Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Novakovic, Vojislav"
Now showing items 1-20 of 70
A comparative study of energy certification systems for buildings
Milicevic, Jelena (Master thesis, 2014)Due to the large amount of energy consumption in buildings and the biggest potential of energy and ecology savings, energy efficiency and sustainable construction represent the priorities of modern architecture and energetics ... -
Advanced analysis of measured data for efficient operation of modern buildings
Leboeuf, Francois (Master thesis, 2011)The aim of this study is to define several methods that enable to estimate the heat exchanged in the different components of an air handling unit (AHU), and propose control strategy optimizations. The AHU studied is a part ... -
Analyse av energibruk og termisk inneklima i næringsbygg med kjøling
Ørnes, Ivar Rognhaug (Master thesis, 2008)I denne masteroppgaven er klimakjøling i næringsbygg studert med mål om å komme frem til systemløsninger og anleggsparametere som gir energieffektiv drift og godt termisk innklima. Analyse av ulike kjølemetoder ble gjort ... -
Analysis and design of solar based systems for heating and cooling of buildings
Shesho, Igor (Master thesis, 2014)Thermal performance of the solar thermal systems are estimated using numerical methods and software since the solar processes are transitient in nature been driven by time dependent forcing functions and loads. The system ... -
Analysis and design of systems for thermal-energy storage at moderate temperatures based on Phase Change Materials (PCM)
Trogrlic, Martina (Master thesis, 2014)Because human population is growing at such a high rate, as well as the energy consumption per person, new ways of preserving and efficiently using available energy must be explored. Until new and abundant energy sources ... -
Analysis of dynamical behaviour of the boiler room at Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Sarajevo in standard exploitation conditions.
Aganovic, Amar (Master thesis, 2013)ynamical analysis of the boiler room behaviour will be conducted by using state of the art software packages and available libraries for modelling and simulation of the HVAC systems. Mathematical model for transient analysis ... -
Analysis of the novel solar heating wall installed as building envelop in the Green Energy Laboratory
Nilsson, Marte Wigen (Master thesis, 2015)This study looks at the use of façade integrated solar collectors in Norwegian buildings. One wall consisting of 0.25 m of timber framed insulation, and one wall consisting of 0.2 m insulation and 0.2 m concrete were tested. ... -
Analysis of the radiant heating and cooling System in the Green Energy Laboratory
Nielsen, Ludvig (Master thesis, 2015)Climate change and energy scarcity put higher requirements on the use of energy in the society today. Buildings are a major contributor to the energy use and much attention is placed on energy efficient solutions in building ... -
Assessing energy flexible operation of a residential Zero Emission Building (casaZero)
Vespestad, Åshild Ryen (Master thesis, 2022)Med en økende andel nyoppsatte og oppussede bygg som tilfredsstiller dagens krav for nullutslippshus har også interaksjonen mellom bygninger og kraftnettet økt. Bygg som både produserer og konsumerer elektrisitet, prosumers, ... -
Behovsstyring av energi- og inneklimaytelser - oppfølging i praksis
Eide, Aina (Master thesis, 2009)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært oppfølging av driften av behovsstyrt ventilasjon, lys og varme på Kaffehuset Friele i Bergen over en begrenset periode, og dokumentere den oppnådde energiytelsen i praksis. I ... -
Behovsstyring av klimatekniske installasjoner i energieffektive kontorbygg
Austerheim, Erlend Bøgwald (Master thesis, 2013)I en undersøkelse av resultatene fra en prosjektoppgave fra høsten 2012 om blant annet behovsstyring av klimatekniske installasjoner, driftserfaringer og brukertilfredshet i 20 passivhus- og lavenergibygg-prosjekter har ... -
Biomass combined heat and power (CHP) for electricity and district heating
Novakovic, Vladimir (Master thesis, 2014)Growing energy consumption requests development of the new energy sources and the application of new technologies in the energy sector. At the same time, the world is facing maybe the biggest challenge in human history ... -
Building occupant transient agent-based model – Movement module
Dziedzic, Jakub Wladyslaw; Yan, Da; Sun, Hongsan; Novakovic, Vojislav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Simulation of occupant behaviour (OB) in buildings is a challenging task. Available software uses a broad spectrum of tools that try to reproduce the patterns of human activity. From building energy perspective, the main ... -
Building performance simulation of the new “ZEB Laboratoriet”
Søraas, Andrea Elisabeth Holltrø (Master thesis, 2020)Det norske nullutslippsbygget "ZEB Laboratoriet" er forøyeblikket under konstruksjon ved Gløshaugen campus på NTNU i Trondheim. Bygget vil bestå av kontor- og undervisningsområder og er fire etasjer høyt med et areal på ... -
Commissioning of the HVAC-plant in a large office building designed with an underfloor ventilation system including input into what should be emphasized when evaluating the total system is to be done.
Stankevica, Galina (Master thesis, 2010)The following paper presents HVAC system commissioning activities, highlighting the most critical techniques and features to consider when commissioning the underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system. UFAD systems are ... -
Correlation between standards and the lifetime commissioning
Djuric, Natasa; Novakovic, Vojislav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)This paper reviews the applicability and drawbacks of available European and international standards related to lifetime commissioning, by structuring them into Norwegian commissioning procedures. The work describes research ... -
Cost Optimality of Energy Systems in Zero Emission Buildings in Early Design Phase
Barbado Baranda, Pablo (Master thesis, 2014)Abstract During the uncontrolled consumption period the building sector has come to account one of the greatest proportions of greenhouse gas emissions and energy use in industrial countries. In this context, European ... -
Cost Optimality of Energy Systems in Zero Emission Buildings in Early Design Phase
Løtveit, Sjur Vullum (Master thesis, 2013)The building sector accounts for a significant proportion of industrial countries total energy use, thus a cut in this sector has been regarded necessary to reach future climate goals. An important measure in this context ... -
Data fusion heat pump performance estimation
Djuric, Natasa; Huang, G; Novakovic, Vojislav (Journal article, 2011)The aim of the study was to develop improved measurements on heat pump performance. A model-based approach was combined with data fusion technique to estimate performance of a heat pump. These improved heat pump performance ... -
Development of a Library for Building Surface Layout Simulator
Annaqeeb, Masab Khalid; Dziedzic, Jakub Wladyslaw; Yan, Da; Novakovic, Vojislav (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Available building simulation tools resort to using fixed schedules for modeling occupant behavior (OB), which does not accurately capture its nature. A significant aspect of OB is the movement and sequence of actions with ...