Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Musiol, Hanna"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
All "Bi" Ourselves?: Bisexual representation in contemporary YA literature and its prevalence the past two decades
Myrås, Julie Teigen (Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteravhandlingen utforsker og analyserer hvordan biseksualitet har blitt presentert i ungdomslitteratur i det 21. århundre, og hvordan den har utviklet seg fra å være nesten ikke- eksisterende i ungdomslitteraturen ... -
‘And They Say We Shouldn’t Teach Children About Evil…’ - Harry Potter as a Tool for Understanding Evil
Andresen, Emilie Flyen (Master thesis, 2017)This thesis examines the portrayal of evil in the seven Harry Potter novels, written by J. K. Rowling. With its roots in the criticism raised against the books, the thesis attempts to answer if the concerns about children ... -
'Beyond the Word': Immersion, Art, and Theory in Environmental and Digital Humanities Prototyping
Musiol, Hanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)“Beyond the Word” explores the entanglements of Digital and Environmental Humanities (D&EH) with the word and textuality — but also beyond the word and text — with bodies, art, and digital apparati at its center as narrative, ... -
Black Speculations: Embodying Geography and Re-Visioning the Future in N. K. Jemisin's Broken Earth Trilogy
Hansen, Leni Terese (Master thesis, 2021)This project focuses on N. K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy and examines the way she narrates flesh and land in her speculative fiction. Jemisin utilizes Afrofuturist neo-slave narrative to challenge past and present ... -
Cartographic Storytelling, Migration, and Reception Environments
Musiol, Hanna (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article focuses on mapping and spatial thinking in migrant storytelling and knowledge-making across diverse border infrastructures. Set against the carceral regimes' investment in migration research, schooling, and ... -
Constructing Libraries of Life and Death: Textual Artefacts, Visuality and Space as Narrative Devices in Giant Sparrow's What Remains of Edith Finch and Alison Bechdel's Fun Home
Hatling, Idunn Nielsen (Master thesis, 2020)Gjennom å undersøke to forskjellige multimodale fortellinger, videospillet What Remains of Edith Finch og det grafiske memoaret Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic, viser denne oppgaven hvilken funksjonalitet tekstlige gjenstander, ... -
Defiant bodies: Narratives of change in The Hate U Give and Frankenstein in Baghdad
Nesset, Lisa Fridén (Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan narrativer påvirker vår oppfatning av andre mennesker til en så stor grad at enkelte drap anses som berettiget, kanskje også forventet. Fokuset i oppgaven ligger på narrativer som går mot ... -
Embodiment and Disembodiment: The spatialisation of the woman and the genderification of space in ‘Cassandra’ by Christa Wolf
Liang, Tora (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan den kvinnelige kroppen er "romsliggjort" i relasjon til en kjønning av virkelige og forestilte steder i Christa Wolfs roman 'Cassandra'. Ved å bruke en feministisk litterær geografi, ... -
Feminism and Womanism in Literature - Applying literature in the classroom to identify and understand oppression of women
Skabo, Irja Martine Linderud (Master thesis, 2018)In this thesis, I will explore the theories of Marilyn Frye, Sara Ahmed and Kimberlé Crenshaw. I will then show how we can identify these topics through the use of literature in the classroom. This paper is my response to ... -
Feminist Thought in the Short Form: A Study in the Works of Women Writers in North America from 1971 to 2017
Nyheim, Helene (Master thesis, 2020)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan kortere verker kan bidra til en feministisk diskurs. Ved å analysere kortere verker skrevet av kvinner i Nord-Amerika fra 1971 til 2017, med bakgrunn i feminisme og novelleteori, argumenterer ... -
Rogneflåten, Are (Bachelor thesis, 2024)This thesis is concerned with the utilization literary analysis on video games. It analyses the storytelling techniques used in the video game Elden Ring through environmental and communal storytelling. The focus is primarily ... -
Inhabiting a Female Form: Navigating Violence and Resistance in Her Body and Other Parties and The Undying
Myrseth, Idun (Master thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen utforsker temaene vold og motstand i Carmen Maria Machados Her Body and Other Parties (2019) og Anne Boyers The Undying (2020). Ved å analysere hvordan Machado og Boyer skildrer kompleksiteten i kvinnelige ... -
Keeping it Real: Analyzing intersectional narratives of gender and sexuality in popular Hip Hop today through Megan Thee Stallion and Lil Nas X
Wik, Julie Amundsen (Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven analyserer viktigheten av varierte narrativ om seksualitet og kjønn gjennom interseksjonelle rappere i populær Hip Hop. Den undersøker hvordan dette fremstilles av Megan Thee Stallion og Lil Nas X i dag. ... -
“Leaving my body and history behind.”: Representations of Transmasculine Identity in Gregory Casparian’s An Anglo-American Alliance and Austin Chant’s Peter Darling in a Literary Trans Archive.”
Drågen, Ask Kristian Bergseth (Master thesis, 2020)Et sentralt problem når man arbeider med konstruksjonen av arkiv som omhandler minoriteters historie er at man må må arbeide med kilder som kan ønske å skjule eller benekte deres eksistens. Dette er en spesielt aktuell ... -
Life in the Ruins: Post-Apocalyptic Narratives of Survival
Stifjell, Celina Annabell (Master thesis, 2018)This project argues that climate fiction plays an important role in resisting defeatist attitudes to global warming and in teaching how to live in an Anthropocene era. Specifically, the thesis investigates how diverse ... -
Mapping Resistance: Spatial Narratives and Power Struggles in Los Angeles
Danielsen Berglund, Jon (Master thesis, 2024)Dette prosjektet undersøker bruken av rom i to moderne, postmoderne romaner, utforsker måtene det urbane landskapet i Los Angeles i Inherent Vice og Tropic of Orange forvandles til arenaer for kontroll, undertrykkelse og ... -
Mental Health and The Voyage Out: Rachel Vinrace as a Representation of Virginia Woolf
Aardal, Elisabeth Bach (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven utforsker forholdet mellom Rachel Vinrace fra The Voyage Out, Virginia Woolf, og deres psykiske helse. Analysen peker mot likheter mellom deres erfaringer med å ha blitt misbrukt og neglisjert, i tillegg til ... -
No Fear Shakespeare: Disseminating Hamlet Through Adaptation
Lundbø, Camilla Ingebrigtsen (Master thesis, 2018)This thesis discusses the value in using adaptations of Shakespeare’s Hamlet to have more readers experience and understand of the work. Two adaptions are discussed: John Crowther’s side-by-side translation of Hamlet from ... -
Place by Co-Design: Industry, Postcolony, and Environmental Storytelling
Musiol, Hanna; DeSoto, Pablo (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The thinker-creators gathered here take inspiration from Christina Sharpe’s command that “we must become undisciplined.”2 True to “becoming” rather than “being,” the voices of “Becoming Undisciplined” express ongoingness, ... -
Resistance, Healing, and Ghostly Bodies in Diasporic Vietnamese Narratives
Pham, Minh Chau Nguyen (Master thesis, 2021)Drawing on Jean Langford’s, Achille Mbembe’s and Viet Thanh Nguyen’s respective works on migration, ghost, and consolation, this thesis focuses on diasporic Vietnamese narratives as healing practices. Specifically, the ...