Now showing items 1-20 of 105

    • A hybrid aluminium alloy and its zoo of interacting nano-precipitates 

      Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Ervik, Martin; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2015)
      An alloy with aluminium as its base element is heat treated to form a multitude of precipitate phases known from different classes of industrial alloys: Al–Cu(–Mg), Al–Mg–Si–Cu, and Al–Zn–Mg. Nanometer-sized needle-shaped ...
    • A study of the influence of precipitate free zones on the strain localization and failure of the aluminium alloy AA7075-T651 

      Fourmeau, Marion; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Børvik, Tore; Benallal, Ahmed; Hopperstad, Odd Sture (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Age-hardened aluminium alloys have various degrees of precipitate-free zones (PFZs) along grain boundaries (GBs). The PFZs are weak zones and their existence promotes combined transgranular and intergranular fracture, thus ...
    • A TEM study of the precipitates in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy system 

      Marioara, Calin Daniel (Dr. ingeniøravhandling, 0809-103X; 2000:103, Doctoral thesis, 2001)
      The purpose of this work has been to gain a better understanding of the details of the precipitation sequence in Al-Mg-Si alloys. Because of the complexity of such ternary systems is has been necessary to limit the study ...
    • Aberration-corrected HAADF-STEM investigations of precipitate structures in Al-Mg-Si alloys with low Cu additions 

      Saito, Takeshi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Lefebvre, Williams; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2014)
      Precipitates in a lean Al–Mg–Si alloy with low Cu addition (~0.10 wt.%) were investigated by aberration-corrected high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM). Most precipitates were ...
    • Accelerating precipitation hardening by natural aging in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy 

      Li, Chunan; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi; Li, Yanjun; Hatzoglou, Constantinos (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      It is well known that long time natural aging (NA) after quenching from solution treatment will significantly reduce the precipitation hardening kinetics and peak hardness of most 6xxx aluminum alloys during later artificial ...
    • Additive Manufacturing of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion 

      Zhang, Kai; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Hovig, Even Wilberg; Du, Qiang; Onsøien, Morten Ingar; Marthinsen, Knut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    • An unreported precipitate orientation relationship in Al-Zn-Mg based alloys 

      Bendo, Artenis; Matsuda, Kenji; Lervik, Adrian; Tsuru, Tomohito; Nishimura, Katsuhiko; Nunomura, Norio; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Shimuzu, Kazuyuki; Toda, Hiroyuki; Yamaguchi, Masatake (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Characterization of precipitates in Al-Zn-Mg alloys, using a combination of electron diffraction, bright field transmission electron microscopy and atomic scale scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging revealed ...
    • Atomic structure of clusters and GP-zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy 

      Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Hell, Christoph Martin; Frafjord, Jonas; Friis, Jesper; Bjørge, Ruben; Ringdalen, Inga Gudem; Engler, Olaf; Holmestad, Randi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The structures of atomic clusters and GP-zones preceding precipitation in an Al-0.70Mg-0.85Si-0.15Fe-0.25Mn (wt. %) alloy have been investigated by annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging and ...
    • Atomic Structure of Hardening Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys: Influence of Minor Additions of Cu and Zn 

      Bartawi, Emad H.; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Shaban, Ghada; hatzoglou, constantinos; Holmestad, Randi; Ambat, Rajan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Shifting toward sustainability and low carbon emission necessitates recycling. Aluminum alloys can be recycled from postconsumer scrap with approximately 5% of the energy needed to produce the same amount of primary alloys. ...
    • Atomic structure of solute clusters in Al-Zn-Mg alloys 

      Lervik, Adrian; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Friis, Jesper; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Wenner, Sigurd; Bendo, Artenis; Matsuda, Kenji; Holmestad, Randi; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging of Al–Zn–Mg alloys has provided new information on the atomic structures of solute rich clusters forming from a supersaturated solid solution at low temperatures. A unique ...
    • Atomic structures of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si alloys with small additions of other elements 

      Saito, Takeshi; Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Friis, Jesper; Matsuda, Kenji; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      In Al–Mg–Si alloys, additions of only a few weight percent of Mg and Si enable formation of hardening precipitates during heat treatment. The precipitation is complex and is influenced by chemical compositions and ...
    • Atomic-resolution chemical mapping of ordered precipitates in Al alloys using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy 

      Wenner, Sigurd; Jones, Lewys; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2017)
      Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) is a common technique for chemical mapping in thin samples. Obtaining high-resolution elemental maps in the STEM is ...
    • Atomic-resolution electron energy loss studies of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu-Ag alloy 

      Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Ramasse, Quentin; Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria; Hage, Fredrik Sydow; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2014)
      Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with electron energy loss spectroscopy has been used to determine the distribution of Cu and Ag atomic columns of precipitates in an Al–Mg–Si–Cu–Ag ...
    • Atomic-resolution elemental mapping of precipitates in a 7449 aluminium alloy 

      Wenner, Sigurd; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Lefebvre, Williams; Ramasse, Quentin; Kepaptsoglou, Despoina Maria; Hage, Fredrik Sydow; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2014)
      The high-strength weldable 7xxx series of aluminium alloys are of great importance to the aeronautics industry. Only recently, the complex structures of the AlZnMg hardening precipitates have been solved by HAADFSTEM imaging ...
    • Atomistic details of precipitates in lean Al–Mg–Si alloys with trace additions of Ag and Ge studied by HAADF-STEM and DFT 

      Mørtsell, Eva Anne; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Friis, Jesper; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article, 2017)
      Bonding energies and volume misfits for alloying elements and vacancies in multicomponent Al–Mg–Si alloys have been calculated using density functional theory (DFT). A detailed atomic scale analysis has been done for ...
    • AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labeling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al-Mg-Si-(Cu) alloys 

      Tvedt, Haakon (Master thesis, 2020)
      Når Al-Mg-Si (6xxx) legeringer utherdes, får vi en rik samling av utfellinger eller presipitater, de fleste som nåler, stenger eller staver langs <100> retningene i aluminiumsgitteret. Disse presipitatene har betydelig ...
    • AutomAl 6000: Semi-automatic structural labelling of HAADF-STEM images of precipitates in Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloys 

      Tvedt, Haakon; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Thronsen, Elisabeth; Hell, Christoph Martin; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle; Holmestad, Randi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)
      When the Al–Mg–Si(–Cu) alloy system is subjected to age hardening, different types of precipitates nucleate depending on the composition and thermomechanical treatment. The main hardening precipitates extend as needles, ...
    • Carbon nanofibers have IgE adjuvant capacity but are less potent than nanotubes in promoting allergic airway responses 

      Nygaard, Unni Cecilie; Samuelsen, Mari; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Løvik, Martinus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      There is a growing concern for the possible health impact of nanoparticles. The main objective of this study was to investigate the allergy-promoting capacity of four different carbon nanofiber (CNF) samples in an injection ...
    • Characterisation of structural similarities of precipitates in Mg–Zn and Al–Zn–Mg alloys systems 

      Bendo, Artenis; Maeda, Tomoyoshi; Matsuda, Kenji; Lervik, Adrian; Holmestad, Randi; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Nishimura, Katsuhiko; Nunomura, Norio; Toda, Hiroyuki; Yamaguchi, Masatake; Ikeda, Ken-ichi; Homma, Tomoyuki (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      High angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy has been employed to observe precipitate structures in Al–Zn–Mg and Mg–Zn alloys. h1 precipitate structures in Al–Zn–Mg are commonly formed by MgZn2 ...
    • Characterization and structure of precipitates in 6xxx Aluminium Alloys 

      Holmestad, Randi; Bjørge, Ruben; Ehlers, Flemming J H; Torsæter, Malin; Marioara, Calin Daniel; Andersen, Sigmund Jarle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Solute atom nanoscale precipitates are responsible for the favourable mechanical properties of heat treatable aluminium alloys such as Al-Mg-Si (6xxx). The shape, structure and strengthening properties of age-hardening ...