Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Monteban, Dennis"
Measurements and Modelling of Arctic Coastal Environments
Monteban, Dennis (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:213, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The most pronounced effects of climate change are observed in the polar regions, especially in the Arctic, which is currently warming more rapidly than the rest of the world. The Arctic is losing sea ice, and the oceans ... -
Physical oceanographic conditions and a sensitivity study on meltwater runoff in a West Greenland fjord: Kangerlussuaq
Monteban, Dennis; Pedersen, Jens Olaf Pepke; Nielsen, Morten Holtegaard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In this paper, we discuss the first setup of a hydrodynamic model for the fjord-type estuary Kangerlussuaq, located in West Greenland. Having such a high-fidelity numerical model is important because it allows us to fill ... -
Review of wave-ice interaction studies
Li, Hongtao; Lubbad, Raed; Monteban, Dennis (Chapter, 2018)In the past several decades, sea-ice cover in the Arctic Ocean advances later than usual in the autumns and retreats earlier in the springs due to climate change. Concomitantly, total area of ice cover reduces and average ... -
Sentinel-1 sar observations of peak wavelength and dominant wave direction in the marginal ice zone of the barents sea
Monteban, Dennis; Lubbad, Raed; Johnsen, Harald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has proven to be a very important source of data in the Polar regions because it covers large areas continuously, independent of the weather and time of day. In this study, we make use of ...