Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Nordahl, Henrik"
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
A test of the goodness of fit of the generic metacognitive model of psychopathology symptoms
Nordahl, Henrik; Ødegaard, Ingunn Harsvik; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Common mental disorders such as depression and anxiety frequently co-occur and may share etiological mechanisms. The metacognitive model is based on the principle that there are common pathological mechanisms ... -
A Brief History of Metacognitive Therapy: From Cognitive Science to Clinical Practice
Capobianco, Lora; Nordahl, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Metacognitive therapy (MCT) is proving to be an effective treatment for anxiety and depression with effects that may exceed CBT. It has been described as a paradigm shift in psychotherapy in its theory-driven cognitive ... -
Can metacognition help explain social anxiety and related problems better than cognition and lead to innovation in treatment?
Nordahl, Henrik (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:387, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by a marked or intense fear/anxiety of social situations in which the individual may be scrutinized by others. It is one of the most common mental health disorders with a ... -
Change in interpersonal problems and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of improvement in patients with generalized anxiety disorder
Strand, Eivind Rauø; Hjemdal, Odin; Anyan, Frederick; Nordahl, Henrik; Nordahl, Hans Morten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by persistent worry and anxiety, often with a chronic course. We tested the role of two suggested underlying factors in GAD, interpersonal problems and ... -
Cognitive and metacognitive predictors of symptom improvement following treatment for social anxiety disorder: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial
Nordahl, Henrik; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Hjemdal, Odin; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Cognitive therapy for social anxiety disorder (SAD) based on the Clark and Wells model emphasizes negative beliefs about the social self and self‐consciousness as central causal factors. However, Wells’ metacognitive model ... -
Do Patient's Interpersonal Problems Improve Following Metacognitive Therapy? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Strand, Eivind Rauø; Nordahl, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Metacognitive therapy (MCT) aims to modify dysfunctional metacognitions that are thought to be universal determinants of emotional distress and psychological dysfunction more generally. MCT is an effective treatment for ... -
Dysfunctional Attitudes versus Metacognitive Beliefs as Within-Person Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Over Time
Strand, Eivind Rauø; Anyan, Frederick; Hjemdal, Odin; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Nordahl, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Effekten av generisk gruppebasert metakognitiv terapi på interpersonlige problemer i et heterogent depresjonsutvalg i spesialisthelsetjenesten
Gården, Kristian Krogsæter; Volla, Mads Torp (Master thesis, 2024)Introduksjon: Pasienter med primær depresjonsdiagnose i spesialisthelsetjenesten har ofte et sammensatt sykdomsbilde med komorbide vansker, hvorav interpersonlige problemer er hyppig forekommende. Intervensjoner som er ... -
Effekten av generisk gruppebasert metakognitiv terapi på interpersonlige problemer i et heterogent depresjonsutvalg i spesialisthelsetjenesten
Volla, Mads Torp; Gården, Kristian Krogsæter (Master thesis, 2024)Introduksjon: Pasienter med primær depresjonsdiagnose i spesialisthelsetjenesten har ofte et sammensatt sykdomsbilde med komorbide vansker, hvorav interpersonlige problemer er hyppig forekommende. Intervensjoner som er ... -
An empirical test of the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder
Nordahl, Henrik; Vollset, Tarjei; Hjemdal, Odin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) places worrying, meta-worry (“worry about worry”) and corresponding underlying metacognitive beliefs (i.e., beliefs about worry) as central in the maintenance ... -
Er metakognitive antakelser relatert til fysisk form? En utforskende studie.
Meder, Hanna (Master thesis, 2023)“Fysisk form er et sett av egenskaper som man har eller erverver, og som er relatert til evnen man har for å utføre fysisk aktivitet” (Klepp m.fl., 2017, s.13). Det har vist seg å være viktig for fremtidig fysisk og psykisk ... -
Explaining depression symptoms in patients with social anxiety disorder: Do maladaptive metacognitive beliefs play a role?
Nordahl, Henrik; Nordahl, Hans Morten; Vogel, Patrick A.; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a major risk factor for developing symptoms of depression. Severity of social anxiety has previously been identified as a risk factor, and cognitive models emphasize dysfunctional schemas ... -
Exploring metacognitive beliefs and attentional control as statistical predictors of social anxiety, depression symptoms and work status among high socially anxious individuals
Ødegaard, Ingunn Harsvik (Master thesis, 2018)Background: Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is associated with substantial individual suffering, lower quality of life and considerable economic cost for society. It is also considered a major risk factor for developing ... -
Generic Group Metacognitive Therapy for Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Related Problems: a Preliminary Evaluation in Specialized Mental Health Care
Strand, Eivind Rauø; Veium, Lise T.; Engvik, Liv S. S.; Nordahl, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Metacognitive therapy (MCT) is a transdiagnostic treatment approach with substantial empirical support that is well suited to be delivered in a group format. The present study reports on data from a service evaluation of ... -
Hvilke antagelser er mest sentrale blant personer med bekymringsangst? En utforskende nettverksundersøkelse basert på en kognitiv og en metakognitiv modell for generalisert angstlidelse
Vollset, Tarjei (Master thesis, 2022)Introduksjon: ========= Både kognitiv atferdsterapi med eksplisitt fokus på intoleranse for usikkerhet og metakognitiv terapi for generalisert angstlidelse, har allerede i flere behandlingsstudier vist seg effektive i å ... -
In or out of work: A preliminary investigation of mental health, trait anxiety and metacognitive beliefs as predictors of work status
Nordahl, Henrik; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Common mental disorders are associated with significant economic, social, and personal costs that are primarily incurred through loss of work status. Psychological interventions based on cognitive‐behavioural ... -
Individual differences in metacognitive knowledge contribute to psychological vulnerability more than the presence of a mental disorder does
Nordahl, Henrik; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Psychological vulnerability can be operationalized as trait-anxiety, the stable tendency to experience anxiety and negative affect when exposed to stress. The current study set out to test whether metacognitive beliefs ... -
Is mental regulation related to self-esteem? Testing a basic metacognitive model
Solheim, Marte; Pukstad, Erlend; Anyan, Frederick; Strand, Eivind Rauø; Nordahl, Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Individual differences in global self-esteem are associated with general psychological functioning and well-being, and lower self-esteem could be a target for prevention and treatment interventions. Traditionally, self-esteem ... -
Is meta-worry relevant to interpersonal problems? Testing the metacognitive model of generalized anxiety disorder in an analogue- and a clinical sample of GAD
Nordahl, Henrik; Strand, Eivind Rauø; Hjemdal, Odin; Nordahl, Hans Morten (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Interpersonal problems are common in individuals with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and improved interpersonal functioning is an important goal in treatment. In the metacognitive model of worry and generalized anxiety ... -
Measuring the Cognitive Attentional Syndrome Associated with Emotional Distress: Psychometric Properties of the CAS-1
Nordahl, Henrik; Wells, Adrian (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The self-regulatory executive function model is the basis of metacognitive therapy and proposes that psychological disorders are caused by maladaptive beliefs about thinking (metacognitive beliefs) and a perseverative ...