Browsing NTNU Open by Author "Madshaven, Inge"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Cerman: Software for simulating streamer propagation in dielectric liquids based on the Townsend–Meek criterion
Madshaven, Inge; Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud; Åstrand, Per-Olof (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)We present a software to simulate the propagation of positive streamers in dielectric liquids. Such liquids are commonly used for electric insulation of high-power equipment. We simulate electrical breakdown in a needle–plane ... -
Conductivity and capacitance of streamers in avalanche model for streamer propagation in dielectric liquids
Madshaven, Inge; Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud; Unge, Mikael; Hjortstam, Olof; Åstrand, Per-Olof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Propagation of positive streamers in dielectric liquids, modeled by the electron avalanche mechanism, is simulated in a needle–plane gap. The streamer is modeled as an RC-circuit where the channel is a resistor and the ... -
Modeling the propagation of streamers in liquids - The Townsend-Meek criterion and a novel model for photoionization
Madshaven, Inge (Master thesis, 2015)Conducting channels forms when a dielectric liquid is subjected to high electric stress. These channels are know as streamers, and if allowed the time to form and propagate, they can lead to an electrical breakdown. Sintef ... -
Modeling the transition to fast mode streamers in dielectric liquids
Madshaven, Inge; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud; Unge, Mikael; Hjortstam, O. (Chapter, 2017)A simplified model for photoionization, modeling fast streamer propagation, is combined with an existing model for slow streamers, based on electron avalanches. Transitions from fast mode to slow mode, and from slow mode ... -
Photoionization model for streamer propagation mode change in simulation model for streamers in dielectric liquids
Madshaven, Inge; Hestad, Øystein Leif Gurandsrud; Unge, Mikael; Hjortstam, Olof; Åstrand, Per-Olof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Radiation is important for the propagation of streamers in dielectric liquids. Photoionization is a possibility, but the effect is difficult to differentiate from other contributions. In this work, we model radiation from ... -
Simulating electron-avalanche-driven positive streamers in dielectric liquids
Madshaven, Inge (Doctoral theses at NTNU;2020:289, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Summary of thesis: The thesis presents a novel predictive model for simulating positive streamers in dielectric liquids. Such liquids are commonly used for electrical insulation of high-power equipment, for example power ... -
Simulation model for the propagation of second mode streamers in dielectric liquids using the Townsend-Meek criterion
Madshaven, Inge; Åstrand, Per-Olof; Hestad, Øystein; Ingebrigtsen, Stian; Unge, Mikael; Hjortstam, Olof (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A simulation model for second mode positive streamers in dielectric liquids is presented. Initiation and propagation is modeled by an electron-avalanche mechanism and the Townsend–Meek criterion. The electric breakdown is ...