Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Neokleous, Georgios"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Addressing one of the long-standing controversies in foreign language teaching: Young learners’ perceptions on the use of the mother tongue in EFL classrooms
Neokleous, Georgios; Damianou, Despina (Journal article, 2018)Throughout the years, many studies grappled with the perennially pressing question about the integration of the mother tongue (MT) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom. Few studies, however, ventured into ... -
Comparing pre-service teacher attitudes toward the use of students’ home language(s) in linguistically diverse English as an additional language classrooms in Norway and Cyprus
Neokleous, Georgios; Karpava, Sviatlana (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Globalization, increased transnational mobility, and growing refugee populations have shifted the focus from traditionally monolingual to incrementally multilingual and multicultural classrooms and have put a ... -
Creating Space for Dynamic Language Use: Cultivating Literacy Development through Translanguaging Pedagogy in EAL Classrooms
Neokleous, Georgios; Park, Koeun; Krulatz, Anna (Chapter, 2020)With English as an Additional Language (EAL) classrooms increasingly becoming culturally and linguistically diverse, the use of the students' home language(s) (HLs) can equip emergent bilinguals/multilinguals with the ... -
Dynamic assessment in university-level CLIL: Forging mature L2 writers through mediation
Krulatz, Anna; Neokleous, Georgios; Ofte, Ingunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)This paper describes a case study that examined implementation of dynamic assessment (DA) of L2 academic writing in a university level content and language integrated learning (CLIL) class taught in English. One teacher ... -
Ei studie som undersøkjer kvifor lærarar vel å bruke Google Docs i engelskfaget
Aasprang, Fredrik Jin (Master thesis, 2019)Denne studias føremål er å undersøke lærarars syn på bruken av Google Docs i ein engelsk som eit framandspråks samanheng. Google Docs er eit web-basert program med trekk som omfattar tekst produksjon og delinga av tekstar ... -
Embracing Linguistic Diversity: Exploring Teachers' Attitudes Towards Home Language Use in the Norwegian EAL Classroom
Olsen, Mia Storengen (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker det komplekse landskapet som er læreres holdninger til å bruke elevenes morsmål (definert som «home language») i engelsk klasserommet i Norge. Studien har som mål å ta for seg følgende ... -
Fostering literacy in adolescent EFL classrooms: An overview of techniques and teaching ideas
Krulatz, Anna; Neokleous, Georgios (Journal article, 2018)This article discusses the importance of focused literacy instruction in foreign language teaching, in particular when working with adolescent learners. It first provides an overview of current definitions of literacy, ... -
Handbook of Research on Cultivating Literacy in Diverse and Multilingual Classrooms
Neokleous, Georgios; Krulatz, Anna; Farrelly, Raichle (Book, 2020)Literacy has traditionally been associated with the linguistic and functional ability to read and write. Although literacy, as a fundamental issue in education, has received abundant attention in the last few decades, most ... -
The Impact of Teacher Education on English Teachers’ Views about Using Mother Tongues: A Teachers’ Perspective
Neokleous, Georgios; Krulatz, Anna; Xu, Yaqiong (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
In-service teacher attitudes toward the use of the mother tongue in Norwegian EFL classrooms
Neokleous, Georgios; Ofte, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Because of the lack of research on the use of the mother tongue (MT) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom in European contexts, and because the topic is rarely discussed in teacher training programs, teachers ... -
Interpreting technologically fluent classrooms: digital natives’ attitudes towards the use of technology in primary schools in Norway.
Neokleous, Georgios (Chapter, 2019)This qualitative study provides baseline data on young learner attitudes towards the use of technology in primary schools. Through individual interviews, the students highlighted the importance of its application and ... -
Investigating Norwegian EAL Teacher-Preparedness and Challenges in Teaching Linguistically Diverse Students
Olafsen, Nadja Isabel Balsnes (Master thesis, 2024)Statistisk sentralbyrå viser at mer enn 200 språk er representert i norske klasserom i dag (Neokleous & Karpava, 2023; Statistisk sentralbyrå, 2022). I en stadig mer globalisert verden tar folk med seg språkene og kulturene ... -
Investigation into Norwegian Teachers’ Perspectives on the Use of Students' Mother Tongue in the EFL Classroom
Neokleous, Georgios; Krulatz, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper reports the results of a questionnaire-based study that examined Norwegian EFL teachers’ views on the use of students' mother tongue (MT) in teaching English as a foreign language (EFL). It focuses on the teachers’ ... -
Student and Teacher Attitudes Toward the Use of Home Languages in the Norwegian EAL Classroom
Natlandsmyr, Kristina Vangen (Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å utforske studenter og læreres holdninger til bruken av morsmål (definert som «home language») i engelskklasserom i Norge. Som en konsekvens av globalisering og mobilitet har det blitt en ... -
Teacher and Student Attitudes Towards L1 Use in the Norwegian EFL Classroom
Følsvik, Jonathan (Master thesis, 2022)Føremålet til denne oppgåva er å utforske praksisar og perspektiv rundt bruken av førstespråk i engelskklasserommet i Norge. Sidan minoritetsspråklege elevar er ei stadig veksande befolkning i Norge ser denne studien på ... -
"This is me, people!" - Norwegian EFL Learners´ Perceptions of Digital Storytelling as a Learning Tool - A Qualitative Case Study
Vågen, Amanda (Master thesis, 2018)Digital historiefortelling (DST) har blitt etablert som et verdifullt verktøy for læring og undervisning av engelsk som fremmedspråk (EFL). Det er imidlertid viet lite oppmerksomhet til elevenes egen oppfatning av DST og ...