Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Nytrø, Øystein"
Now showing items 1-20 of 79
Ability of clinical data to predict readmission in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Koochakpour, Kaban; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Røst, Thomas Brox; Leventhal, Bennett; Koposov, Roman Alexandriovich; Clausen, Carolyn Elizabeth; Skokauskas, Norbert; Nytrø, Øystein; Pant, Dipendra (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study addresses the challenge of predicting readmissions in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) by analyzing the predictability of readmissions over short, medium, and long term periods. Using health ... -
Access Control in Healthcare Information Systems
Røstad, Lillian (Doctoral Theses at NTNU, 1503-8181; 2009:24, Doctoral thesis, 2009)Access control is a key feature of healthcare information systems. Access control is about enforcing rules to ensure that only authorized users get access to resources in a system. In healthcare systems this means protecting ... -
Access Management in the Personal Health Record: An Architectural View
Wold, Hans Magnus Simonsen (Master thesis, 2007)This thesis focuses on how access management in the Personal Health Record (PHR) plays its part in the interoperability and information exchange of the future environment of patient-centered care.Personal health records ... -
Applying Language Technology in ErrorDetection for Optical Music Recognition
Lier, Joakim Omberg (Master thesis, 2020)Etter fremveksten av teknikker som benytter dyp læring har Optical Music Recognition-løsninger som forsøker å lese og forstå noter sett store fremskritt. Teknikker som benytter dyp læring er ofte vanskelig å validere, noe ... -
Attitudes of Mental Health Service Users Toward Storage and Use of Electronic Health Records
Bakken, Victoria; Koposov, Roman A; Røst, Thomas Brox; Clausen, Carolyn; Nytrø, Øystein; Leventhal, Bennett; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Koochakpour, Kaban; Mandahl, Arthur; Hafstad, Hege; Skokauskas, Norbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective: Electronic health records (EHRs) are used for both clinical practice and research. Because mental health service users’ views are underrepresented in perspectives on EHR use, the authors examined service ... -
Automatisk pilledispenser: Informasjonsflyt i legemiddehåndteringen ved innføring av automatisk pilledispenser
Haugen, Kristina (Master thesis, 2006)Det er i denne rapporten studert endringer i informasjonsflyt mellom aktører i legemiddelhåndteringen ved innføring av automatisk pilledispenser og relatert teknologi for elektronisk overføring av legemiddelinformasjon. ... -
Capturing Central Venous Catheterization Events in Health Record Texts
Røst, Thomas Brox; Tvedt, Christine Raaen; Husby, Haldor; Berg, Ingrid Andås; Nytrø, Øystein (Chapter, 2018)Infections caused by central venous catheter (CVC) use is a serious and under-reported problem. In our research we explore methods of automatically detecting CVC use from clinical documentation for quality improvement and ... -
Capturing Signs and Events Related to Catheters in Clinical Text
Yan, Melissa Y. (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2023:410, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Annotated clinical corpora are necessary to extract information from clinical text for answering clinical questions. However, publicly available annotated clinical corpora are limited because of privacy issues, ethical ... -
Challenges in Interpreting Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Records
Koochakpour, Kaban; Solheim, Frida Sofie; Nytrø, Øystein; Clausen, Carolyn Elizabeth; Frodl, Thomas; Koposov, Roman Alexandriovich; Leventhal, Bennett; Pant, Dipendra; Røst, Thomas Brox; Stien, Ulrika Line; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Skokauskas, Norbertas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The Electronic Health Record system BUPdata served Norwegian Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) for over 35 years and is still an important source of information for understanding clinical practice. Secondary ... -
Characterising and Clustering Co-Occurring Morbidities and Medications in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Schefte, Inger-Ane Sætra (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven fokuserer på å analysere elektroniske pasientjournaler (EPJ) til pasienter i Barne- og Ungdomspsykiatrisk Poliklinikk (BUP), med spesiell vekt på å karakterisere samtidige diagnoser og medisinbruk blant ... -
Characterising Patients Referred on Suspicion of ADHD and Behavioral Difficulties: An Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Norwegian Electronic Health Records
Solheim, Frida Sofie (Master thesis, 2022)Hyperkinetiske lidelser er en gruppe lidelser assosiert med nedsatt oppmerksomhet og overaktivitet. De er noen av de mest vanlige barndomspsykiatriske lidelsene og oppstår vanligvis i løpet av barnets fem første leveår. ... -
Clinical Decision Support Systems for Child Neuropsychiatric Disorders: The Time Has Come?
Koposov, Roman A; Frodl, Thomas; Nytrø, Øystein; Leventhal, Bennett; Sourander, Andre; Quaglini, Silvana; Molteni, Massimo; de la Iglesia Vayá, María; Ulrich Prokosch, Hans; Barbarini, Nicola; Milham, Michael Peter; Skokauskas, Norbert; Castellanos, Francisco Xavier (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)Great advances in molecular biology, genetics and imaging serve to enhance the desire to develop multi-level and multi-scale models for "personalized medicine" but they remain very challenging for high prevalence, high ... -
Clinical Decision Support Systems: An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Clausen, Carolyn; Leventhal, Bennett; Nytrø, Øystein; Koposov, Roman A; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Røst, Thomas Brox; Bakken, Victoria; Koochakpour, Kaban; Thorvik, Ketil; Skokauskas, Norbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the “good old days,” Hippocrates narrowed the basic understanding of disease and clinical practice to 4 “humors”: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Today, medical practice takes place in a rapidly expanding ... -
Clinical Decision Support Systems: An Innovative Approach to Enhancing Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Clausen, Carolyn; Leventhal, Bennett; Nytrø, Øystein; Koposov, Roman A; Westbye, Odd Sverre; Røst, Thomas Brox; Bakken, Victoria; Koochakpour, Kaban; Thorvik, Ketil; Skokauskas, Norbert (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In the “good old days,” Hippocrates narrowed the basic understanding of disease and clinical practice to 4 “humors”: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile. Today, medical practice takes place in a rapidly expanding ... -
Clinical Guideline Authoring Tools: Exploring Features and Requirements
Khodambashi, Soudabeh (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2017:344, Doctoral thesis, 2017)The design, development, maintenance, and publication process of clinical guidelines is complex, time-consuming, and requires collaboration among different stakeholders. Complex guideline development, management and revision ... -
Clinician Requirements for Genetic Information in the Electronic Health Record
Ariansen, Sarah Louise (Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjon Genetikk er i dag ett av de raskest voksende feltene innenfor helsevesenet, og bruken av genetisk informasjon øker spesielt innenfor presisjonsmedisin. For å utnytte genetisk informasjon i klinisk sammenheng, ... -
Clustering as applied to a general practitioner's record
Lunde, Christina (Master thesis, 2005)The electronic patient record is primarily used as a way for clinicians to remember what has happened during the care of a patient. The electronic record also introduces an additional possibility, namely the use of computer ... -
Clustering Hyperkinetic Child and Adolescent Patient Trajectories Using Norwegian Electronic Health Record Data
Ek, Ronja Linnéa Bævre; Funnemark, Elin Schanke (Master thesis, 2023)Store mengder kompleks og heterogen helsedata i elektroniske pasientjournaler gjør dataen utfordrende å analysere, og åpner for bruk av datautvinningsmetoder for få innsikt. Dataklynging er et pålitelig og effektivt verktøy ... -
Clustering Hyperkinetic Child and Adolescent Patient Trajectories Using Norwegian Electronic Health Record Data
Ek, Ronja Linnéa Bævre; Funnemark, Elin Schanke (Master thesis, 2023)Store mengder kompleks og heterogen helsedata i elektroniske pasientjournaler gjør dataen utfordrende å analysere, og åpner for bruk av datautvinningsmetoder for få innsikt. Dataklynging er et pålitelig og effektivt verktøy ... -
Deidentification of Electronic Patient Records: A Lexicon-based Approximation
Olafsen, Stian (Master thesis, 2008)In 2004, a lexicon-based deidentification tool was developed at The Norwegian EHR Research Centre (NSEP). The tool was never properly tested due to lack of proper and available data material. In 2007, an annotated data set ...