Blar i NTNU Open på forfatter "Mitcheltree, Christina Marie"
Cyber Awareness i Små- og Mellomstore Bedrifter
Kristiansen, Fredrik Kirkebirkeland; Hustvedt, Per Håvard Kolle (Master thesis, 2023)Små- og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB) står for en betydelig andel av Europas økonomi og mange virksomheter ser på SMB-er som viktige samarbeidspartnere. Det er fordi flere organisasjoner er avhengig av SMB-ene sine tjenester ... -
Cyber security culture as a resilience-promoting factor for human-centered Machine Learning and Zero-defect Manufacturing environments
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie; Mugurusi, Godfrey; Holtskog, Halvor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Humans have often been perceived as a leading cause of error in Zero-defect manufacturing (ZDM) processes. There is thus a reduction of human interventions in the deployment of industry 4.0 (I4.0) technologies used for ZDM ... -
Endringsprosjekt i en byggherreorganisasjon med komplekse eksterne grensesnitt
Heldal, Steffen (Bachelor thesis, 2022)I denne bacheloroppgaven er endring valgt som tema. Innen majoriteten av faglitteratur ansees organisasjonsendring som både positivt og nødvendig. Erfaring fra de siste 30 årene viser derimot at endringsprosjekter som regel ... -
Enhancing innovation speed through trust: -A case study on reframing employee defensive routines
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Trust in organizations plays an essential role for efficient innovation implementation. However, trust between managers and employees is under-communicated in relation to innovation speed. Innovation speed is related to ... -
Overcoming the limits of language in innovation projects - Exploring Design Thinking as an approach to worldview inconsistencies and innovation speed
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2021:283, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Innovation is one of the foremost generators of value for organizations. Yet, keeping up with rapid technological changes and market demands requires new ways of thinking about innovation, within and between organizations. ... -
Studying Design Thinking as a forthcoming source to innovation speed
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie; Holtskog, Halvor; Ringen, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)With complex technology-intense industries follows an ever-increasing need for rapid innovation processes. Yet, innovation speed and the time from idea to product realization can vary and be ... -
Towards a sense of urgency for innovation realization: a case study on complacency asymmetries in interorganizational relations
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper seeks to explore the concept of complacency as a barrier to the sense of urgency within product innovation, by investigating the concept on behalf of interfirm project partners. More specifically, the study aims ... -
Towards a shared vision in innovation projects: Understanding actor involvement as a preventative approach against defensive routines for innovation capability
Mitcheltree, Christina Marie; Holtskog, Halvor; Ringen, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper is based on the understanding that industrial product innovation projects often emphasize speed and economic accounts of the process without sufficiently considering the human mechanisms that drives the innovation ...