Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt"
Caring for Coronavirus Healthcare Workers: Lessons Learned from Long-Term Monitoring of Military Peacekeepers
Gjerstad, Christer Lunde; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Falkum, Erik; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Tønnesen, Arnfinn; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Lystad, June Ullevoldsæter (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The current outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is of unprecedented proportions in several regards. Recent reports suggest that many frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) suffer from mental health ... -
A cross-sectional study of mental health-, posttraumatic stress symptoms and post exposure changes in Norwegian ambulance personnel
Reid, Bjørn Ole; Næss-Pleym, Lars E.; Bakkelund, Karin Elvenes; Dale, Jostein; Uleberg, Oddvar; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has been shown to be elevated among first responders (Emergency Medical Services, fire service, police force) compared to the general population. Examining the prevalence ... -
Danger- and non-danger-based stressors and their relations to posttraumatic deprecation or growth in Norwegian veterans deployed to Afghanistan
Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Holen, Are; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Gjerstad, Christer Lunde; Hjemdal, Odin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objective: This study aimed to explore how exposure to danger-based and non-danger-based stressors may influence personal changes in veterans (N = 4053) after deployment to Afghanistan. Method: Twelve war zone related ... -
Differences in resilience profiles between military veterans and the general population: An exploratory latent profile analysis using the HUNT-4 survey
Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Hjemdal, Odin; Huffman, Ann Hergatt; Noll, Laura Katherine; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Bakker, Lars-Petter; Anyan, Frederick (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)Using latent profile analyses, the current work investigated levels of adverse childhood experiences, symptoms of anxiety and depression and 3 dimensions of relational promotive factors) to identify resilience profiles in ... -
Exploring heterogeneity in PTSD symptoms and associated predictors and outcomes in Afghanistan veterans: A latent profile analysis
Rønning, Line; Anyan, Frederick; Hjemdal, Odin; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Mash, Holy B. Herberman; Naifeh, James A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Research on posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) typically focuses on diagnosis or symptom severity, however, this overlooks the variety of symptom patterns that exist. Latent profile analysis was used to explore PTSS ... -
Gender differences in mental health outcomes among Afghanistan veterans exposed to war zone trauma
Rønning, Line; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Hjemdal, Odin; Bøe, Hans Jakob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Research has sought to identify whether women have an increased risk of developing mental health problems following military trauma compared to men, but the results are mixed. This study examined gender differences in a ... -
Helplessness & Trauma: The Relative Influence of Peritraumatic Helplessness and Danger on Long-Term Mental Health Among Norwegian Peacekeeping Veterans
Heldal, Synne Horten (Master thesis, 2021)Hjelpeløshet og traumer: Rollen til peritraumatisk hjelpeløshet i utviklingen av posttraumatiske symptomer hos veteraner fra norske fredsbevarende styrker Mål: Peritraumatisk hjelpeløshet har blitt foreslått som en særlig ... -
How do you see me? The impact of perceived societal recognition on PTSD symptoms amongst Norwegian peacekeepers
Harwood-Gross, Anna; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Gjerstad, Christer Lunde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: The peacekeeper role is different to that of traditional combat, however, peacekeepers, like combat soldiers, may also be exposed to high levels of dangerous and/or potentially morally injurious events ... -
“Også har du jo alltid det med at man er redd for at man ikke skal være en god nok sykepleier, godt nok medmenneske.” - En kvalitativ studie av arbeidsbelastninger og moralsk skade hos helsearbeidere
Aker, Idunn; Sørheim, Symre (Master thesis, 2022)Belastningsskader og turnover i helsesektoren er et utbredt problem. Dette kan knyttes både til kroppslig belastning og psykososiale påkjenninger. Etiske problemstillinger er en integrert del av helse- og omsorgsyrker, og ... -
“Også har du jo alltid det med at man er redd for at man ikke skal være en god nok sykepleier, godt nok medmenneske.” - En kvalitativ studie om arbeidsbelastninger og moralsk skade hos helsearbeidere
Aker, Idunn; Sørheim, Symre (Master thesis, 2022)Belastningsskader og turnover i helsesektoren er et utbredt problem. Dette kan knyttes både til kroppslig belastning og psykososiale påkjenninger. Etiske problemstillinger er en integrert del av helse- og omsorgsyrker, og ... -
Posttraumatic Deprecation or Growth among Norwegian Veterans Who Served in Afghanistan: Influences of Peri- and Post-Traumatic Factors on Personal Development
Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:57, Doctoral thesis, 2020)"Åtte av ti Afghanistan-veteraner opplevde personlig vekst etter oppholdet i krigssonen, viser en ny doktoravhandling. Bare 8 prosent opplevde en negativ utvikling. Studien viser også at det var verre for soldatene å være ... -
Posttraumatic Stress Responses and Psychological Well-being in Norwegian Medical Helicopter Personnel
Reid, Bjørn Ole; Næss-Pleym, Lars E.; Haugland, Helge; Dale, Jostein; Uleberg, Oddvar; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objective Emergency medical personnel are exposed to multiple stressors, including those of psychological etiologies. The aim of this study was to report the prevalence of anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress ... -
Prevalence and Correlates of Mental Health Problems in Norwegian Peacekeepers 18–38 Years Postdeployment
Gjerstad, Christer Lunde; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Falkum, Erik; Martinsen, Egil Wilhelm; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Tønnesen, Arnfinn; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Lystad, June Ullevoldsæter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Peacekeeping missions involve experiences that may impact the mental health of participating soldiers. However, research on the long‐term mental health consequences of peacekeeping is sparse. The present study aimed to ... -
The Prevalence of Sexual Harassment and Bullying Among Norwegian Afghanistan Veterans: Does Workplace Harassment Disproportionately Impact the Mental Health and Life Satisfaction of Female Soldiers?
Rønning, Line; Shor, Rachel; Anyan, Frederick; Hjemdal, Odin; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Dempsey, Catherine L.; Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Experiencing sexual harassment and bullying during military service can lead to negative consequences for a soldier’s mental health and life satisfaction, including increased risk of depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic ... -
Problematic anger among military personnel after combat deployment: prevalence and risk factors
Nordstrand, Andreas Espetvedt; Anyan, Frederick; Bøe, Hans Jakob; Hjemdal, Odin; Noll, Laura Katherine; Reichelt, Jon Gerhard; Forbes, David; Adler, Amy B. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Problematic anger, characterized by excessive frequency, intensity, and duration of anger which causes substantial emotional distress and functional interference, poses a marked challenge in military populations. ... -
Swole Protection: The Moderative Effect of Physical Exercise on Associations Between Warzone Exposure and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Skoog, Joakim; Stene, Johannes Mathias Aamodt (Master thesis, 2024)Mål: Assosiasjoner mellom krigssoneeksponering og symptomer på post-traumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD) i veteranpopulasjoner indikeres i en stadig større del av forskningslitteraturen. Samtidig trekker både kryss-seksjonelle ... -
Swole Protection: The Moderative Effect of Physical Exercise on Associations Between Warzone Exposure and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Skoog, Joakim; Stene, Johannes Mathias Aamodt (Master thesis, 2024)Mål: Assosiasjoner mellom krigssoneeksponering og symptomer på post-traumatisk stresslidelse (PTSD) i veteranpopulasjoner indikeres i en stadig større del av forskningslitteraturen. Samtidig trekker både kryss-seksjonelle ...