Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Odeck, James"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
A framework for assessing uncertainties in benefit cost analyses in the Norwegian road sector.
Fernandez Blanco, Andrea (Master thesis, 2015)Nowadays, every time there is a need of undertaking a project, different alternatives are considered. The differences between those alternatives can be related to technical or economical aspects, so in order to identify ... -
Cost escalations in the front-end of projects – empirical evidence from Norwegian road projects
Welde, Morten; Odeck, James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper investigates an issue largely ignored in the transport literature on cost overruns, namely, cost increases in the early project phase, long before the decision to build is made. This is the phase of project ... -
Cost Overruns of Transportation Infrastructure Projects
Odeck, James; Welde, Morten (Chapter, 2021)What is a cost overrun of a transportation project? What problems does it cause? How should overruns be measured? How common and prevalent are overruns worldwide? What are the potential ways of avoiding overruns? These are ... -
Do Fixed Links Affect Settlement Patterns: A Synthetic Control Approach
Tveter, Eivind; Welde, Morten; Odeck, James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper evaluates the extent to which transportation projects affect settlement patterns. We consider fixed link projects because they provide a large and swift change in accessibility. We use the synthetic control ... -
Do Planners Get it Right? The Accuracy of Travel Demand Forecasting in Norway
Welde, Morten; Odeck, James (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)This paper deals with the accuracy of travel demand forecasts among Norwegian road projects. We use data collected from tolled roads and toll free roads. The results reveal that while traffic forecasts of tolled schemes ... -
Effekten av gratis ferje i Norge: En empirisk analyse av gratis ferje og trafikkvolum i den norske ferjesektoren
Sannes, Joakim; Nesse, Anna (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker effekten av gratis ferjesamband på etterspørselen etter ferjetjenester i Norge. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er regjeringens initiativ om å tilby gratis ferjetjenester til øyer og lokalsamfunn ... -
Effekten av gratis ferje i Norge: En empirisk analyse av gratis ferje og trafikkvolum i den norske ferjesektoren
Nesse, Anna; Sannes, Joakim (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker effekten av gratis ferjesamband på etterspørselen etter ferjetjenester i Norge. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er regjeringens initiativ om å tilby gratis ferjetjenester til øyer og lokalsamfunn ... -
Essays on road user attitudes and experiences of congestion and the adverse effects of electric vehicle incentives
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:99, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Norsk sammendrag Økende kø på vegnettet skaper utfordringer i form av økt lokal og global forurensing, og øker kostnadene på grunn av tid tapt på overbelastede veinett. Regjeringer over hele verden har tatt disse ... -
Essays on the economic efficiency of car ferry crossings
Høyem, Harald Støen (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2022:302, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Norway maintains a large network of ferries that provide connections across fjords and to islands without road access. Ferries provide accessibility but they also entail costs for the users and the operators involved, such ... -
Etterprøving av transportmodeller - En utforskende undersøkelse
Fossum, Magne (Master thesis, 2018)Transportmodeller er ansett som et av de viktigste redskapene for beslutningstakere i transportsektorene i flere land. Transportmodeller brukes for å undersøke hva som skjer med trafikkmengden og/eller trafikkfordelingen ... -
Finding transport projects with high value for money - what are the socio-geographic determinants?
Hammes, Johanna Jussila; Volden, Gro Holst; Welde, Morten; Börjesson, Maria; Odeck, James (VTI Working Paper;2021:4, Report, 2021)We use cost-benefit data from 1052 projects in Norway and Sweden to analyse ex ante factors that can explain which characteristics of transport infrastructure projects explain high value for money. The aim is to identify ... -
Grønngater - En ny type vegplanlegging, eller bare en visjon?: En samfunnsøkonomisk vurdering av tverrfaglig vegplanlegging i Norge.
Omdal, Stian (Master thesis, 2013)Vegsystemer hvor overflatehåndteringen håndteres gjennom alternative metoder vil i tillegg til å imøtekomme den stadig større overvannsproblematikken, bidra til å skape bærekraftige blå-grønne gaterom og samfunnsverdier. ... -
How do fixed links affect household and firm location
Nilsen, Øyvind Lervik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2019:243, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Important conditions related to demand for light rail among middle and high income neighborhoods of Waiyaki Way, Nairobi, Kenya.
Larsen, Karl Kristian (Master thesis, 2013)Large cities in developing nations have to deal with the repercussions of years of urbanization on their transportation systems. When the population outgrows infrastructure capabilities, congestion and lack of mobility ... -
The increase of electric vehicle usage in Norway—incentives and adverse effects
Aasness, Marie Aarestrup; Odeck, James (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Purpose Norway has been named the Bcapital of Electric Vehicles (EVs) because the purchase and use of EVs in Norway has increased tremendously over the last few years.Currently, the fleet of EVs in Norway is the largest ... -
Netto helsegevinst i samfunnsøkonomiske analyser av sykkelinfrastruktur
Ellingsen, Jonas (Master thesis, 2020)Økt satsing på sykkel som transportmiddel kan være et viktig tiltak i fremtiden for å bedre folkehelsen og begrense klimautslipp. Det er godt dokumentert at fysisk aktivitet og derav fysisk aktiv transport innebærer ... -
Ressursbruk i transportsektoren – noen mulige forbedringer
Odeck, James; Welde, Morten (Concept rapport;, Research report; Peer reviewed, 2015)Denne rapporten er en antologi om ulike aktuelle problemstillinger i transportsektoren. Den er redigert av James Odeck fra NTNU/Statens vegvesen og Morten Welde fra Concept programmet og inneholder bidrag fra noen av Norge ... -
The Robustness of Cost–Benefit Analyses
Welde, Morten; Odeck, James (Chapter, 2021)In this chapter we address the robustness of cost–benefit analysis (CBA) from the perspective of its usefulness for decision-making. After summarizing how CBAs are preformed, we provide an example of how uncertainties in ... -
Socio Economic Analysis of Road Projects - Development of CBA during conceptual phases
José, Pedro (Master thesis, 2018)A Socio Economic Analysis (SEA) is a complex and multidisciplinary assessment that evaluates the costs and benefits that a road project will create for the society. In Norway, it is performed in an early stage of a road ... -
Sustainable Gravel Road Construction and Maintenance in Serengeti National Park
Tarimo, Michael Joseph (Master thesis, 2017)All weather road networks in protected areas are important to facilitate management of wildlife, routine park operations and to facilitate tourist accessibility to the tourist s attractions sites hence improving their ...