles that the age span of around 6–12 years is a golden age for motor skill learning, and this period is often described as sensitive, or even critical, for learning such skills. ... -
Interpersonal and intrapersonal entrainment of self-paced tapping rate
Lorås, Håvard Wuttudal; Aune, Tore Kristian; Ingvaldsen, Rolf Petter; Pedersen, Arve Vorland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Entrainment is a ubiquitous property not only of interacting non-linear dynamical systems but also of human movements. In the study reported here, two premises of entrainment theory were investigated in a tapping task ... -
Investigating the frequencies of different exploratory actions among world-class climbers: Data from world cup bouldering competitions
Pedersen, Sindre Rørmark (Master thesis, 2023)Tidligere studier har undersøkt utforskende handlinger i klatring, men ingen har undersøkt frekvensen av utforskende handlinger i buldring. Målet med denne studien var å beskrive frekvensen av utforskende handlinger som ... -
Musikk- og kroppsøvingslæreres syn på undervise dans i norsk grunnskole
Holdal, Marianne Abelsen (Master thesis, 2019)Sammendrag Innledning: Dans inngår i læreplanen i fagene musikk og kroppsøving i norsk grunnskole. Tidligere forskning viser at dans og praktisk estetiske fag sjelden prioriteres i arbeidet med lokale læreplaner og ... -
Norske foreldres oppfatninger og misoppfatninger om barns motoriske utvikling
Bjørnes, Unn-Eirill (Master thesis, 2021)Hensikt: Undersøke norske foreldres oppfatninger og eventuelle misoppfatninger av motorisk utvikling, og se hvor de henter informasjon om motorisk utvikling fra. Design: Tverrsnittstudie Metode: Spørreskjemaet PB-MD norsk ... -
‘Peak age’ blant håndballspillere på høyeste internasjonale nivå
Valseth, Jo Krogstad (Master thesis, 2022)Idrettsutøveres ‘peak age’ kan variere fra idrett til idrett, fra utøver til utøver og mellom ulike performance-variabler. Det å måle spilleres ‘peak age’ i en sammensatt idrett som håndball er ikke så ukomplisert som i ... -
Physical fitness levels of northeastern Italian children within and across sex- and age-groups, relative to teachers’ predictions – and in relation to other European countries
Toscani, Andrea (Master thesis, 2022)Background Physical fitness is associated with health-related quality of life, especially in youth. The school plays a fundamental role in promoting physical activity in children, and the lack of a qualified Physical ...