Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Malzahn, Arne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Biochemical composition of Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereidae) reared on different types of aquaculture sludge
Anglade, Inka; Dahl, Thomas; Kristensen, Bjørn; Hagemann, Andreas; Malzahn, Arne; Reitan, Kjell Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Sustainable growth of the salmon aquaculture industry is highly dependent on the availability of new feed resources as well as improved management and utilization of waste streams from production. Polychaetes ... -
Can lipidomics help identifying egg quality in ballan wrasse?
Malzahn, Arne; Sarno, Antonio; Hagemann, Andreas; Farkas, Julia; Musialak, Luciana Alves; Kjørsvik, Elin; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) is in the limelight of aquaculture research due to the species role as cleaner fish in salmon aquaculture. A major drawback is that the salmon industry still depends on wild caught fish as ... -
Cultivation of Acartia tonsa with 3 different marine microalgae to optimize productivity and nutritional value
Filippusson, Orri (Master thesis, 2018)The conventional method for first feeding of marine fish is to use enriched rotifers (Brachionus spp.) in the beginning and followed with enriched Artemia, before transfer to dry feed. Recent researches have shown that ... -
Degumming of Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) eggs
Shabbir, Fahad (Master thesis, 2022)Etterspørselen etter berggylt (Labrus bergylta) har økt gjennom årene på grunn av dens effektivitet som rensefisk for å fjerne lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) fra oppdrettslaks (Salmo salar) i merder. En av utfordringene ... -
Dietary and seasonal variability in trophic relations at the base of the North Sea pelagic food web revealed by stable isotope and fatty acid analysis
Katherina L., Schoo; Maarten, Boersma; Malzahn, Arne; Martin G.J., Loeder; Karen H., Wiltshire; Aberle-Malzahn, Nicole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A two-dimensional biomarker approach including fatty acids and stable isotopes of seston and copepods was applied to examine how the variability at the base of the food web affects trophic interactions between primary ... -
Effects of different live feeding regimes on the development and lipid composition of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae
García-Calvo, Laura (Master thesis, 2024)Lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) utgjør en av de største utfordringene for utvidelsen av norsk lakseoppdrett, og påvirker produksjonen, fiskevelferden og villaksbestandene negativt. Effektiviteten til både kjemiske og ... -
Effects of temperature, salinity and diet on embryonic and early larval development in Littorina littorea (Gastropoda: Littorinimorpha)
Lillebjerka, Tora; Malzahn, Arne; Kjørsvik, Elin; Hagemann, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: The common periwinkle Littorina littorea is a delicacy in southern Europe. Enabling aquaculture production would be measure to avoid future over-harvesting and ensure a constant market supply. Methods: ... -
Effects on the survival and development of Acartia tonsa fed different Rhodomonas species cultivated on different nitrogen concentrations
Johannesen, Unn Vagnsdóttir (Master thesis, 2018)Marine larvae need a live feed with a high amount of PUFA especially EPA and DHA to have a healthy development. Copepods are the preferred choice of live feed since they are there natural food source and have the right ... -
Embryonic and larval development in the semelparous Nereid polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) in Norway: Challenges and perspectives
Wang, Haiqing; Hagemann, Andreas; Reitan, Kjell Inge; Uhre, Marianne; Malzahn, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Knowledge of broodstock manipulation, gametogenesis, artificial fertilization and larval nutrition is a prerequisite to reach a large‐scale production of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. In this study, the characteristics ... -
Embryonic and larval development in the semelparous Nereid polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) in Norway: Challenges and perspectives
Wang, Haiqing; Hagemann, Andreas; Reitan, Kjell Inge; Uhre, Marianne; Malzahn, Arne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Knowledge of broodstock manipulation, gametogenesis, artificial fertilization and larval nutrition is a prerequisite to reach a large‐scale production of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor. In this study, the characteristics ... -
First feed matters: The first diet of larval fish programmes growth, survival, and metabolism of larval ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta)
Malzahn, Arne; Ribicic, Deni; Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Sarno, Antonio; Kjørsvik, Elin; Aase, Anna Sigrid Nordberg; Alves Musialak, Luciana; Garcia Calvo, Laura; Hagemann, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The use of cleaner fish, such as the ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta), is important for combatting the sea lice problem in salmonid cage farming. Ballan wrasse is the only wrasse species that is cultivated, though only about ... -
Growth and nutritional composition of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) cultivated on waste from land-based salmon smolt aquaculture
Wang, Haiqing; Seekamp, Inka; Malzahn, Arne; Hagemann, Andreas; Carvajal, Ana Karina; Slizyte, Rasa; Standal, Inger Beate; Handå, Aleksander; Reitan, Kjell Inge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Increased aquaculture production will result in increased amounts of waste produced, and these wastes are highly underexploited. Polychaetes might effectively consume such waste and transfer them into compounds as marine ... -
Growth of the Polychaete Hediste diversicolor (O. F. Müller, 1776) fed on Smolt Sludge and Biogas Residues - Evaluation of RNA/DNA Ratio as growth indicator
Berntsen, Fredrik Hofseth (Master thesis, 2018)The last decades have seen decimation of several fish stocks, leading to increased governmental restrictions on the worlds wild fish catch. In contrast, the consumption demand of marine food has increased greatly. To meet ... -
Growth, survival and liver histology in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) larvae fed different start-feeding diets (Artemia, copepods, cirripeds and formulated diet)
Kværnø, Sunniva Brevik (Master thesis, 2022)Den norske produksjonen av atlantisk laks (Salmo salar) har siden 2012 vært stabil, hovedsakelig på grunn av problemer med lakselus (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). For å bekjempe lusa har det blitt satt ut lusespisende rensefisk ... -
Investigating development, incubation and dietary effects in egg and veliger larvae of Littorina littorea (Linnaeus, 1758)
Lillebjerka, Tora (Master thesis, 2022)Vanlig Strandsnegl (Littorina littorea) er en lite utnyttet delikatesse i Norge, men arten sankes, eksporteres og konsumeres i mange europeiske land. Denne studien har undersøkt noen av de tidligere ukjente faktorene som ... -
Lipids and fatty acids development in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) larvae fed with different start feeding diets (Artemia, cirripedia, copepod (Acartia tonsa) and formulated diet
Akbar, Saba (Master thesis, 2022)Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) infestations on Salmonids (Salmo salar) in cages has brought Norwegian aquaculture to a stable production since 2012. Many chemotherapeutic , chemical, and mechanical approaches have ... -
Nutrient (C, N and P) budgets of Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) fed salmon smolt sludge
Sæther, Håkon Olai Ellingsen (Master thesis, 2022)Norge er verdens største produsent av atlantisk laks (Salmo salar), med en årlig produksjon på omtrent 1.3 millioner tonn. Med matproduksjon på denne skalaen oppstår det store mengder med næringsforurensning i form av ... -
Nutritional condition of ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) larvae reared on different live feed diets – an investigation of gut and liver histology
Aase, Anna Sigrid Norberg (Master thesis, 2022)Lakselusproblematikk fortsetter å være den største hindringen for fortsatt vekst i den norske laksenæringen, hvor mange avlusningsoperasjoner blir gjennomført hvert år for å holde lusetallene nede. Bruk av berggylt som en ... -
Ova lipid profiling and egg quality in wild and captive lumpfish, Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Hansen, Bjørn Henrik; Kjørsvik, Elin; Malzahn, Arne; Sarno, Antonio; Kulild, Ole Martin; Farkas, Julia; Nordtug, Trond; Rye, Rebecca; Kvæstad, Bjarne; Lein, Ingrid; Hagemann, Andreas (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) serves an important role as cleaner fish for removing salmon lice in salmon aquaculture. For this use, cultivated lumpfish are preferred over wild-caught fish to avoid overexploitation of ... -
The role of manipulating photoperiod and temperature in oocyte development of the polychaete hediste diversicolor (O.F. Müller, 1976)
Wang, Haiqing; Hagemann, Andreas; Malzahn, Arne; Handå, Aleksander; Uhre, Marianne; Kjørsvik, Elin; Reitan, Kjell Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Three different experiments were conducted to examine the oocyte development of the polychaete Hediste diversicolor in response to changing photoperiod and temperature at three different periods of oogenesis. In experiment ...